Allow yourself time to learn this. You may have to practice this method several times to connect regularly. The steps are simple and I will explain each in detail below.
1. Sit and breathe to become more relaxed. 2. Place your hand or fingers over your heart chakra. 3. Ask your question and feel through the physical connection of your hand over your heart.
Start by relaxing and taking some deep breaths in and out to begin clearing your mind as best as possible. Focusing on breathing works very well when trying to slow the mind down. Don’t worry or fret if thoughts come in; just allow them to pass by not following or attaching to them.
Alternatively, you can stare at a candle flame if you prefer a visual meditation. In this method, do the same thing, letting any thoughts that might come into the mind just float away as you continue to breathe. After about maybe two to five minutes of breathing and quieting the mind, you should begin to feel a little more relaxed and in the moment. This is an important space to be in for the exercise.
Next, put your first two fingers or hand on your sternum area (heart chakra) and turn your attention to feeling. By bringing our hands into play and placing them in a particular area on our bodies, we tend to have an easier time focusing through the physical connection on the area where our hand is. Since our higher self is often felt through our hearts, I have found that focusing on the heart chakra helps in discerning our intuition from our minds more clearly.
Reference for the heart chakra location.
Next, you can begin asking some questions and feeling for your answers. Try not to get too concerned with what it should feel like or whether you should hear anything or see anything. The most important thing here is that we are learning and developing our innate intuition skills and figuring out what works best for us. This is a process, and it may take a couple weeks of practice before you truly start to get into it. Having patience and sticking with it is the key here.
After you have asked a question, it’s typically the very first answer that comes to your awareness that is your higher self. Whatever comes after is often the mind work that starts when the ego begins to doubt what came in. “That can’t be it,” it often says.
You can go on asking more questions after this if you like, but this is the method. It’s a simple technique that, when practiced regularly, is quite powerful. In fact, I’ve found most powerful practices are quite simple.
It is best to do this exercise with no expectation for results. Having expectations can often cloud the experience and get us waiting or looking for something too intensely. As a result, we may miss what arises in place of what we were looking for. Remember, it takes time to discern between mind and higher self. I keep repeating this because we often will get discouraged and stop because it ‘didn’t work’ the first couple of times. You can do this! Just remember not to overcomplicate the process with doubt.
As you practice more and more, the connection builds, much like a muscle does, and a simple breath in and out usually connects you very quickly. Have fun with it and don’t get too frustrated. Be at peace and have patience. You can also use this method to simply enjoy some quiet time or even step into a creative space — no question and answer necessary. Feel free to share your thoughts and results below!
Source: Collective Evolution