Akashic reading can ascertain if this has happened and *call it all back* to you, sometimes you use others soul fragments to 'fill the gap' which can cause massive confusion as they are not your own.

SOUL FRAGMENTS: Balance will be restored. Reclaim your inner power. The life of our soul is infinite and while aspects of the self are never truly lost, they can separate through times of trauma, grief, separation, loss or refusing to deal with an issue. The psyche’s self-preservation causes this illusionary disconnection as it chooses to distance itself from the situation in question. These fragments are merely in places our consciousness has chosen to ‘forget’ to spare the emotional turmoil from an intense emotional experience. Recalling these fragments with love, healing and understanding allows the soul to continue moving forward, without the individual feeling stuck in the past or unable to ‘get over’ an issue or event. Empowering and liberating, retrieval is recommended if you feel you are ‘missing’ parts of yourself. Although sometimes challenging to find, conscious thought and skilful self-awareness is all that is required to recall a soul fragment back to its host. Seek a professional guide if you feel more comfortable. Currently, you may be feeling incomplete, not like yourself, physically flat with no motivation, lacking joy in your life or even that you are unable to move forward in life. Right now, your soul needs to reclaim a part of its missing memory. Past trauma that is being held within you is crying out to be healed. Through recollection you will be able to see the truth and the situation for what it is. Be careful! You are entering a period in which you will be challenged emotionally. Build your resilience and remain objective. Fear-based experiences need to be addressed now. Past life regression could be beneficial to create understanding of phobias, deep-seated fears or subconscious patterns that have previously controlled areas of your life. Reclaim your power. Shadow Aspect, Fear, shallowness, detachment. Sacred Crystal, Boji Stones Angel Assistance, Guardian Angel Rampel – Clearing Karmic debris, recalling lost soul fragments. AFFIRMATION, I am the master of my own mind. I am ready to move on. source © Anna Stark