We had a conversation with Higher Self over this subject matter and the caveat follows:- Q Astral projection, why can some people achieve/do it not others? A If it serves a purpose and is in their life plan/agreements then it will happen Q What if it’s not in their life plan, could they do with it with training and persistence? A No, their Higher Self would block/stop it. Like I did with you
ASTRAL TRAVEL: A Beginners Guide To Having AN OBE FAST! Astral projection is the ability to separate your astral or spirit body from your physical body, allowing you to explore the astral realm. You’re still connected to your body with a silver cord and can return at any time.
It’s NOT the same as lucid dreams. Very different in fact, but kinda similar. I’ll explain.
Update: for those who just want to get started and master astral projection (people who are SERIOUS and very interested in astral travel) please go here and go through the course. It will explain it far better than I can in a simple article. OR if you want a quick boost and instant astral projection, check out these binaural beats for astral projection. It will open in a new tab, don’t worry.
This is an experience which many people believe is a real thing. Whether or not it’s real is something we’ll discuss in this post, along with the most common and most effective astral travel techniques and methods. Astral travel involves becoming self aware beyond what we are used to; to the point where you can separate your astral body from your physical one and explore the other realms. It’s not something beginners will be used to, and it’s certainly not something you can learn overnight.
It can be best described as floating or lifting out of your physical body, and using your astral body. Being able to see yourself laying or sitting there, and from there you can travel to or explore any part of the physical or astral planes as you wish. It comes down to practice and astral projection technique, and there are several things you can do to make it easier; just as with Lucid Dreaming there are things you can do to learn how to Astral Project.
Astral Projection is sometimes also referred to as an OBE, or an Out of Body Experience. This means the same sort of thing, the experience of being removed from your body and seeing or feeling things outside your physical reach. Is astral projection or travel real?
Astral Projection is much like Lucid Dreaming, it’s entirely down to what you experience personally. Some people don’t believe Lucid Dreaming is real, some do. It’s all a matter of opinion. So Is Astral Projection real? Many people lucid dream every night, it’s just a fact, and there are vast numbers of people who claim to be Astral projecting every night as well. These people are often similar to lucid dreamers, just average people who have learned the skill and practice it. It’s difficult to get any sort of proof about these types of things, although, it’s easier to get proof of lucid dreaming being real than it is to prove that Astral projection is real.
The nature of Astral Travel is that it’s exploring a plain that actually exists in the world, whereas Lucid Dreaming is just controlling a dream in your head. It’s a huge difference, to go from controlling a dream in your head to exploring and experiencing a real area in the real world while being separate from your physical body. The difference is so large that many people discount Astral Projection and say it’s not real. There is no proof as such of Astral Projection, and some say it’s just a complex variation of Lucid Dreaming, that it’s all in the subjects head, just like a dream, while others will swear by the fact that it exists, and there are entire communities of people who believe they can do it. It’s one of those things that you just have to make up your own mind about. The only thing we know for certain is that if you follow the techniques outlined by websites around the world for how to Astral Project, you’ll experience a crazy type of wake induced lucid dream, because the meditation and relaxation used is powerful. You can then decide for yourself whether you call that experience Astral Travel or just a vivid Lucid Dream. It’s up to you. for the purposes of this page though, the techniques shown will be referred to as ‘How to Astral Project’.
AN ASTRAL PROJECTION TECHNIQUE FOR BEGINNERS I’ll tell you how to Astral Project tonight, even if you’re a beginner. To start with, find a relaxed environment and sit or lay comfortably. It’s possible to do this either laying down in bed or sitting in an armchair, there are even people who can do it while walking around but this takes a lot of skill. Step 1: Focus on your breathing
Control it, deep breaths, in and out until you start to feel like your mind is emptying. There should be nothing on your mind except the sound and feeling of your breathing. This is when you’ll start to feel strange, you might notice your body becoming numb or disconnected. You need to do the relaxed breathing until you get this feeling, it takes longer to begin with. Just sit or lay there, focus on clearing your mind and controlling your breathing.
Now once you’ve done that for about 20 minutes, you’ll experience a heavy wave or a heavy blanket roll over your body, you may even lose the awareness of your physical body. Let this happen and don’t get over excited.
Step 2: The vibrational stage This is where you start to shift your consciousness into a different vibrational frequency in order to project. This might be new to you, specially if you’ve never done this before. Feel your body start to vibrate and shimmer. Don’t panic Try and stay focused Let the vibrations pass over you Don’t move Don’t try to think about anything Now once this has settled in and you’re at the vibration stage, you can start to exercise your willpower. There are several ways of doing this, so it’s down to you to find the way that works best for you. Step 3: Visualize yourself moving WITHOUT moving This is where the Astral Projection techniques come into play. You need to lift yourself in your new relaxed state out of your physical body.
