Energetically Programmed Jewelry: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MaitreyaFields Gumroad: https://app.gumroad.com/maitreyafields NFT Store: https://venly.market/collections/4ed4... Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MaitreyaFields With this video you will balance your root chakra and have better and more pleasurable life without fear and other insecurity emotions. You can read down in the description about this chakra blockages. You can use headphones and speakers. We recommend speakers so it can affect your whole body /subconsciousness mind/. 2-3 times listening per day should be enough. You can listen it again when you feel the need.
Located at the base of your spine, the root chakra or muladhara is the first of your seven chakras. The Sanskrit name translates to “root support” or “base”. As the root of your being, this chakra establishes your foundation as well as your sense of security and stability. The energy of your first chakra extends from the base of the spine downward like a root through the legs and feet. This forms your deepest connections between your physical body, environment, and Mother Earth. The root chakra embodies your relationship with the physical world. This includes your body, aspects of self, sense of security and survival, and your connection to the environment. The root chakra is related to your basic needs – your survival center.
This chakra manifests your primal and ancestral instincts, like your flight-or-fight response. As the foundation of the chakra system, the root chakra function is to respond to any issues concerning your survival such as eating, sleeping, exercising, housing, financial security, sense of safety, and stability. Providing the foundation you need to build upon, your first chakra is where you ground yourself and anchor your energy. When balanced, the root chakra allows you to harness courage, and resourcefulness, and to expand upon our ancestral instincts while keeping you grounded.
Key Characteristics of the Root Chakra Grounding — Anchors our energy into the world and forms our connections with Mother Earth. Security and Stability — Responsible for your sense of security and stability in your world. Foundation — As the first chakra, it is responsible for the foundation you need to build upon during personal growth. You cannot grow unless you feel safe and secure. Physicality — Highly responsive to your physical health. Survival — Initiates your fight-or-flight mode and will to live. Instincts — Embodies your primal and ancestral instincts.
Root Chakra Imbalance The chakra system distributes the flow of prana or energy throughout your subtle body. Stress, illness, emotional upset, and conflict can all cause blockages or imbalance in your chakra system.
All of the seven chakras are interconnected; when one chakra experiences a blockage or imbalance, it affects all the others.
This disruption of energy can cause your mind, body, and spirit to suffer. When your root chakra is imbalanced, it cracks the foundation of the whole chakra system. If you are just starting your chakra journey, it is important to balance your root chakra first.
Imbalance in this chakra can cause you to find yourself coping with threats to your survival. These threats can be moving, changing jobs, reoccurring health problems, weight problems, sense of fear, or insecurity. Underactive root chakra — When a chakra is underactive, it means that the chakra is experiencing a blockage or is not distributing the flow of energy.
When your root chakra is underactive, it can affect your overall health.
Signs of an underactive root chakra:
Feel Disconnected Disorganized Lack of Focus Feelings of Fear, Anxiousness, or Restlessness Lack of Stamina Trouble Obtaining Financial Security Overactive root chakra —
When a chakra is overactive, it means that the chakra is distributing too much energy. It is working in overdrive and bringing imbalance to the chakra. When your root chakra is overactive, it affects your overall health.
Signs of an overactive root chakra: Anger and Annoyance Towards People and Events in Your Life. Greediness Dependent on Others’ Security Rigid Boundaries Difficulty Accepting Change Materialistic Impulsiveness This channel creates fields with the connection to Creator's Pure Energy.
With our intent we program energetically information in the videos and mp3's that works directly with your subconsciousness mind. This means you will have lasting effects after you listen the videos, not only untill you listen them. In most of the fields we change subconsciousness beliefs on all levels, dna, past, present and future. You will notice the new reality building in less than a week. Good luck and fast manifestations, Maitreya Fields
For this field we recommend listening to it in meditation. If we want to be connected to the source and our divine self, we need to have clean and balanced chakras and nadis. When they are aligned we feel bliss, love, connection with ourselves and everything around us.
A lack of energy flow in chakras can affect the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health of an individual. This field will clear and balance your whole energy system and optimize the energy flow.
With that we integrated the sound OM in the audio which will help a lot with clearing and connection to yourself, divine self.
Solar Plexus Chakra Information •Physical Location: Around the stomach area at the top of your abdomen.
•Color: Yellow. •Element: Fire.
•Associated Animal: Ram.
•Emotional Issues and Behaviors of Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra Healing issues:
•How you respond to criticism from other people •Whether you see yourself as “good enough”
•Your capacity for self-forgiveness
•Your self-discipline •Whether you can learn lessons from difficulties
•Your independence
•How you define yourself and your life’s purpose
You can LOOP this video - Right Click on Video and then click Loop. Feel free to listen in as many times you want. Drink plenty of water for better results.
