Ascension is a natural and normal part of the evolutionary process of the Universe. It has always been so and will probably continue until it is no longer necessary as a universal process.
Therefore any ideas of this process being something new or weird, usually means that this concept hasn't been understood. When the real meaning of this concept is not grasped, we get separation and terms such as the ascensionists. Let's look more carefully at what Ascension is.
Experiential growth
Evolution is basically a continuing growth through learning in many forms. This growth comes about through greater spiritual wisdom, compassion, tolerance, integrity, true understanding and such qualities that lead us to Unconditional Love.
Energy and vibrations
Each person has their own unique energy vibration and it is this we are recognising when we feel someone is instantly familiar or we are immediately comfortable with someone. Whilst each being always holds this special energy, the overall vibrational field of a being alters - depending on the current level of evolution he or she is at. Our individual vibrational band as a being decides the world we see. All dimensions exist Now but we can only see things that lay within the vibrational band of Light that we resonate with - that matches us. Wisdom and love raise ones vibration, taking it from dense, slower moving frequencies to faster finer frequencies.
An evolutionary stage: Ascension is merely a stage in this evolutionary process and involves reaching a place where one is ready to raise oneself to the frequency of Light, whereby the fifth dimension becomes accessible and visible.
It is not something for the chosen few but is available to every being in the entire universe. It is obtained on an individual basis, within the time frame that being chooses to experience his or her growth. It is inevitably gained by everyone at some point or another.
A natural transition: One does not need to understand the process or to have ever heard the word Ascension in order to ascend. It is simply a word that is used by some to define this particular step of ones growth.
All stages of evolution are wonderful and contain their own special beauty and wisdom. However, it is felt by many that Ascension is a special stage as it involves the transition from a third dimensional reality of duality and its relevant learning, to an awareness of oneness, harmony and love.
Moving to the fifth dimension, one passes through the fourth and releases all buried emotion and thought that has too dense a vibration to permit the being to raise him or herself and his lower subtle bodies, into the higher frequencies of Light.
source. lightparty.com/Spirituality/Ascension.html
When consciously activated, the Ascension process affects every aspect, level and layer of a person’s being-ness. The physical, emotional, mental, egoic and spiritual structures undergo acute transformation, evolving to meet the demands of a higher level of consciousness.
The Awakening Phenomenon is one of the more impressive effects of the Shift. Amidst the external changes – political, social, financial, spiritual, solar and planetary – people encounter profound internal change due to the ascending frequencies. This heightened awareness returns wisdom, knowledge and a connection to divine aspects of the Self which had been dormant for thousands of years.
Planetary Ascension is a change in frequency
Dimensions are based on vibration. Each dimension has a range of frequencies which create the reality or experience within that dimension. Anything living on a planet must resonate with the vibrational level of that planet (or higher) or it cannot exist in that reality. As the frequency of the Earth changes, everything on her surface is affected by this increase in frequency.
Ascension Guidance for activation, integration and acceleration
Integration is vital to achieving a permanent state of higher consciousness. In the Ascension process, it is essential to clear and retrain the lower emotional, egoic and mental constructs which block higher states of consciousness. This frees the true Self to do what it came here to do; awaken and embody a unique expression of Source.
Reliance on external modalities, channels and old paradigm New Age methods has limited the awakening process for quite a few people. Many are now ready to take on the task of Self-empowerment, REactivate their Divine HUman state and achieve Crystalline consciousness.
Incredible possibilities for Earth and Humanity
The Shift, jump time, evolutionary upgrades in consciousness and the ascension process have been discussed for years in spiritual circles, and for millennia in ancient cultures. Waves of unique cosmic energy have been surging through our galaxy for decades, and the window of amplification has arrived.
It isn’t the end of the world. It is the beginning of a new paradigm, and big change is typically rough. The Shift is a shift in consciousness; a dramatic change in the parameters by which we experience reality. The physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and dimensional changes which are occurring here have never been experienced before. It is a fantastic time to be here and experience evolution first-hand.