Some common methods are to imagine your hand contracting and closing without it actually moving, focus on the feeling until you can almost see/feel your hand move. Imagine the hand moving up slowly, and try to see and feel this all while keeping your eyes closed and focusing on your breathing. Another way is to imagine a bar or a rope above you as you lay or sit, and visualize your hand reaching out to grab it. Really focus and try to feel the movement, just reach out with your astral body and grab the rope. When you’ve found a way that works for you, and you’ve really focused on the visual aspect, exercise all your willpower and push/lift out of your body. Step 4: Rise from your body
You’ll naturally be drawn strongly back to your body the first few times, this is natural and will improve with practice. You can do this as many times as you need to, there’s no limit although some say it’s healthy to maintain a balance between the physical world and the astral. Now you’re free, you can go anywhere and do what you wish. Maybe try examining an object you’ve never really looked at before, or read the spine of a book on your shelf, then check if it’s right when you return to your body. To return to your body, simply ‘think’ it. That’s all it takes to return.
Is astral projection dangerous? The simple answer is no. This is probably because there are many horror films (especially films about sleep paralysis) in which people astral project and get stuck in the astral realm, or demons enter their bodies and trap them in another world. This is not really true.
Astral Projection is a matter of personal experience. Some people can feel that they are trapped, but then, with Lucid Dreaming when you experience sleep paralysis, it’s exactly the same thing, you feel like you can’t move and sometimes even see things that aren’t there. There is always a ‘silver cord’ attaching you to your physical body, this cannot be broken. Some people claim that Astral Projection is dangerous and there are risks involved. This is not necessarily the case, it’s a skill just like Lucid Dreaming, and there is still much we don’t know about it.
For this reason, only try to Astral Project if you’ve read up about it and know what you’re doing. If you don’t feel comfortable with it, or you don’t fully understand it, then don’t try it. If you think it’s dangerous, or you don’t feel like it’s for you, then don’t try it. It had to be mentioned on this site as it’s so similar to Lucid Dreaming, and some people who are interested in one thing are quite often interested in the other, they seem to go together nicely.
Learning more about astral projection To learn more about astral projection you should probably read articles from someone who’s more experienced in it. This blog is focused only on lucid dreaming, (except for this article) so if you want to know more about astral projection you should head over to AstralHQ.com which is an astral travel guide.
Useful tools for astral travel There are some special types of sound (brainwave entrainment) that directly help you reach the astral plane. These brainwaves are proven to help you either lucid dream, relax more deeply, sleep better and in lots of cases, have an astral projection experience. Here are some of the most common providers: The best course on astral projection: Learn the basics right through to advanced techniques in this astral projection course The unexplainable store: Lots of products, high quality, 60 day moneyback period Astral acoustics: Last but not least, these binaural beats are designed specifically to https://howtolucid.com/how-to-astral-project/
HOW TO ASTRAL PROJECT FOR BEGINNERS IN 3 EASY STEPS Astral projection is something that can be learned. While the amount of effort to reach a lucid out-of-body experience can change from person to person, a bit of theory and selecting the right approach can make a world of difference. This article is divided in 3 sections: the process, tips to help you get started and an overall look at the benefits that the OBE entails.
THE PROCESS Out of Body Experience for Beginners in 3 Steps When trying to explain how to astral project for beginners, I usually summarize the process in three steps: 1) you need to take off 2) you need to manage to stay lucid while out 3) you need to recall the experience once you go back to the physical body 1) Taking off If you are trying to figure out how to astral project easily, the first thing you need to understand is how to produce the take-off. In other words, you need to learn how to relax the physical body to the point your psychosoma (astral body) is free to take off.
Aside from the relaxation of the physical body, you will need to have the equivalent “relaxation” of your energosoma (energy body). Knowing how to unblock your chakras and achieve a better distribution of energies throughout the energosoma can be a great help in this process. Ideally, you should achieve a state with your energies that will produce a slight expansion of your energosoma. Since the energosoma is the “glue” between the physical body and the psychosoma (astral body), you will be in a better condition to take off. Unblocking chakras and expanding the energies are not absolutely necessary conditions to produce a lucid OBE, however, working on it can greatly increase your chances for take-off. Blocked areas in your energosoma can keep your astral body “glued” to the physical body. For example, you could get to the point of relaxation where you feel your legs and arms floating, and even get the head of the psychosoma to move around a bit, but feel as if there was a weight on top of the chest that keeps you inside the body.