With this video you will balance your crown chakra and have better life. You can read down in the description about this chakra blockages. You can use headphones and speakers. We recommend speakers so it can affect your whole body /subconsciousness mind/. 2-3 times listening per day should be enough. You can listen it again when you feel the need.
Behavioral characteristics of the Crown chakra The crown chakra is associated with the following psychological and behavioral characteristics: Consciousness Awareness of higher consciousness, wisdom, of what is sacred Connection with the formless, the limitless Realization, liberation from limiting patterns Communion with higher states of consciousness, with Ecstasy, bliss Presence
The crown chakra is associated with the transcendence of our limitations, whether they are personal or bound to space and time. It is where the paradox becomes norm, where seemingly opposites are one. The quality of awareness that comes with the crown chakra is universal, transcendent. As we are immersed in the energy of the crown chakra, we feel a state of blissful union with all that is, of spiritual ecstasy.
This chakra allows access to the upmost clarity and enlightened wisdom. Some describe this chakra as the gateway to the cosmic self or the divine self, to universal consciousness. It’s linked to the infinite, the universal. Maitreya Fields offers energetically programmed video clips as well as other digital and physical items with energy programming. Each video has an inbuilt energy field with a specific beneficial purpose which you can find in the description. When you view or listen to the video it transfers the information that was coded into it into your auric field.
The fields are designed to affect your conscious mind, your subconscious beliefs, ancestral memories and programs as well as information coming from other lifetimes and dimensions, that is not appropriate for you now. The field will replace all wrong beliefs with the highest understanding of the issue. You may experience effects right away, but for full and long lasting effects you may need to listen to the audio daily for several weeks.
The energy programming is done by Maitreya using only the pure Divine energy of the Creator.
With this video you will balance your third eye chakra and have better and more vision about life. You can read down in the description about this chakra blockages. You can use headphones and speakers. We recommend speakers so it can affect your whole body /subconsciousness mind/. 2-3 times listening per day should be enough. You can listen it again when you feel the need.
The Third Eye Chakra Located in between the brows, the third eye chakra or ajna is the sixth of your seven chakras. The Sanskrit name translates to “perceiving” or “command”, which is a fitting name for this chakra, as the third eye chakra is responsible for how you perceive the world. The energy of the third eye chakra starts in-between your brows, just above the bridge of your nose. This chakra is responsible for the link between your mind and the outer world, embodying your ability to see both the inner and outer worlds. This allows you to experience clear thought and self-reflection. Your sixth chakra is motivated by knowledge, reflection, and intuition.
The third eye chakra symbolizes your connection to wisdom and insight, allowing you to access the inner guidance that comes from deep within your being. This enables you to cut through illusion and access deeper truths. The gift of your sixth chakra is the ability to be mindful and live in the present moment. Your third eye chakra is the center of your intuition and wisdom, allowing you to open your mind to deeper understandings and expand your intuition. When your third eye chakra is balanced, it gives you the ability to self-reflect and to not only see the world but understand it. Key Characteristics of the Third Eye Chakra Wisdom — Your third eye chakra is your center of wisdom and knowledge. It allows you to open your mind to deeper understandings. Intuition —
This chakra is instrumental in perceiving the subtle qualities of reality. It allows you to open up to intuitive sensibility and inner perception. Self-Reflection — The third eye chakra is responsible for your ability to self-examine and self-reflect. Vision — Your third eye chakra is the link between your mind and the physical world. It enables you to internalize the outer world and reflect within. Logic & Creativity — Your third eye chakra gives you the ability to integrate your creativity and logical thinking. Third Eye Chakra Imbalance The chakra system distributes the flow of prana or energy throughout your subtle body. Stress, illness, emotional upset, or conflict all can cause blockages or imbalance in your chakra system. All of the seven chakras are interconnected; when one chakra experiences a blockage or imbalance, it affects all the others. This disruption of energy can cause your mind, body, and spirit to suffer.
When the third eye chakra is imbalanced, it can cause emotional and physical stress. If you are working toward developing a deeper understanding of your world and expanding your intuition, it is important that you open and balance your third eye chakra.
Underactive Third Eye Chakra — When a chakra is underactive, it means that the chakra is experiencing a blockage or is not distributing the flow of energy. When your third eye chakra is underactive, it can affect your overall well being. When your third eye chakra is blocked or underactive, it can negatively affect your ability to concentrate, process information, or keep cool under pressure.
