What are Archangels?

Whilst this information is helpful I don’t feel 100% accurate. Archangels, angels and guardian angels have *never* incarnated on this or any planet. Angels are celestial beings who are attendants, messengers or agents of Divine Source or God. The word archangel comes from the Greek and means chief or primary messenger. As messengers of God, Source, or Truth, archangels and their guardian angel counterparts are chiefly involved with helping human beings. Archangels not only work closely with our guardian angels, but actually manage and oversee their activities. These high energy, celestial beings are quite large and powerful, with loud and clear voices that resonate at high vibrational frequencies.
Though messages from archangels may be a bit overwhelming for whose who are not prepared for them, they are very loving and caring celestial beings who are always willing to act on our behalf. It is important to note, however, that the angels will never intercede without your consent. Though the archangels do not have genders, their functions and personas give each archangel a specific and distinctive type of energy that we interpret as either male or female when we see or represent them. Archangels are highly evolved, high-vibration celestial beings who we can evoke and connect with for their guidance, love, healing, and emotional and spiritual support.
How can Archangels Make a Positive Impact on Our Lives? Archangels hold humanity in an unconditional positive regard, meaning that they have nothing but love for all of us, regardless of religious affiliation. This means that, no matter what your religion or belief system may be, you can call on the archangels for help with any problem. Archangels are non-physical entities that are not bound by space and time as physical beings are. This means that they have the ability to help anyone who asks for help no matter where they are. Nothing is beyond the ability of the archangels to accomplish. The archangels each have their own special area of expertise, so knowing which archangels to call upon for help with specific requests increases the speed with which you will receive your answer.
Archangel Gabriel Gabriel is the archangel who helps those of us who communicate through the spoken or written word. The name Gabriel literally means ‘messenger of God,’ and he is known to help teachers, journalists, and writers communicate effectively. Gabriel can also be called upon by parents who need help conceiving, adopting, or raising children. When you call upon Archangel Gabriel you are sure to receive inspiring, high vibrational messages to share with your audience.
Archangel Metatron In the ancient Jewish tradition, it is said that the Archangel Metatron was the Biblical prophet Enoch who ascended to the angelic realm by living a life of virtue and service to God. The Hebrew Talmud says that Metatron watches over the children in Heaven and on Earth. You can call upon Metatron to help resolve childhood learning disorders and other problems that children experience in school and in their social lives. Metatron can align us with vibrational energies that will help us connect with our highest spiritual potential.
Archangel Michael Archangel Michael is the protector who releases from fear and doubt. His name means ‘Him who is like God.’ Call on Archangel Michael and you can clear away all negative energies surrounding any situation, protecting yourself and everyone involved with the situation from negativity of any kind. Archangel Michael is the one whose messages are easiest to hear. Call on Archangel Michael when you need protection and courage.
Archangel Raphael In the Hebrew tradition it is said that Raphael was one of the three archangels that visited Abraham. The name Raphael literally means ‘he who heals’ which means that you can go to Raphael with any ailment for healing, or guidance about the course of action you should take to achieve better health. If you feel called to be a healer, Raphael can guide you on your journey as well.
Archangel Ariel Ariel is the ‘lioness of God,’ and can help you acquire the material things that you need to survive in the world. When you have material needs for shelter, money or supplies, Ariel is the archangel to go to. Ariel works closely with Raphael helping humans and animals that are in need of material security and healing.
Archangel Haniel The name Haniel means ‘Glory of God.’ She is the archangel of energy, vitality, and passion. Haniel is associated with the moon and the planet Venus and is known to help open up one’s intuition and clairvoyance. According to Jewish scripture, it was Haniel who guided the prophet Enoch to the Angelic realms. When you call upon Haniel, she will help cleanse you of anxiety and worries, transforming those lower vibrations to love with her healing orb of blue light.