2) Staying Lucid During Take Off On the process of learning how to achieve astral projection, lucidity is paramount. Being lucid means to be aware, cognizant, making sense of the information we receive from the environment around us consistently with how we do it in the waking state. We can say that lucidity means to be “awake” however we do not use that word in order to avoid confusion with the state of our physical body. Our physical body can be awake or asleep. We, as consciousness, can be lucid or not. So the trick to astral project is to put the physical body to sleep but to stay lucid. The consciousness is not the physical body and therefore does not need to sleep. 3) Recalling your Out-of-Body Experience The third element needed while learning how to do astral projection is to remember the experience after it happens. This is usually not the part that requires the most amount of information and training.
When you are outside the body, everything you experience is captured by you “extraphysical brain” (or parabrain) in your astral body (or psychosoma). Because of that, when you go back to the physical body a transfer of information needs to happen from this parabrain to the physical brain. This is the essence of the recall process. There are things you can do before the projection to help with the recall. Self-suggestion is one technique you can use before your OBE attempt. This recall technique consists in repeating a phrase to yourself a few times. Repeating it five or ten times is typically effective. If you can say it out loud and do it after you have achieved some relaxation, even better. The sentence should be simple and direct, something like “I will get out of my body with lucidity and remember everything when I come back”. It is important to pay attention to what you are saying and say it “with energy” and with confidence. During the OBE you can try to repeat names of people and places that you learn, and also tell yourself that you will remember those names after you wake up. Coming back to the physical body by your own decision usually helps with a more controlled reconnection and with the overall transfer of information to the physical brain. An important factor on remembering your astral projection experience is to wake up slowly and to keep your attention on the recall process as you reconnect. If you wake up abruptly, after a loud alarm goes off, and quickly move to switch it off, you would reduce your chances of recall.
The ideal scenario for recall is based on a slow reconnection process. Those kinds of alarms that increase the volume slowly can help in this regard. You should ask yourself if you recall anything from the period your physical body was asleep before making any movements. In summary: put your physical body to sleep, stay lucid, and try to manage the reconnection process to remember the experience.
TIPS 7 Astral Projection Tips for Beginners that Will Help you Get Started This section tries to give some initial ideas to individuals that are willing to start having astral projections with more lucidity. In order to have your own astral projections you might have to improve (and observe) certain aspects within your life that would help you speed up the possibility (and frequency) of lucid astral projections. The best way to leave the body or to have a lucid and controlled projection is to apply techniques; this way you have a methodology that will help you prepare and develop this process properly in order to successfully disconnect your body and allowing you to have your experience.
Tip #1: Do not believe in anything, but instead, experiment: have your own experiences. What is important here is to understand that beyond and above any information that you might read and access via the internet, a book, someone’s story, a friend’s experience or any other source, it is necessary for you to organise your expectations because when you have your own experiences whatever you read, heard or learned before can’t then be compared to your own perceptions, experiences and conclusions while you are experiencing a projection. We don’t really understand what the fruit called ‘mango’ is until we taste, swallow and digest it. So it is important for anyone that is willing to start leaving the body or to have a projection to allow him/herself to have their own conclusions and results from that experience. There’s nothing better than self-knowledge, particularly in this area.
Tip #2: Choose a good technique and apply it at least 15 times for the period of 1 month. Picking or choosing a technique is very important. Just because everyone is using a certain technique does not mean that the technique is good for you. There’s no technique that ‘fits all’. So choosing a technique will very much depend on your own characteristics (maybe you are more creative, or more rational, or you prefer something that uses breathing and relaxation, etc). So what’s your personal profile? Choose a technique that works well with your personal traits. Learn this technique very well, step by step; beginning, middle and end of the technique. There are some techniques that are very complicated and mystical, which don’t help you since they don’t provide you with the correct guide for their application. So check the technique first, understand it and memorise it. Then apply it at least 15 times for the period of 1 month (maybe choose the days where you have less work to do, or your routine allows you to concentrate better on that technique, etc). Apply it on different days and not 3 times in one day. It does not matter if you apply it in the morning, afternoon or night, as long as you spread them over the 15 days.