When the third eye chakra becomes blocked, it can often cause you to be fearful of the unknown. Signs of an underactive third eye chakra: Lack of Concentration Fearful of the Unknown Lack of Intuition Unable to Self-Reflect Unable to See Past Illusions Disconnected From the Universe
Overactive Third Eye Chakra — When a chakra is overactive, it means that the chakra is distributing too much energy. It is working in overdrive and bringing imbalance to the chakra. When your third eye chakra is overactive, it affects your overall well being. If your third eye chakra is overactive, you may be experiencing an overindulgence in your imagination and excessive daydreaming. When the third eye chakra is in overdrive, it can cause you to feel overwhelmed and mentally exhausted. You may experience indecisiveness and clouded judgment.
This channel creates fields with the connection to Creator's Pure Energy. With our intent we program energetically information in the videos and mp3's that works directly with your subconsciousness mind. This means you will have lasting effects after you listen the videos, not only untill you listen them. In most of the fields we change subconsciousness beliefs on all levels, dna, past, present and future.
You will notice the new reality building in less than a week. Good luck and fast manifestations, Maitreya Fields
With this video you will balance your throat chakra and have better and more pleasurable life. You can read down in the description about this chakra blockages. You can use headphones and speakers. We recommend speakers so it can affect your whole body /subconsciousness mind/. 2-3 times listening per day should be enough.
You can listen it again when you feel the need. Located in the region of the neck, the throat chakra or vishuddha is the fifth of your seven chakras.
The Sanskrit name translates to “Especially Pure”, a fitting name for this chakra, as the throat chakra is associated with speaking your authentic voice. The energy of the throat chakra starts in the center of the neck at the level of the throat and expands through the shoulders. This chakra is the first of the higher or upper chakras on the “chakra ladder”.
With a strong connection to your second or sacral chakra, your throat chakra embodies your true originality and authenticity. The throat chakra is motivated by expression and truth, it allows you to see the knowledge that is true, beyond the limitations of social conditioning.
This chakra is responsible for communicating effectively and with conviction. When your fifth chakras energy is in harmony, you will stand up for what you believe in, be honest with yourself, and speak your truth.
With this video you will balance your heart chakra and have better and more pleasurable life. You can read down in the description about this chakra blockages. You can use headphones and speakers. We recommend speakers so it can affect your whole body /subconsciousness mind/. 2-3 times listening per day should be enough. You can listen it again when you feel the need.
The heart chakra, or Anahata, deals with unconditional love and emotional power. At its core, this chakra is emotional and propels us to enhance our emotional development. The heart embodies a gentle wisdom that teaches us the ways of love and compassion. It is in this fourth chakra that we begin to recognize that the most powerful energy on earth is Love. This chakra is the center of child-like innocence and joy. When we were children, we used to react to circumstances with a variety of emotions: confidence, compassion, love, hope, despair and fear. But as adults, generating emotions and being allowed to express them is extremely challenging. The Anahata evokes our capacity to love and let go; to accept our emotional challenges and surrender to a divine plan.
Emotional signs of imbalance are confusion and dis-satisfaction between the head and heart. One may experience difficulty accepting, receiving and giving love to self and others. Physical Signs of imbalance are heart, lung, breasts, bronchial and immune conditions. Support the heart chakra with visualization and meditation; wear a Rose Quartz to help bring balance and harmony home. “I Am grateful to resonate to the frequency of love.
Love Lives Here Now.” Heart Chakra Affirm: “I Am grateful to resonate to the frequency of love. Love Lives Here Now.” Maitreya Fields offers energetically programmed video clips as well as other digital and physical items with energy programming. Each video has an inbuilt energy field with a specific beneficial purpose which you can find in the description. When you view or listen to the video it transfers the information that was coded into it into your auric field.
The fields are designed to affect your conscious mind, your subconscious beliefs, ancestral memories and programs as well as information coming from other lifetimes and dimensions, that is not appropriate for you now. The field will replace all wrong beliefs with the highest understanding of the issue. You may experience effects right away, but for full and long lasting effects you may need to listen to the audio daily for several weeks. The energy programming is done by Maitreya using only the pure Divine energy of the Creator.
May you be blessed abundantly and may your manifestations happen fast and for your highest good!
With this video you will balance your solar plexus chakra and have better and more pleasurable life. You can read down in the description about this chakra blockages. You can use headphones and speakers. We recommend speakers so it can affect your whole body /subconsciousness mind/. 2-3 times listening per day should be enough.
You can listen it again when you feel the need. Located in the upper abdomen two inches above the navel, the solar plexus chakra or manipura is the third of your seven chakras. The Sanskrit name translates to “shining gem,” a fitting name for this chakra. This chakra is the core of your personality and identity. When balanced, this chakra allows your authentic self to shine brightly. The solar plexus chakra is located above the navel and extends up to the sternum. This forms your deepest connections with willpower, self-discipline, and self-esteem.