Archangel Jophiel Jophiel literally means ‘beauty of God,’ and has the special function of healing situations that are negative and chaotic. With the help of Archangel Jophiel, you can transform any chaotic situation in your home, workplace, or school, into a beautiful and harmonious situation. Jophiel accomplishes this by helping you focus on the beauty that is already around you. By changing the way you look at things, as Wayne Dyer said, the things that you look at will actually change.
Archangel Muriel Muriel is that archangel of peace and harmony who heals negative emotions with unconditional love. Call upon Archangel Muriel when you are struggling with your emotions. She will help you connect to your innermost truth, helping you open your intuition so your can progress spiritually to the next level of development.
Archangel Uriel The name Uriel means ‘light of God,’ and is the archangel that illuminates all human souls. Angelic illumination provides us with insight, clarity, and unique solutions to problems that seemed impossible to solve. Uriel is said to have warned the Biblical figure Noah of the impending global flood. Call on Uriel and you will receive guidance and intercession that will help you advance on the spiritual path.
Archangel Azrael Archangel Azrael assists the souls of the dead on their journey to heaven. At the time of death it is said that we experience an instantaneous life review. With the help of Archangel Azrael, we can prepare for that life review while we are still living.
Archangel Zadkiel Zadkiel means ‘righteousness of God,’ and he heals memory disorders and other cognitive functioning. It was Zadkiel who intervened to stop Abraham from sacrificing his son Isaac which is symbolic of the way he can help us to release lower energies in favor of higher vibrational frequencies. Simply calling upon Zadkiel can raise your vibrational level, and cleanse your soul of negative energies.
Archangel Chamuel Chamuel, whose name means ‘he who sees God,’ is the Archangel of peace who can help you release anxiety and tension. If you want more peace and love in your life, or if you wish to alleviate tensions, call upon Archangel Chamuel to bring peace to your life.
Archangel Jeremiel Traditional Jewish texts tell us that Jeremiel is one of the seven core Archangels who gave the first century Jewish author Baruch profound prophetic visions. Because of this, Jeremiel is known as the archangel that you should call upon when you are seeking a clairvoyant experience or an understanding of the meaning of a dream or vision.
Archangel Raziel The name Raziel means ‘the secrets of God.’ With the help of Archangel Raziel you can clear psychic blockages, interpret dreams, and uncover deep memories. It is said that Raziel is one of God’s closest attendants and that he hears all of the secret knowledge that God holds about the universe. When you need help with a creative project or solving a complicated problem, call upon Raziel.
Archangel Sandalphon
It is said that Archangel Sandalphon was the Biblical prophet Elijah who, like Enoch (Metatron), ascended to the angelic realm as an Archangel. He is the archangel of musicians and poets and helps them with their work. Sandalphon can also heal anyone through the use of music. Call on Sandalphon to help with any problem and you can be sure that his prayers will rise quickly to the ears of the Divine! Source. https://thesecretofthetarot.com/archangels/
The 15 Archangels Archangels Protect, Support and Love Us The Archangels protect and guide us, bringing peace on earth. Their divine power and wisdom inspire us to our highest good and potential. Each Archangel is available to every person alive. Call on an Archangel any time you need support, comfort, wisdom, healing, or assistance. All you need to do is think an Archangel's name to connect with one. An Archangel will be at your side any time.There are more than 15 Archangels named throughout the many religions of the world. The 15 Archangels named below are the most well-known Archangels. The Archangels whole desire is to create peace and love. Call on the Archangels when you feel afraid or unsure. They will bless you with what you need. Take the time to thank the Archangels for all the love and light they create in your life.
Ariel Archangel Ariel gives us courage, bravery, focus and confidence. She is involved in divine magic, manifestation and prosperity. Her color is a pale shade of pink,and rose quartz crystal is her stone. She supports people who are healers, teachers and service workers, and environmental causes. To honor her, participate in environmental work or giving others. Her name means,"Lioness of God."
