Symbol Meaning of Feathers My research into the meaning of feathers has taken me to great heights. It's no surprise. Feathers are a product of birds. As such (and as countless ancient cultures believe) the feather is inseparable from the bird. And that means feathers take on the meaning of the avian kind. So, we look to birds for their symbolic meaning. Birds represent freedom and inspiration. They are also symbols of travel. Not just physical travel, but travel with the mind and spirit. Consider...birds have an aerial view of our world. While we are down here plodding about, birds are above looking at us. Maybe they're laughing at our clunky, earth-bound bodies as they watch from on high. I wouldn't blame them. I mean, birds are lithe and light.
They have the ability to fly where the wind takes them. That's surely symbolic of freedom
So feathers are a symbol of giving thanks and appreciation. They are also a symbol of fertility as we see in Iroquois and many other tribes. The act of attaching feathers to oneself, animals, plants etc is a ceremonial action that sets an intention for growth and abundance. It's an easy connection to make. Because birds are considered connected to the heavens, and consorts of the gods/goddesses - it makes sense their feathers would have the power to communicate messages to these lofty audiences. Waving feathers during ritual is a way of whooshing wishes to celestial energies. Kind of like saying a prayer, I imagine.
It works both ways. Where many cultures use feathers to lift up intent and prayer to the sky gods - just as many consider feathers a message from the gods. From Aztec to Zuni there is evidence that feathers found should be seen as a gift from the gods. They represent messages, and it is the finder's duty to consult the gods for clarity. Further to this point, there is an unofficial modern idea that finding feathers on our path is a message from the dearly departed. Yep. Many believe that finding a feather is a sign from heaven - a message from a loved one who passed away. It is an uplifting thought. It makes sense to me. Feathers are a symbol of the heavens. Feathers have been released from the heavy burdens of the world. So too have our loved ones no longer living on this earth with us. Feathers, as the soul, are no longer bound by the world's gravity - they are free to ascend.

Symbol Meaning: Feather Keywords Feathers represent a lot of things to a lot of different people. These are just a few overarching concepts that describe the symbolic meaning of feathers. o Truth o Speed o Spirit o Travel o Heaven o Levity o Flight o Messages o Ascension o Fertility
I get a lot of questions about finding feathers on our path, and what that means. There are as many different answers to that questions as there are people in the world. A lot of the opinion comes from whomever found the feather. But I have some ideas about how we can respond when feathers show up in our lives...
Possible Meanings Of Finding Feathers o Get Grateful. Feathers are a reminder to count our blessings and be thankful for the good stuff going on in our lives. o Get High. No, not like that. Feathers are a symbol of levity. When seen, they remind us ease up on all the seriousness. Take a breath, relax, enjoy. o Get Listening. If feathers really are a communication tool to and from the gods, then their appearance is a reminder to listen to the bigger voice - as in a higher power. o Get Love. Feathers often show up when there is someone or something that wants to reach out to us. Sometimes this might be a loved one who has passed into non-physical. A feather is a reminder you are loved by infinite people (both here on earth and otherwise). o Symbol meaning of feathers deals with ascension and spiritual evolution to a higher plane. Feathers were worn by Native American Chiefs to symbolize their communication with Spirit, and to express their celestial wisdom. Also in the Native American Indian culture, feathers represented the power of the thunder gods, along with the power of air and wind. o Native American Pueblo Indians would pay homage to the Feathered Sun which is a symbol of the cosmos and the centre of existence. Another symbol meaning of feathers also revolves around prayer, and the Pueblo use feather sticks as they dance in prayer for rain during solstice rituals.
From symbol-meaning-of-feathers Although our Angels are always near us, looking over us and protecting us, we very rarely know that they are there. Sometimes, our Angels will send us small signs and signals to let us know that they are near, and will always be there to love and support us. These signs can be anything from a subtle flash of light, a rainbow on a gloomy day, or even an unexpected, sudden feeling of love and warmth within you.
One of the ultimate signs your Angels are with you is finding a feather. Coming across a feather in your path, or finding a feather in an unexpected place is thought to be a message from the Angels.
Your Angels will use feathers of all different shapes and colours to offer you comfort or validation when you need it most. Feathers could also be a clue to an answer you have been looking for, or even a message to tell you you’re on the correct path.
So next time you find a feather, pay attention! Although the most common feather sent from Angels is white, Angel feathers can come in all kinds of colours, and the colour of your feather can give additional meaning to the message your Angels are sending you.
