NEW BEGINNINGS The Start of Something Big A baby laughs in a bed of spring flowers, and the sun shines through an arbour of lilacs. This card marks the approach of something wonderful and new in your life. This new beginning may indicate the end of something else, as in the case of leaving a job to start a new one. Or it could mean adding a new endeavour to your present life experience, such as a new baby or a blossoming relationship where once there was none.
So, get ready for something exciting on the horizon. Maybe you’ve been planning it and taking steps to make it happen, or perhaps you’ve been satisfied with the status quo and not considering a change of any kind. Even if that’s the case, keep your eyes and heart open for an opportunity to start something new. Whether you’re engaging in a creative hobby or beginning a spiritual practice, the energy bodes well for great value coming through this new beginning.
Affirmation: I live each day with joy and optimism. A wonderful new beginning is coming my way. source © Sandra Anne Taylor