AzraelArchangel Azrael supports grieving or dying people. Creamy yellow calcite is Azrael's stone. Azrael supports helpers, healers and counselors. He is patient and compassionate. Azrael's primary role is to help people cross over to heaven. Azrael surrounds you in loving white light. Ask Azrael for assistance contacting deceased loved ones. His name means, "Whom God helps."
Chamuel Archangel Chamuel helps you find a career best suited for your purpose and passion. Carry a green fluorite crystal to be close to Chamuel's loving energy. Call on Chamuel to feel more centered and peaceful. Chamuel is the Archangel of personal and global peace. He always sees your true qualities and loves you unconditionally. His name means, "He who sees God."
Gabriel Archangel Gabriel is the messenger Angel. She supports writers and journalists. Gabriel supports publishing articles and books. Gabriel also helps you tap into the power of God's love that pores through you. She helps you feel safe in your power and protects you in all ways. Her metal is copper and her stone is crystal citrine. Gabriel also works with mothers and children. She is related to conception, childbirth, adoption and parenting. Gabriel helps you connect with your inner child. Her name means, "Messenger of God."
Haniel Archangel Haniel's crystal is the Moonstone, which is magical and nurturing. She is a nurturing mother able to care for you and create miracles. Haniel shows you how to live up to your highest potential. She can also help you find hidden talents and help you polish your skills. Haniel shows you how to honor your natural cycles, moods and rhythms. Ask Haniel to help you when you feel bad about yourself or unsure about a decision. Her name means,"Glory of God."
Jeremiel Any time you see sparkles of dark purple light, know that Archangel Jeremiel is with you. His crystal is, of course, amethyst. One of Jeremiel's purposes is to work with crossed over souls in reviewing their lives on Earth. He can also help those living make life reviews. Jeremiel will deliver mercy when asked for, and he helps you act in loving ways towards others. Jeremiel supports people in treating themselves and others with respect and tender loving care. His name means, "Mercy of God."
Jophiel Archangel Jophiel is a beautiful, loving and caring Archangel. All dark pink crystals are associated with Jophiel's energy. She helps you clear spaces and make them new. Jophiel sees beauty in everything and everyone and inspires you to do the same. Spend more time outdoors to be close to Jophiel. Jophiel blesses us with grace and peace in our lives. She encourages you to savor and enjoy every moment, slow down, and appreciate life's everyday miracles. Her name means, "Beauty of God."
Metatron Archangel Metatron helps with chakra clearing. Watermelon tourmaline is Metatron's crystal. Metatron supports those who are drawn to help children. Metatron also protects psychic and sensitive children and adults. Metatron once walked upon the earth as a human man. He was the prophet and scribe Enoch. Metatron assists you with organizing your priorities.
Michael Archangel Michael's aura is a royal blue mixed with royal purple. His crystal stone is sugalite, which can help you channel profound and loving messages from Michael. Michael can help you remember who you truly are. He can bless you with love, power, strength and unwavering faith. Michael most likes to communicate with you through your dreams. His chief role is to remove fear from your life. He can clear spaces, thoughts, and people of any negative or lower energies. His name means, "He who is like God."
Raguel Archangel Raguel oversees archangels and angels. He can also help you sort your feelings and understand which path to take. Raguel is concerned with divine order, clairsentience and relationship harmony. To be close to Raguel, wear an aquamarine crystal. Raguel resolves disputes and creates harmony and order in relationships. His name means, "Friend of God."
Raphael Archangel Raphael can surround anything needing healing with emerald green energy. The crystals associated with Raphael are emerald and malachite. Raphael helps us breathe and create a healthier lifestyle. Raphael can help you heal yourself or find a healer who can help you heal. Raphael is known as the healing angel, and he gives guidance through our intuitions, thoughts, ideas, dreams and other inner impressions. His name means, "He who heals."
