INVOCATION: CALL UPON YOUR HIGHER SELF A Mayan goddess summons a celestial ceremony MEANING: You are ready to meditate or pray. It is a time for you to ask for help. A time to light a candle and start the process of recreating yourself and begin a new era in your life. The age of awakening begins with your own. Who do you want to become? Utilize the transformative energies of the Now! INTERPRETATION: An invocation is essentially a prayer which synthesizes the highest desire, aspiration and spiritual request of your soul. It can be a private ceremony where you can sit, meditate and/or ask for the most benevolent outcome for all concerned. Sometimes, the best answer is from Spirit. Sending a prayer is a very powerful tool that invokes a call from your heart to address your deepest desires. Sometimes, you keep such desires hidden from the world and even from yourself. Now, at this point, you are ready to recreate yourself. source © Antonio DeLiberato