How do I ascend? Won’t it happen to me anyway?
Each dimension has a range of frequencies which create the structure for experiencing a certain kind of reality. Third dimensional reality is the lowest density (frequency) which a human expression of consciousness may experience. There are many side effects of the old 3D reality, including the illusion of linear time, the inability to perceive higher dimensions, and spiritual amnesia where the memory of past lives, experiences in other dimensions, and connection to the rest of the Universe is forgotten. All of that is changing during the Shift. This is why the phenomenon of awakening is so widespread; we are waking up from the amnesia of 3D and reconnecting with higher dimensional consciousness.
Apocalypse and the planet
Anything which desires to experience life on a planet must resonate with the vibrational level of that planet in order to exist within the parameters of that reality. The frequency of the Earth has been increasing, and continues to rise, which means everything in, on and around her surface is affected. Higher frequency always overpowers the lower vibrations.
As the parameters for 4D reality dissolve, the planet supports the experience of a higher dimension. This change in dimensional structure is becoming very apparent to the awakened. Apocalypse means lifting of the veil – the unveiling of higher dimensions which were once hidden by the density of 3D reality.
The Human Ascension process
HUmans are unique; our DNA hold the codes for all life in this Universe, an expression of Creator consciousness embodied (Creator-in-carnate) in HUman (God-man) expression. Your primary responsibility in this game of amnesia is to wake up and remember who you are as a divine HUman. The Ascension process is the transformation of the physical body, light body and the consciousness which animates it, in order to hold a higher vibrational state. Your higher self is merging with your lower dimensional self after a very long separation in the 3D experience.
In order for your body to be capable of holding that higher frequency, it must transform into a crystalline-based cellular structure. DNA which has been dormant must be activated. Our consciousness must be expanded beyond the boundaries of habitual 3D/4D existence. It is physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually challenging, and it is quite amazing. Medical impossibilities are popping up all over the globe. Not everyone has chosen to awaken in this lifetime, nor do they have to awaken. There are many factors involved in experiencing the Ascension process, and we are all here to play out the Shift in our own way.
The changes will affect your life-stream
Severe weather and climate change are imminent due to the drastic reduction of the magnetosphere and magnetic shifts in the Earth itself. Global warming is simply an affect of the collapse of the astral planes of consciousness as we go through the Shift. There is less protection between us and the Sun, and that is fine.
Gaia is a very patient conscious entity with a long and diverse history. It is her destiny to become a Spiritual Sun; a more Solar beingness to host a collective of Solar Cosmic Christed HUmans. This window of evolution coincides with many galactic alignments, some of which only occur in million and billion year cycles. Galactic cycles are very long, and the experiences of other off-world races, systems and galaxies depend upon the raising of Earth’s frequency. It’s a bit like being the weakest link – other games cannot be played until this density is upgraded.
Gaia is constantly balancing magnetics as 3D dissolves from the collective reality. The doom timeline – a complete destruction of everything on her surface – has been eliminated thanks to the amount of awakened consciousness on the planet. She is heavily influenced by the collective consciousness, and millions have been connecting with her to smooth the transition during the Shift
It is a process which requires participation
The dimensional split between a 3D/4D version of Earth and an ascending 5D version (the New Earth) began in August of 2011. Our planet ascended to 5D on December 12, 2012. This means a platform for the new experience of the return to the true HUman genome is provided. Kind while, Humanity is able to merge with their 5D and above aspects, while the veils are down, and bring Heaven (5D+) to Earth, merging these realities. Lower vibrational systems, programs, entities and belief systems dissolve in the New Light – sometimes with ease, sometimes with resistance. Eventually, the lower 4D expression of Earth will drop out of existence.
