think very carefully before doing this, your Soul chose this lifetime to learn certain Lessons with Certain people at certain times. If you renege on these soul choices you are doing yourself a diss-service or 'shooting yourself in the foot' and may well have to reincarnate again to complete the Lessons.
To revoke is to renounce, retract, annul and erase. What are we erasing? The contracts that have bound us into bondage. What are we renouncing? The idea that we were ever anything less than divine. And what are we revoking? The fear that has kept us in place for far too long.
These Soul Contract Revocations are a way to use the power of your voice to break free from the energetic chains of the past, present and future that have been knowingly and unknowingly created. They are tools to remember and reclaim your sovereignty as a free willed being of the Universe with full power and full autonomy, which then releases the hold that the Matrix has on your thinking and allows you to be a conscious multidimensional being.
You are challenged to say them every day as a declaration of your freedom. Freedom from your own self imposed limitations, freedom from the very ideas that once held you in the comfort and illusion of safety, and freedom to become the greatest version of your highest ideal. Challenge yourself to reveal this highest ideal within you and live it with full passion and expression. This is a step in being your own Saviour, your own Hero and your own Source of wisdom. Will you give yourself this gift?