Raziel Archangel Raziel is the Archangel of clairvoyance, spiritual understanding, and in reclaiming your power. His aura holds all the colors of the rainbow like a beautiful prism of light. Work with clear quartz crystals to magnify clairvoyance and to feel closer to Raziel. He is a wizard and an alchemist. Call on Raziel to soul travel in your dreams. Raziel can also help you understand esoteric spiritual ideas and apply them in practical ways. His name means, "Secrets of God."
Sandalphon Archangel Sandalphon can bring gentleness into all areas of your life. He can help you be kind and gentle, yet powerful. He is the Archangel associated with music. His stone is turquoise, which can slow your heart rate and breathing. One of Sandalphon's principal roles is to help answer our prayers. He can help you allow yourself to receive. Sandalphon once walked upon the earth as a mortal man. He was the prophet Elijah. He can help you live with integrity, bring spiritual gifts of prophecy, allow healing,and support manifestation. Sandalphon can help you speak the truth.
Uriel Archangel Uriel is the Archangel of claircognizance. He can enlighten our minds with divine inspiration. If you have repetitive thoughts or ideas that are positive, loving, and helpful, Uriel is speaking to you. Uriel's crystal is the amber crystal. It guides all ideas and intelligence. Uriel wants you to know that you already know what to do. He will help light each step along the way, one at a time. His name means, "God is Light.
ZadkielArchangel Zadkiel brings us compassion. He helps us forgive others and ourselves. Zadkiel can bring emotional healing in miraculous ways. He is the Archangel of clairaudience. Lappas Lazuli is Zadkiel's stone. Zadkiel can help us remember information, teach us new things, and access all knowledge. Ask questions anytime you need help. His name means, "Righteousness of God."
Further resources reiki doc.blogspot dot com /p/known-incarnations-of-archangels (just take out the spaces pls) https://www.michaelteachings.com/archangels.html
A time when you want to make a jump towards success: Archangel Michael Archangel Michael is famous for being the ultimate leader in this group. He is the main figure who fought against the evil powers of Satan, which is why he is so important to have around you. If there is a time where you are struggling to progress in your career and reach aspirations, Archangel Michael will help you. His power also gives you great protection surrounding your home, family life, finances and love life so that when you are progressing, you won’t have to sacrifice something important for success. The best crystal to use when connecting to this Archangel is: Tiger’s Eye.
A time when you want inner strength: Archangel Gabriel Archangel Gabriel is very popular amongst spiritual and religious people because he promotes inner strength. A quality like this will help people who need to make a bold move in life but are too intimidated to do so. If you have a dream job or want to go to another country, this is the Angel to call upon. He will remind you that you already have the inner strength, and the key is to tap into it. Taking leaps in life are scary, but it’s a way you can transform your life for the better. The best crystal to use when connecting to this Archangel is: Citrine.
A time when you want to heal: Archangel Raphael Raphael translated into Hebrew is “Rapha” which means the healer or doctor that has the power of God. If you are struggling emotionally, spiritually and mentally, this is a brilliant Archangel to call for help. He will help calm your anxiety and relieve stress, so you can continue your life with a peaceful mind. An angel like this is also useful when you are going through a drastic change. His powers will help block out worry that will try and derail any plans. The best crystal to use when connecting to this Archangel is: Garnet.
A time when you want protection against negativity: Archangel Ariel Archangel Ariel is a brilliant spiritual guide for people who are going on an important journey in life. This is the angel who will help protect you from negativity along the way, which is why it’s very useful to call upon if you are beginning a brand new chapter in your life. There will be times where you face uncertainty on a journey, so this angel will help you block out anything that attempts to discourage you. The best crystal to use when connecting to this Archangel is: Sunstone.
A time when you want resolution: Archangel Zadkiel Archangel Zadkiel is a wonderful angel to have in your life if you have experienced distrust or negativity. You may have made a mistake in life, or you might be upset with someone who has wronged you. This angel will help you see the situation with a clear mind so you can resolve any conflicts that have been brewing. Forgiveness is important in our lives because we cannot live happily if we carry a grudge on our shoulders. The best crystal to use when connecting to this Archangel is: Clear Quartz.