The solar plexus chakra embodies your unlimited potential to transform thought or inertia into action. The solar plexus chakra is the source of your personal power and confidence. This enables you to discover who you truly are and let your authenticity flourish. A balanced solar plexus chakra gives you the ability to overcome fear, master your thoughts, and make conscious choices. The solar plexus chakra helps grow your confidence and vitality. This empowers you to follow your true path and create the life you want. When balanced, the solar plexus chakra allows you to seize your personal power, develop your authentic self, and take responsibility for your life.
Key Characteristics of the Solar Plexus Chakra: Identity — As the core of your personality and identity, the solar plexus chakra allows you to bloom into your authentic self and discover who you truly are. Personal Power — The solar plexus chakra is the source of your personal power. This empowers you to take control of your thoughts, emotions, and actions. Willpower — Working with your personal power, your solar plexus chakra gives you the willpower and self-discipline to get things done. Confidence — The solar plexus chakra is responsible for your self-esteem and how you view yourself. It also gives you the confidence to make decisions and feel self-assured.. Intention & Action — Your solar plexus chakra gives you the power to transform your thought into action.
Maitreya Fields offers energetically programmed video clips as well as other digital and physical items with energy programming. Each video has an inbuilt energy field with a specific beneficial purpose which you can find in the description. When you view or listen to the video it transfers the information that was coded into it into your auric field.
The fields are designed to affect your conscious mind, your subconscious beliefs, ancestral memories and programs as well as information coming from other lifetimes and dimensions, that is not appropriate for you now. The field will replace all wrong beliefs with the highest understanding of the issue. You may experience effects right away, but for full and long lasting effects you may need to listen to the audio daily for several weeks. The energy programming is done by Maitreya using only the pure Divine energy of the Creator.
May you be blessed abundantly and may your manifestations happen fast and for your highest good!
Also called Swadhisthana in Sanskrit, the sacra chakra is closely associated with your emotional responses and usually described as the seat of emotions. Not only that, but you can connect it with your sense of taste as well as your reproductive functioning. With this video you will balance your sacral chakra and have better and more pleasurable / creative life. You can read down in the description about this chakra blockages.
You can use headphones and speakers. We recommend speakers so it can affect your whole body /subconsciousness mind/. 2-3 times listening per day should be enough. You can listen it again when you feel the need. Since the sacral chakra has a close physical connection with your reproductive organs and pelvis, it is known as the center of discovery for pleasure. Strong intuition and abundant creativity are just 2 of the wonderful gifts that the sacral chakra offers you. Sacral Chakra Imbalances
An unbalanced second chakra means that you experience some hardships in life. You might have been a subject of sexual or emotional abuse or may have experiences coldness, rejection and neglect. Not only that, but it may also be caused by emotional manipulation and extreme denial of your feelings. The flow of energy to the second chakra can also be blocked due to moral or religious severity, enmeshment, alcoholic families, and inherited issues or physical abuse.
An active and well-balanced second chakra means that you have a good relationship with the world centered on pleasing, harmonious and nurturing communication. However, an unbalanced chakra can manifest as extreme co-dependency or dependency with things or people that provide you effortless access to pleasurable moments. When you are ruled by emotions and out of yourself, you will feel numb or overindulge in sexual fantasies and obsessions. Not only that, but you also experience extremes by lacking sexual satisfaction or desire, making you feel stuck feeling a specific kind of mood. Overactive Sacral Chakra
An overactive sacral chakra will fill life your life with issues of excess and conflict. You will have problems staying in unhealthy relationships or addictions. An overwhelmed sacral chakra means your emotions are also overwhelming. You experience emotions more deeply and you’ll have a bad mood swing. You will thrive in conflict and trauma which also leads to weak personal boundaries that can make you become overly dependent on others. Also, you become obsessive. You become arrogant, aggressive as well as showing anxiety and mania.
Since this chakra has an influence on your pleasure and sexuality, an overactive sacral chakra means that you have greater feelings of promiscuity, detachment and sex addiction. You can use others just to achieve sexual gratification. Also, you will develop an addiction to alcohol and drugs which may cause you to engage in risky behaviors. It also causes excessive eating and makes you concentrate unhealthily on your body image. This channel creates fields with the connection to Creator's Pure Energy.
With our intent we program energetically information in the videos and mp3's that works directly with your subconsciousness mind. This means you will have lasting effects after you listen the videos, not only untill you listen them. In most of the fields we change subconsciousness beliefs on all levels, dna, past, present and future. You will notice the new reality building in less than a week. Good luck and fast manifestations, Maitreya Fields