Stuck in a rut? Fed up with same old same old? Are you just going through the motions and not fulfilling your dreams and best life.

PLAYING IT SAFE Fenced In A woman sits at a table in a fenced-in yard. In the distance, fireworks light the sky. The woman seems comfortable, lounging in her lovely garden but ignoring the world outside the fence. Her situation may be adequate, but really, she’s missing out on all the joy and excitement beyond her known environment. This reflects a present mind-set or situation for you.
There’s a circumstance, a relationship, or even a place that you are choosing to stay in out of familiarity, inhibition, or self-doubt. You’re if something familiar is predictable and therefore safe, but that’s not necessarily the case. In fact, you may be limiting yourself and limiting the joy you could be experiencing in your life.
Only when your choice to stay is based on a sense of genuine joy and a feeling of self-honour does this decision resonate with your heart. It’s time to look at all your options and know that you are resourceful enough to break through the fence of your own making. The abundantly beautiful world is yours for the taking. Join the celebration! Affirmation: The world is a wonderful place, and I have all the power and resources I need to make it mine! source © Sandra Anne Taylor