A time when you want a clear mind and a boost in creativity: Archangel Uriel Archangel Uriel is the angel to look upon when you are experiencing a creative block or confusion. If you are unsure of which path to follow in life, call upon this angel to help you see your options clearly. He will help people who are looking for new ways to use their special skills to find a happier career. This angel will also help give you fresh ideas when you are starting new projects or artistic pursuits. The best crystal to use when connecting to this Archangel is: Moonstone.
A time when you want to strengthen relationships: Archangel Chamuel Archangel Chamuel is the perfect angel if you are someone who is experiencing issues with your emotions and relationships. His kind-hearted nature and peaceful attitude will help you improve the current relationships around you. He is also brilliant at teaching people to love themselves. If you have been too critical of yourself to the point where you confidence has dropped, this is the angel that will teach you that you are perfect just the way you are. The best crystal to use when connecting to this Archangel is: Rose Quartz. https://wishingmoon.com/which-archangels-to-call-upon-for-different-situations/
• Archangel Ariel: If you’re concerned with manifesting what you need in this world from the standpoint of abundance, prosperity, or your material needs, Ariel is your gal. She’s also the protector of nature, including animals and the environment. Her name translates as “the lioness of God,” and she is associated with the color pale pink.
• Archangel Azrael: If you’re burdened with sorrow, have suffered a loss, or are in need of comfort and a way to get past what you’ve experienced, call upon Azrael. He is the most graceful and the most elegant of all the archangels. His name means “the mercy of God,” and he can help you or those you know in need find comfort. He is known for appearing in a creamy white color.
• Archangel Chamuel: If you’ve lost something or are searching for something (the perfect job, the perfect mate, your car keys), Archangel Chamuel can come to your aid. His name means “the eyes of God,” and he can help you find anything you’re looking for. Resonating in a pale green color, he's also the archangel to call if you’re trying to come to peace about something in your life.
• Archangel Gabriel: Archangel Gabriel is much like the patron archangel of creative people. If you are working on something artistic; are a creative type like an actor, a speaker, or a writer; or need to find the right words for a conversation, then Archangel Gabriel is perfect for you. She is also great if you need someone to help push you past procrastination and get stuff done. As she is the angel of the Annunciation, she is also known to work with people regarding pregnancy, birth, or adoption. Her associated color is copper, and her name means “the strength of God.”
• Archangel Haniel: Archangel Haniel’s name means the “grace of God.” If your concern is about growing your spiritual gifts and becoming more intuitive, then ask for her assistance. She can help with giving readings or doing them for yourself. She also specializes in women’s issues. She is known to appear in a silvery blue color.
• Archangel Jeremiel: Jeremiel is another archangel who’s awesome for developing your spiritual gifts, but who is also great at helping you review your life to date so that you can understand what changes you need to make. His name means “the mercy of God,” and his color is deep purple.
• Archangel Jophiel: Archangel Jophiel is the archangel of beauty. She can help you clean up your space and beautify any part of your life. Some call her the feng shui angel. I prefer to think of her as the archangel of positive thinking, because you can also call on her if your thoughts need cleaning up. As you might suspect, her name means “the beauty of God,” and she resonates to a fuchsia pink.
• Archangel Metatron: If you need help with time management, then Archangel Metatron will be of assistance. He can bend time for you so that you have more time to get a project done or arrive somewhere on time even if you left later than you meant to. He’s also known as the protector of children and very sensitive people. The meaning of his name is unclear. His color is a blend of violet and green.
