The programming in this works towards increasing your collagen and elastin production specifically in your face and neck. Platelet-rich plasma is induced to collect in your face, which will create a faster looking 'lift' but this is will settle down after a bit, that is more for the increased healing the higher collagen levels etc. will remain. A simulant of Hyaluronic acid is used to induce the healing and restorative benefits of it. All combined should be a very good treatment, I look forward to reading your comments about the effects. 2-3 times should be fine. This targets the face
Facial symmetry has been shown to have an effect of ratings of attractiveness in human faces. More symmetrical faces are perceived as more attractive in both males and females, although facial symmetry plays a larger role in judgments of attractiveness concerning female faces. A wide variety of methods have been used to examine the claim that facial symmetry plays a role in judgments of beauty. The programming (energetic/morphic) works towards changing the symmetry of your face to make it more symmetrical and thereby make it appear more attractive.
It also directly working on toning and strengthening all your facial muscles. Use as much as 3 times a day, remember this also works the muscles and they can become sore, it may be a brand new thing in the world to have a sore face though? Its also not gender specific. So for Unisex use. We have an app store with a fun app, hopefully more to come
The frequencies and energies encoded in this video will cause you body to increase its collagen production specifically in your face along with Platelet-rich plasma (the popular vampire facelift) it will also attempt to restore the natural fat in your face, all effects working together to help restore a youthful look in your face. Use as much as you need to
This video is programmed energetically to induce the fat stores in your face to turn into stem cells, which then works towards regenerating and restoring your face to give you youthful features, It also works on your scalp and neck to provide the same benefit, (it may also help with hair growth on the scalp)
This audio is programmed to promote Apoptosis of the fat cells located under your chin/neck area. It will also work on tightening the skin there for a more youthful looking face ( sagging skin under the chin) The audio is programmed using morphic fields and energy programming. Use as up to 3 times a day if needed. Good luck with your results!
The fields programmed in this video will cause your skin, bones/joints and cartilage to increase its natural collagen production, resulting in a younger looking and feeling you. Fibroblasts should be induced to produce both type I and II collagen targeted to the areas mentioned above. It should be permanent over time. Use to your desired quality then simply maintain over time. Use 1 - 2 times a day for best results.
Using a combination of energy, and programmed frequencies, this treatment is designed to help with skin renewal and regeneration, it is intended to help with any type of skin healing, from cosmetic purposes for a younger more vibrant looking you to healing scars and any type of damage (sun, acne, burns, wounds etc.)
It tells your body to produce increased amounts of epidermal growth factor in your skin throughout your entire body which cause skin to begin the process of creating new cells to renew and regenerate the damaged areas.
The programming in the audio works towards clearing up the dark circles around the eyes, the approach is multilayer, with the excess melanin being removed, and also direct antioxidant to cells (catalase) and re-hydration. Also a bit of induced collagen production. this only targets the eyelids and general area around the eye socket. Not the eye directly. 2 or 3 times usage or as you need.
This works towards inducing the production of collagen and some fat in both the upper and lower lips, it works towards producing a permanent or long lasting change, both for male and female usage. Use 2 times a day at most, results should be quite fast.
This is designed to help with a wide variety of skin scarring problems, at least work towards an improvement in the best way possible. It works on removing scar tissue while inducing rapid regeneration of the affected area, also will work on piercings, so hmm be careful if you have piercings you want to keep. Induced apoptosis to scar tissue on the skin, while also inducing pluripotency to the remaining cells, enhanced nutrient absorption and directed energized mitochondria in the surrounding cells will drive the process to be a lot more speeded up. May help with burn damage as well.
Mewing is a do-it-yourself facial restructuring technique involving tongue placement, named after Dr. Mike Mew, a British orthodontist. Mewing itself isn’t technically new. In fact, proper tongue alignment is recommended by some orthodontists and other medical professionals as a way to define the jaw, correct speech impediments, and potentially alleviate pain from jaw-related issues. Supporters of the technique believe that, over time, your tongue position will change your overall facial features, most notably the jawline. People also believe it may help alleviate jaw pain and provide relief from snoring. Mewing is supposed to work by making your jawline more defined, which can help shape your face and perhaps make it look thinner, too. Well whatever may be the case, this automates the strengthening of the muscles and all works on all of the parts involved in this process, to give you all the benefits of this technique, which would cause a lot faster results with your own practices or can supplement the effects of doing the exercise itself. 2 - 3 times is usually good enough.