We now have a holographic platform for a 4D experience as the collective awakens. Many are choosing to fully embody a 5D consciousness of Unconditional Love right here in this reality, as an act of Divine service to raise the collective vibration into peace, harmony and compassion. Some are choosing to embody a Christed Consciousness, which enables a conscious connection to 5D – 12D expressions of the Self. We do not know how long the 4D platform will be available. Whether it is 2 years or 200 years does not matter, the inevitable Shift is well underway.
Evolution is evolution; the entire planet and all of her residents are experiencing the Shift, regardless of their awareness of it. Ascension is a conscious process which requires a choice to engage with the unknown, in order to experience something brand new. It is a remarkable, challenging and rewarding process which frees the Self from perceived limitations.
Open up to all that you truly are, beloved.
source. sandrawalter.com/what-is-ascension/
What Is The 5th Dimension?
We live in a 3rd dimensional reality. Meaning that everything in the world, as we know it, vibrates within a range of frequencies that support 3D.
When we increase the speed of vibration, we increase our access to higher levels of consciousness. Some of this work to increase our frequencies can be done physically - through healthy, high-vibe eating, breathwork, yoga and meditation. However, the greatest impact to help sustain access to the higher dimensions is to do the inner work of self. This work is most important because it allows our soul to express itself more fully in the way we view ourselves.
It also allows us to really embrace our conscious awareness that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Embracing this thought opens the doorway to higher consciousness.
People often ask why many channelers and intuitives seem to jump past 4th dimension and go straight to talking about 5th dimensional access. Let me paint a picture for you to help you better understand why this is valuable.
4th dimension is the first level of higher frequency beyond the confines of our physical reality. It can be a beautiful place with higher-level loving spirits, but it can also be a challenging place tarnished with darker warped energies.
Picture a big, busy city on earth. You wish to get from one side to the other. This city is known to be beautiful and a great place to visit, however to get from one side of this lovely place to the other, you have to drive through the middle. In the middle, there are all kinds of people and neighbourhoods, some good and some not so good. The goal is not to stop, but to continue to drive through so you don’t get caught up with any shady characters.
This is similar to how the 4th dimension is. It is like a highway that connects 3rd dimension to 5th dimension. None of this has to be scary, just as driving through a city doesn’t have to be scary. You simply choose the best route, make sure you have enough gas and do so in daylight. Likewise, you want to navigate 4th dimension with resources, daylight and awareness.
The other option is you can move straight from 3rd dimension through to 5th dimensional consciousness if you travel with light and love of the highest good; just as if you were to fly a plane from one end of the city to the other.
The plane in this imagery is your heart. Your heart is your connection to the energies of the highest good for all. If you come from your heart you will ease into 5th dimensional frequencies.
The beautiful thing is that 5th dimensional frequency cannot be hindered or warped by lower vibrational energies. This is why it is important to be careful that channeled messages come direct from the 5th dimension, not the 4th, as negative entities can interfere with the message on the way.
The world of 5D consciousness is one of love and light for the highest good of all involved. This is why channelers speak of raising humanity to this level of consciousness.
We can all do it. We can all access it. The secret to access this wondrous and loving place resides in your heart. When you live through your heart and let it lead, 5D consciousness awaits you with open energetic arms.
Peter Maxwell Slattery from ECETI Australia
What is Ascension?
Ascension, also known as Spiritual Awakening, is a simultaneous increase of Expanding Consciousness that occurs when our spiritual-energetic bodies connect into our physical bodies. Generally, the catalyst for spiritual Awakening is discovered through the process of progressive Kundalini activation that starts in the base of our spine and moves the intelligent energies up the spine and into the Crown. As a human being undergoes the Awakening process, which can progress gradually over many years, that person shifts into perceptions of higher consciousness, which can include increased awareness of energy in the environment, perceiving multidimensional realities, sensing extradimensional entities and feeling a direct communion with God and the interconnected energy that exists between all things.
Ascension is a change in Spectrum of Frequency through Kundalini awakening and a change in the focus of our Consciousness. Ascension is about moving our Consciousness from one reality to another. Since reality is a dimension, what we are undertaking is essentially a full dimensional shift. To go through this shift we must adjust our way of thinking and being to that which is in alignment with our soul purpose and true divine essence.