• Archangel Michael: For those who are feeling unsafe, I recommend asking for the help of Archangel Michael, “he who is like God.” Known for helping protect us and also soothing our fears, Michael can sever unwanted connections to the past or to people you feel need to be safely and lovingly removed from your life. If you need self-confidence or clarity on your life purpose, call upon Michael. His color is a deep royal blue, sometimes seen with a hint of gold.
• Archangel Raguel: If your concern is clearing up an argument, resolving a misunderstanding, or just making sure that things go well among individuals or groups, Raguel is the right one to call. His name means “the friend of God,” and he can smooth over difficult interpersonal situations or even help you make new friends. His color is a pale, robin’s-egg blue.
• Archangel Raphael: Raphael, whose name means “God heals,” is the archangel for physical healing. So if you’re sick, in physical pain, or have other bodily ailments, he’s your guy. Raphael is also the archangel of safe travels, so you can call upon him while flying or driving long distances. He is also known as a bit of a matchmaker. I often suggest that people work with Raphael and Chamuel in partnership for issues of finding the right romantic partner. Raphael’s healing light is emerald green.
• Archangel Raziel: I always think of Raziel as a kind of wizard of the archangel realm. He’s very magical and can help you understand esoteric information, heal from past-life issues, or interpret your nighttime dreams. His name means “the secrets of God,” as he is said to sit at the throne of God, writing down all he hears. He radiates rainbow colors.
• Archangel Sandalphon: When you feel as though your prayers aren’t being heard or are being left unanswered, you can call upon Sandalphon, the archangel known to personally carry prayers to God. Ask him for help seeing, hearing, or knowing what the answers to your prayers are. He’s also the archangel associated with music, so musicians should take heed! Sandalphon means “brother together,” and he appears turquoise in color.
• Archangel Uriel: Do you need a brilliant idea? Are you seeking a true epiphany about what to do next or any aspect of your life? Then Archangel Uriel is there for you. Uriel is also known for emotional healing, so if you carry pain from the past you need to reconcile and work through, he can help. Along with Gabriel, he’s a great archangel to work with if you see yourself as a spiritual teacher. His name means “the light of God.” I see him as being a glittery golden color, though others perceive him as solid yellow.
• Archangel Zadkiel: Zadkiel, “the righteousness of God,” is the tutor of the archangel realm. Think of him as a kind of angelic ginkgo biloba! If your concern is taking tests, passing your exams in school, learning something new, or just remembering things, call upon Zadkiel, who is associated with deep indigo blue. He can also help you with forgiveness of yourself and others. source https://www.healyourlife.com/15-archangels-to-call-on-everyday https://youtu.be/nP2OkCxuz14?t=20 angels of self doubt just 7mins
Who is the Angel of Fear
The angel of fear is more of an idea than an actual being. There are many angels who can help you cope with fear or provide strength when you face your fear but the idea of an angel of fear is a rather sinister one. We can however use the idea of an angel of fear to highlight some of the many issues we could face when trying to develop our abundance mind-set. So we will take a look at some of the fears which can hold us back.
It’s important to remember that these are not all of the fears but just some examples to highlight that fear can present itself in many different forms:
Fear of Success: This may seem like a strange one and might even be something you’ve never considered but a fear of success is a common block of abundance. It’s natural to worry about the change that can take place with success. You may worry that you’ll change or that other people will have a change of opinion in regards to you.
Fear of Danger: It’s possible that you’re scared of what situations you may end up in. You may worry that you’ll face scary or even dangerous situations due to your new positive attitude.
Fear of Negativity: As you start to develop your abundant mentality, you may be scared that the negativity of the world will halt your progress. In the early stages of our development, we often have to try extremely hard to keep our attitudes positive or to see the bright side of things. As such, we are cautious of all negativity, especially in the form of negative people.
Fear of Happiness: This is another fear that you may not consider when thinking about abundance blocks. So why would anybody be scared of happiness? Well, to be happy is to be content and within contentment there is a loss of meaning in the world. This is usually temporary but it’s a concern that many of us have as we near this area.