This video is programmed to induce your fat cells to become stem cells, it works more to the fat around your organs and bones, and the cells are coerced to go the damaged areas, to help with healing, but all fatty areas are affected. Yes it should help you to regenerate. This is perhaps one of our most powerful fields in that it creates plentiful stem cells to accelerate and maximize regeneration of the body. It is highly, highly effective for healing. Use as much as you want, No head phones are required.
This combines the previous two fat to stem cells and generalized stem cells along with induced apoptosis of scar tissue in organs, muscles and skin. This video is programmed to induce your fat cells to become stem cells,
Listening and allowing the music to flow through you will also theoretically pour the energy states of adult stem cells into your body and being, causing cells to resonate with that morphogenic state, which would help produce the obvious benefits of stem cell treatments. it works with the fat around your organs and bones, and the cells are coerced to go the damaged areas, to help with healing, but all fatty areas are affected. It should help you to regenerate.
This combination should be pretty effective and may even help with damaged nerves (Where scar tissue has formed between nerve connections. It should be highly effective for healing. Use as much as you want, No head phones are required.
Did you know that If you were to free yourself of all your subconscious limiting beliefs/negativity/blocks in your life, you would be able to do ANYTHING you possibly wanted? If you believe that you can accomplish anything and that anything is possible, you open your self to limitless possibilities and allow life to bring you the things you want. But as we grow older, we start believing that we can't do certain things or that some things aren't possible. Our subconscious minds reinforce these beliefs and ensure that we can't do what we would like to do or that some things are just not possible for us.
Examples of subconscious limiting beliefs/blocks: I'm not good looking enough to go up to women, I can't travel the world, I can't dance, I can't swim, I'm too weird to talk to people, I can never pass math class, ext.... Now imagine a life where those I can'ts don't exist and you believe that you can accomplish anything. A whole new world will open up for you. You will feel free! The Morphic and energetic programming will work together to help dissolve a large number of subconscious blocks/limiting beliefs.
This will have profound effects on your mental state and your daily interactions with the world. You will feel more free than you ever have in your life. *This audio also removes limiting beliefs such as "sapienmed audios might not be working" "this can't work. its only sound" "its not working, I don't feel anything" and other limiting beliefs that actually block out the effectiveness of the fields. By listening to this, you ensure that other audio fields work powerfully for you.
Hepatocyte Growth Factor is actually what your liver uses to regenerate. This videos works on increasing your own production throughout your entire body to work as an Anti-Allergic and Anti Inflammatory effects) Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is known to influence a number of cell types and regulate various biological activities including cytokine production, cell migration, proliferation and survival.
Thus, HGF is now recognized to be a key factor in the prevention and attenuation of disease progression. We have reported that HGF reduces allergic airway inflammation, airway hyperresponsiveness, remodeling and development of Th2 cytokines as well. (excerpt from https://www.karger.com/Article/Abstra... ) In mice models, it has also been shown to significantly suppresses Collagen-Induced Arthritis.
Use 2-3 times for inflammation and allergy relief and then as needed. Be sure to use your medicines and be responsible, for example if you have a nut or shellfish allergy, do not use this as an excuse to consume the things dangerous for you.
Maitreya Fields offers energetically programmed video clips as well as other digital and physical items with energy programming. Each video has an inbuilt energy field with a specific beneficial purpose which you can find in the description. When you view or listen to the video it transfers the information that was coded into it into your auric field.
The fields are designed to affect your conscious mind, your subconscious beliefs, ancestral memories and programs as well as information coming from other lifetimes and dimensions, that is not appropriate for you now. The field will replace all wrong beliefs with the highest understanding of the issue. You may experience effects right away, but for full and long lasting effects you may need to listen to the audio daily for several weeks.
The energy programming is done by Maitreya using only the pure Divine energy of the Creator. May you be blessed abundantly and may your manifestations happen fast and for your highest good!
Vitamin D3, also known as the “sunshine vitamin,” provides benefits throughout your body. As it circulates through your bloodstream, it aids in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which helps keep your bones strong. It's involved in a healthy immune system, and it's beneficial to mood, heart health, and even weight loss.
You can get vitamin D from food and supplements, and your skin produces D3 when it's exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D3 is an essential nutrient in the human diet. It's critical for the development and normal functioning of many organs in the body.