Soul healing, past-life healing, creativity Tangerine quartz, quartz, optical calcite
Tangerine quartz is a powerful tool for healing the soul. It is said to help with trauma or shock of any kind, soul retrieval and past—life healing, and can show the soul how to see the positive in the lessons it learns. Shamans believe that when we experience trauma or shock, a part of our soul fragments or remains stuck in that time of our life.
If you have ever felt you haven’t been the same since a certain event happened in your life, it could be a good opportunity to journey back to that event and bring that part of your soul home. Sometimes we can be reliving our past—life energy as well. Generally, if you keep doing something or a certain situation keeps happening and you have no idea why, it can indicate past life healing is needed. Working with a shaman can help you in this situation, as can calling on the healing energy or spirit of tangerine quartz. Tangerine quartz will help the soul heal and understand the lesson or gift in each trauma or learning experience.
Tangerine quartz is also a beautiful aid to help with creativity and raising kundalini energy, which are both healing activities for the soul that allow you to release blockages and nurture yourself. source © Nicola McIntosh from Crystal Grid Oracle

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