Tip #3: Have the right ‘mindset’ when applying the technique. Have the right ‘mindset’ when applying the technique. Have the right ‘mindset’ when applying the technique. To have an astral projection it is important to have ‘quality’ emotions, sentiments and thoughts inside of you (in order to help you develop a proper projection). These would, for example, include: confidence, self-motivation, curiosity, perseverance, persistence and so on. So avoid fear, self-doubt, anger, busy thoughts, or thoughts that are not related to astral projection. Find moments in your day in which you can easier control your thoughts and emotions and create a good mood; a positive one that works for you. So your technique should be full of positiveness towards your goal of achieving your OBE or out-of-body experience.
Tip #4: Places and conditions for you to apply the technique. Ideally you should apply your techniques in a place where you can control the physical conditions. For instance, a place where there is a door which you can lock in order to avoid people coming in in the middle of you applying your technique. Or for example lighting; do it in a dark room but have a spotlight on so you can still see inside the room/place/area. The temperature should be ideally around 20 degrees Celsius so you’re not either cold nor hot and can therefore relax better. Turn off your mobile phone or any other instrument that might make a noise or beeping sound during your technique. Lay down on a bed or a place where you are totally comfortable so you can relax completely. All these conditions when picking the place are necessary for you to be able to stay in long enough to relax and at the same time maintain your lucidity to leave the body under control.
Tip #5: How long should we apply a technique for? A person that is practising a technique to have a projection should apply this technique for a minimum time of 30 minutes and a maximum time of 1 hour. This will allow the practitioner to have enough time to apply the steps the technique offer and at the same time wait for the results to take place. So, set an alarm clock for one hour and apply all the steps of your chosen technique; calmly and in an organised way. If you apply it and finish all of the required steps but had no results and your alarm clock has not gone off yet start again from the beginning and apply step by step. Set the amount of time, apply the technique and repeat the steps if necessary for as many times as you can within the period of time. If you fall asleep and wake up in the middle of it and you haven’t heard your alarm clock start the technique again. Take advantage of the time that you have left and apply the technique as many times as you can within your time period.
Tip #6:Non-physical sensations during the application of the technique. During the application of your technique and in order to achieve a lucid and controlled projection you might experience non-physical sensations. These are sensations you may have during the technique while you are laying down on your bed. The sensations might vary from vibrations (in and on your physical body), shivers, changes in temperature, sensation of ‘internal electricity’, pressure on your head or at the back of your head, sensations of partial disconnections and so on. All these sensations are somehow a kind of warning that ‘informs’ you that you are starting to have some form of contact with other dimensions or that you are disconnecting from your physical body (or also energetic sensations). If you do feel these or any others, do pay attention and make a note of them later (after your alarm clock goes off) so you end up with a diary which contains all of your experiences. You can later study the diary in order to understand your patterns.
Tip #7: Every experience during the techniques counts! Pay attention to any ideas, sensations or images that you might have during your astral projection. When waking up from it write down all that comes to your mind! Make a Projective Diary: each morning write down on your notepad any relevant information you may have/remember and start building up ‘the collection of memories’ from your experiences. This will help to reinforce your ability to recall them and in time you will be able to recall most of your experiences! Now let’s look at the benefits in general.
BENEFITS Benefits of Having an OBE The phenomenon called out of body experience offers to anyone that experiences it the possibility of having a major life change because of its numerous benefits. One of the first and important benefits of the out of body experience is that after a few experiences the person starts to see life in a different way and death is understood in a different context.
Instead of fear, the person realizes that nobody really dies; there’s no death, we will continue to exist after this life so there’s no need to be afraid and normally from this understanding the person becomes happier, calmer, more relax, confident and has better self-esteem, improving his or her quality of life tremendously.
Another important benefit of having an OBE is the possibility to find out about our reality; where we came from: understanding and remembering facts that we already knew but that during our physical life we had forgotten. So we can remember why we came to this life, why we were born in a particular family, what we have to do in this life. This would help us have a more coherent and happier life.
Some projectors also consider that leaving the body is an opportunity to meet with relatives that have already passed away and therefore they can talk to them and maybe clarify or reconcile anything that needs to be ‘fixed’ (which was not possible during the lifetime on this planet).
So as you can see the benefits of OBE are clear; another one being the increase of your level of maturity about life (yours and others). This happens because by leaving the body you might better understand why a friend or relative is having all the problems that they are having, or why you have a problem with a specific person. The communication in an OBE is more efficient, direct and clear, therefore it helps to clarify our karmic relationships. Source. https://uk.iacworld.org/how-to-astral-project-for-beginners/ Further resources. https://howtolucid.com/how-to-astral-project/ https://www.wikihow.com/Perform-Astral-Projection# https://www.psychics4today.com/astral-projection/