The Ascension Cycle Basics
The Ascension Stages are about the bringing of layers of light, the Kundalini force existing within the levels of our spiritual bodies (our Multidimensional God Selves) by descending these layers into matter and anchoring them into the physical plane of reality. Simultaneously, Ascension is a shift in energetic Spectrum of Frequency patterns held in a dimensional space which, when absorbed and activated into the layers of the planetary and human bio-energetic field, activates its DNA Silicate Matrix template instruction set. This catalyzes a chain of events that creates a complete transformation and transmutation of various patterns and programs held in the energetic templates of the Human Soul’s journey within a cycle of evolutionary time. When activated, these patterns begin to shift, re-emerge and clear from the layers of experiences coded into every cell and memory pattern held as an energetic vibration within the bodies. This part of the biological ascension process may manifest physical, mental and emotional Ascension Symptoms as well as the spiritual crisis of the Dark Night of the Soul.
When activated into awakening process, higher sensory perception may come online and new senses and perceptions of reality start to develop. Many times people feel something is wrong in their life, they are discontented or feel they have a special purpose but they cannot figure out what it is. Some people begin to sense extra-dimensional beings, such as ET contact or other forms of intelligent life communication, but have no context for what is happening to them. Many people will perceive number codes, or different symbols being repeated in their daily awareness. Many people are terrified people around them will believe their awakening or ascension symptoms will make them appear insane or crazy. Clearly this is why what is happening on planet needs to be disclosed and made aware to the larger public.
Understanding Ascension
To go through this shift one must prepare and adjust one's way of thinking and being to that which is in alignment with the soul purpose and true divine essence. “Surrender” and “Acceptance” are two main characteristics we will need to allow to permeate through us to facilitate an easier time. In order to shift the old behaviors and thought patterns not serving the soul purpose, we will become aware of the beliefs and behaviors that exist as imbalances within us and we must take the appropriate steps to integrate or clear them. This process will bring our deepest fears, beliefs of limitation and old pain patterns to the surface through events that trigger them into our awareness so that we can consciously acknowledge, resolve and heal them. Some of these issues are ancestral or inherited in their nature and may feel rather odd yet familiar when they are is brought to your awareness. It is important to remember that we are not only clearing our own individual “mind” grid, but also the karmic mind implications and collective (un)consciousness implications on this planet from the last evolutionary cycle. This way you can reframe the circumstance in your mind to be that which is impersonal and detached from identifying with the specific issue that has risen to the surface to be cleared within your bodies. Appreciate and acknowledge your light being for accepting the assignment for this clearing rather than claiming it as belonging to “you”.
Ascension Improves Life
The goal is to inform you of these dynamics which we are currently experiencing, and as the energies accelerate to prepare you even further by clearly discussing the various possible physical, mental and emotional symptoms from a position of having a “neutral” association. Utilizing what works for you personally by cultivating intuitive discernment with an informed awareness is the intended support of this website and continuing discussion. When we live in confusion with a cluttered mind we are generally suffering an miserable. No one needs to suffer, with proper ascension context, re-education to reprogram the mind, and the many tools available on this website.
This is to not alarm you, but this information is to be used as a tool to keep you informed in order to be self-accountable and self-sovereign in all of your personal upcoming choices. We will be going through life altering changes that can be traumatizing if we have not prepared our mental and physical body to comprehend these changes. All of us will be required to transform ourselves through the re-education of the spiritual ascension process and recovery from allowing ourselves to be controlled by a narcissistic ego personality. We are leaving 3D individual (service to self) consciousness and moving into a group consciousness which requires we change to serve the highest expression of our inner spirit and real self. (service to the whole).
How Finding Your Soul Purpose relates to your Ascension.