Have you found a feather recently? Take a look below to find out what it could mean. WHITE. This is the most common Angel feather, and is thought to be a sign of faith and protection. A white feather can also be your Angel telling you that any loved ones in heaven are safe and well. Angels are near Everyone has at least one or two angels to watch over and protect them but we tend to go through life unaware of their existence. Angels are usually strong silent types that rarely make their presence known. If you’re lucky, an angel may send you a tiny ‘hello’ with the help of a small sign or signal. These signs can come in many forms from a subtle flash of light to a sudden feeling of happiness, love and warmth. Often, this signal is in the form of a lone white feather. A loved one is watching out for you Have you lost someone close to you? Whether you’re grieving the loss of a relative or close friend, the appearance of a white feather could be a sign that your loved one is nearby. Although you won’t be able to see them, find comfort in the knowledge they’re watching out for you and encouraging you to live your life to the full. When we lose someone, the best thing we can do is carry on living our lives while taking inspiration from the person who passed away. If you’ve lost a friend who was a budding activist, carry on their great work or find ways to make them proud. If you’ve lost a relative who had a fascinating hobby or interest, take inspiration from their passion and drive by finding a new activity of your own. Everything is going to be okay
If you come across a white feather, take it as a reminder to keep faith and stay strong. Sometimes we can find ourselves feeling overwhelmed or stressed out by things that, in the grand scheme of things, don’t matter. If you’ve been worrying a lot lately, use the appearance of a white feather as a sign you should take time out to calm down and relax. After all, worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles, it takes away today’s peace. Everything is going to be okay. You’re supported and protected by angels who will watch over you no matter what you do. Although you may not realise it, they’re guiding you through life and silently encouraging you to make the most promising decisions. While white feathers are the most common type of feather sent to us by angels, it’s not unheard of for brightly coloured feathers to appear when angels are near.
Pink A pink feather is a sign of love from your Angels. They are letting you know that their love is unconditional. Purple Purple is a colour that represents spirituality. Perhaps your Angels are prompting you to activate higher thought and connectivity. Red A red feather represents courage, strength, stability and good fortune. If you’ve been going through a difficult time of late, your Angels are sending comfort to let you know how strong you are. Yellow Should you find a yellow feather, your Angels may be nudging you to smile, have fun and enjoy life! Green Green feathers represent prosperity and growth. If you find a green feather, you’re in luck! Blue Blue represents communication, so a blue feather may well be your Angels telling you to listen! Blue is also a sign of peace and protection. Grey Grey feathers can symbolise peace, as well as neutrality. If you see a grey feather in your path, your Angels may be trying to tell you that the answer to a certain situation may not be as straightforward as a yes or no. Read more about grey feathers here. Brown Brown feathers symbolise home and grounding. Perhaps your home life will see positivity soon! Black A black feather is a sign of protection from your Angels. They are here to guard you and repel negative energy. Have you stumbled across a black feather? Whether you’ve lost someone close to you or you’re struggling to make a big decision, the black feather could guide you through life and help you achieve happiness.
You’re being protected by someone you loved and lost It seems like someone you loved and lost is watching over you and protecting you. The appearance of a black feather may suggest that a little negativity is heading your way but, with the help of this special someone, you’ll get through any rough patches and emerge stronger than ever before. You’re not alone We all have times in our lives where we can feel overcome with a sense of loneliness or isolation. It’s perfectly natural to feel this way and more often than not, these negative emotions will soon pass us by. If you stumble across a black feather while suffering from a prolonged period of loneliness, take it as a sign that you’re not on your own. Although you might not realise it, a spirit is watching over you and encouraging you through life. This spirit could belong to a loved one who died recently or it could be your guardian angel
A sense of clarity is on its way Are you struggling to make a big decision? Perhaps you’re at a crossroads in life and you don’t know which path to take. If you stumble across a black feather, it could be a sign that clarity is on its way. You’ll need to use your intuition so you can follow the path you’re most drawn to. When you see a black feather, it may be wise to follow the strongest emotion you’re currently feeling. Have you been offered a new job but you feel oddly suspicious of the company? Perhaps the feather is trying to tell you to continue your job search and find something else. If you find a black feather when thinking about embarking on an exciting but scary adventure, it could have appeared to give you a nudge to take the leap. After all, you’re being protected by someone you loved and lost.
Orange Orange feathers will bring you attraction and success! This is a sign that any new ideas or opportunities are approved by your Angels.
No matter what the colour or meaning, finding feathers is a true blessing and a sign of love from your Angels.
This Is What Different Feather Colours Mean
Finding a feather is often a magical moment. I have had many beautiful feather experiences and have watched one fall down from the sky onto my daughter’s lap while we had a picnic in our backyard! In my children are often sign-bearers, delivering me feathers from their playtime travels.
Feathers represent flight and freedom, soaring above, looking from a higher perspective, and moving beyond boundaries and limitations. Different colours and colour combinations can also add extra meaning. (see further below about various colour meanings).