To go through this shift one must prepare and adjust one's way of thinking and being to that which is in alignment with living in the soul’s purpose and being directed from the true divine essence. The ego personality has to be sublimated from its control over your natural person, and the dismantling of ego and emotional healing becomes an awakened person’s primary job on the earth. One cannot split their spiritual self from their material self, the two must integrate and become in cohesion and alignment with each other.
As one enters the awakening process, what that means is that your soul intelligence and its frequency are starting to entrain and initiate its intelligence field into your personal energetic aura. When this happens you will start to sense and perceive your reality much differently. One will not feel aligned to soul and divine purpose until recognizing the discernment between the ego mind chatter and the soul intelligence. The soul communicates in sensory feeling, direct cognition and not from the lower mental body. For most people in the earlier stages, this ego confusion is experienced as running after something or someone your mind tells you is your soul purpose, but it really is being fueled from the ego personality and not the soul’s heart intelligence. We all must learn that it is not our personal ego will but divine will that is really driving the physical vessel.
Your soul wishes to travel more freely between dimensions of higher reality. This is to allow for conscious spirit communication, the free flow of Soul light into the physical body, and the joining in Divine Harmony of heaven and earth. It requires a powerful consciousness to do this. The Mer Ka Ba, Chariot of Ascension and Soul Fire is the spiritual gift to attain these Divine Purposes now, available to you as a High initiate.
There are times when the Soul becomes ambitious and wishes to live its entire light in conscious oneness with all expressions of its being, including the physical body. It may wish to do so simply because it is the nature of all beings to eventually realize themselves as Divine, or because it needs specific new skills to be available to the human expression in the physical body so it can continue with its Divine Purpose. Those skills might be channelling Divine Energy or consciousness for healing, traveling easily between the worlds for conscious spirit communication, gaining greater artistic or creative ability because it feels wonderful to create or any number of other purposes.
This Oracle brings you guidance that a special practice has come or is soon coming to your attention that will help your Soul reach you more fully. It will be an advanced practice and it will serve you well at this time in your journey to reach the higher levels of capacity and spiritual responsibility that are available to you as a High Initiate. Peace to you, beloved. Your spiritual work on this planet is greatly supported.
The Chariot of Ascension Oracle also offers you a particular Sacred Teaching from the Priestess of High Initiates, Lady Isis. This is the practice of the Mer Ka Ba – “Soul Vehicle” or “Chariot of Ascension.” This vehicle is an energetic structure of sacred geometry that strengthens and protects you allowing for your consciousness to travel instantaneously and freely between dimensions and realities without compromising your vibration or damaging your energy bodies. Mer Ka Ba is a vehicle of great strength and power and is best used with a heart dedicated in unconditional love and service. It can be used to travel on the inner planes to stars and temples for higher guidance in an instant as well as to connect with other souls on the inner planes, at various levels of evolution. It is recommended that such a practice only be used with permission granted from the Soul in question and from a place of love and intention to be of healing service.
Mer Ka Ba allows you to travel without the usual restraints upon your energy field but like any powerful practice, there is a wise caution – you will travel and experience what is in your heart. Keep your heart open and clear and do not use Mer Ka Ba if you are feeling uncentered, ungrounded, disconnected or angry. It is a technique to use when you are feeling peaceful and aligned within yourself. At such times, great growth in consciousness is possible for you using Mer Ka Ba. The Oracle of the Chariot of Ascension is a gift of high-level spiritual training. Your wisdom in using what you have learned helps you make the most of this sacred gift. This Oracle is as much about receiving the training as it is about knowing when to apply it and when to have restraint.
The Oracle of the Chariot of Ascension is also confirmation that you are growing spiritually and becoming ready for greater tasks and spiritual responsibilities. If you have been considering taking a step to engage in teaching or healing, in studying or practicing at a higher level whether spiritually or in your chosen field or profession, you are encouraged to follow you heart and your destiny, and be bold. Say, “Yes!” to yourself. The Chariot of Ascension speaks of rising destinies and successes. source Alana Fairchild