Interpreting the Meaning of the Feather Sign Whenever you observe a sign, take note of what you were thinking just before it happened, or what is going on in your life at that moment. What could the sign be telling you? Don’t stress yourself about finding a meaning. Even if you do not understand the meaning of the sign at the time, it could become clearer later, or you may be absorbing it in at a sub-conscious level. Just trust that it is a sign and let go of any doubts. Enjoy the way that Spirit works, and embrace the fact you are intermingling with it and paying attention. Asking for Feather (& other) Signs You can ask for feather (or other) signs to come to you. And you can be specific. I once asked for confirmation that I had a male guide watching over me (which is what I was feeling and just wanted the magical validation). I asked that if it were true I be shown in the form of a blue feather. I picked blue because it was more rare and unusual, and I saw it as an obviously male color. Exactly one week later, I went to work and as I approached some steps outside there were bright blue feathers everywhere! They were fake ones but it didn’t matter. It was another of those magical moments.
It is just a matter of believing, letting go, and staying aware. Signs often remind us to be at peace and relax into the nature and flow of life. The meanings can at times be profound, and at other times quite simple. The best advice when signs happen is to not put any pressure on yourself to understand it. Take it as an opportunity to connect, take notice of and thank the ever-present Spirit. If your sign is an item such as a feather, you can keep it in a special place whether that be by your bedside, on your dresser, or added to your sacred space / spiritual altar. Or you can gently release it back to nature or where you found it. How do you know for sure your feather is a sign? It is especially a sign if it comes in a magical way or you find it in an odd place. Feather signs often appear on your path in front of you, or at your doorstep. Once a feather appeared in my bag, and on my bedroom floor.
What Different Feather Colours Mean The Native American people had a great spiritual understanding about feathers, their colours and their meaning. They would take the utmost care of any feathers that came their way as they saw it as a sacred gift, or a powerful talisman in battle.
When considering feather colours, firstly I always recommend seeking the answer within yourself first. Do you have any particular personal association with the colour? What does the color make you think of or feel? What are the universal meanings of that colour to your knowledge? Does the feather you found act as an answer to a question or some kind of acknowledgement. Always go with your gut and the first impressions you get, and trust. I recommend noting it down and keeping a journal of signs and synchronicities. You might see more in connection to this sign, so stay alert and enjoy the mystery of the process.
Below is a brief rundown of the possible colour meanings of feathers (though trust your own heart and use this as a general guide – you can experiment with this!):
WHITE – purification, spirituality, hope, trust, faith, protection, peace, Heaven, angels, and also act as blessings and wisdom connected with moon. RED – the root chakra (money, possessions, security, career), physical vitality/energy/life force/action, good fortune, passion, emotions, courage. BLUE – throat chakra (communication, acceptance, speaking your truth) peace, inspiration, mental abilities/knowledge, connection with spirits, spiritual protection and psychic awareness. YELLOW – solar plexus chakra (gut intuition, happiness), blessings and wisdom connected with powerful sun energy, intelligence, playfulness, joy, cheerfulness, mental alertness, vision. GREEN – (heart chakra – love, emotions, relationships, forgiveness), health, healing, nature, environment, nature spirits, plant spirits, animal spirits, growth, fertility, harmony, unity, money, prosperity, success. ORANGE (sacral chakra – sex/physical relationships, love, appetite, attraction), energy, change, optimism, and ambition, success, new ideas, will power, creativity, physical love, will power, independence. PINK – unconditional love, romance, feelings, friendship, caring, compassion, harmony, service, empathy, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, honor, inspiration. GREY – peace and neutrality (as it is in the middle of black and white), authenticness, flexibility. PURPLE – (crown chakra – universal consciousness, spiritual connection), heightened spiritual growth and experiences, higher thought. BROWN – earth, stability, grounding, endurance, home, friendship, respect. BLACK – protection, warning, repelling or warning of negative energy, death (as in a closed chapter), mystical wisdom – a sign that you are undergoing a spiritual initiation, growth or increased wisdom. When the feathers are iridescent, it represents high mystical insight (especially if there is a shiny iridescence).
COLOR COMBINATIONS: Black and white mixed feathers can represent protection, or the sense of union. Black mixed with purple represents a very deep spirituality. I would take it as a mystical sign. Black, white, and blue mixed feathers denote change on the horizon.Brown and black striped pattern (like a pheasant/s feather) – balance between the physical and the spiritual. Brown and white – happiness, and you will go under the radar from psychic or other harm. Feathers with red and green in them or together would denote that you are being assisted financially. I would take it as a very lucky sign. Grey and white symbolize hope.