This system is NOT just about saying these *afformations* although it would be a good idea to make a Voice memo on your mobile fone and play them regularly.
It is also about GOAL SETTING, and taking baby steps action steps towards your goals
Remember the Four Modes of Human Communication I taught you in
chapter 3? Here’s where you’re going to put them into daily practice, using
my Core 4 Formula.
You’re going to commit to spending one minute reading your new,
empowering Afformations every morning. Starting immediately, every
morning, you’re going to pick up this book and read for one minute.
After you’ve read this book (or one of my other books in this series) for
one minute, next you’re going to spend one minute writing your new,
empowering Afformations following the process I taught you in chapter 3.
After the Writing Phase, you’re going to speak your new Afformations
out loud for one minute. Yes, you’re actually going to say your new
Afformations out loud following the same process I taught you.
The final phase of my Core 4 Formula is to spend one minute listening to
your new Afformations. To get started, get my free 60-Second Stress Buster
iAfform® Audio at
Whether you’ve had a specialized morning routine for a while or this is
something new for you, there are many benefits of doing my Core 4
Formula. These benefits include:
Reduced stress
Increased creativity
Getting in touch with your intuition
Becoming a better communicator
Releasing negative thoughts
Accessing your inner wisdom
So how do you start doing this if you’ve never done anything like it
before? Here are eleven additional tips to help you get started!
MORNINGS ARE THE BEST TIME TO DO MY CORE 4 FORMULA. Tip #1: The process of doing my Core 4 Formula is as simple as it sounds. You’re simply going to commit to yourself and the Universe that you’re going to do all four phases of my Core 4 Formula every morning. Why do we have to do them in the morning? Here are five reasons why: Reason #1: When you’re reading, writing, speaking, and listening in the morning, your brain is fresh and ready for new ideas. Reason #2: Following this process in the morning is the best way to free your mind of negative thoughts before they have a chance to take root. Reason #3: You will be able to act on your ideas much more effectively before the crush of daily events pushes your ideas out of your head. Reason #4: Unlike the rest of the day, mornings are an easier time to think clearly and put your thoughts on the written page. Reason #5: During this private time, you won’t be interrupted, so you’re free to read, write, speak, and listen to whatever you want. Tip #2: Create a routine around this practice so you can avoid distractions the abundance of the Universe. No matter what you do, don’t be discouraged; you’ll be happier and more productive when you have a consistent Core 4 practice. And it will improve your mental health as well. Tip #3: The process of reading, writing, speaking, and listening every day will enable you to tap into your inner wisdom, which will help you to find creative solutions to your problems. It’s also a wonderful way to start the day because it allows you to express yourself and learn about what you want that you may have buried deep inside. Tip #4: Adopting the Core 4 Formula is also an excellent way to get out of a rut and feel refreshed. For instance, if you’re feeling stuck or unsure about anything in your life, it’s one of the easiest ways to unblock, and it’s an enjoyable practice to keep up with. Tip #5: The Core 4 Formula is a fast and easy way to clear your mind. Whether you think you’re creative or not, this time will allow you to focus on your creative side and release any stress you may be carrying. It’s a perfect way to relax, unwind, and start your day. The best thing to do is find the time to do these four simple things. You’ll be surprised at how much you’ll achieve by committing and doing this every day. As you commit to doing your own Core 4 practice, you’ll be surprised to see how it begins to change your life. You’ll discover new insights and feel more alive!
Whether you think you’re creative or not, this time will allow you to focus on your creative side and release any stress you may be carrying. It’s a perfect way to relax, unwind, and start your day. The best thing to do is find the time to do these four simple things. You’ll be surprised at how much you’ll achieve by committing and doing this every day. As you commit to doing your own Core 4 practice, you’ll be surprised to see how it begins to change your life. You’ll discover new insights and feel more alive!
Whether you think you’re creative or not, following your Core 4 practice will quickly improve your overall well-being. You’ll be amazed at how much you can accomplish. USE THIS FORMULA TO QUICKLY CLEAR YOUR MIND OF CLUTTER. Tip #6: It’s important to have a consistent schedule and stick with it. As simple as it sounds, doing your Core 4 will become one of your favorite new daily habits—one you won’t want to live without! Tip #7: Remember that you’re not doing this to impress anyone else. The intention is to read, write, speak, and listen so you clear your mind and access the abundance of the Universe. No matter what you do, don’t be discouraged; you’ll be happier and more productive when you have a consistent Core 4 practice. And it will improve your mental health as well. Tip #8: Keeping a MillionaireTip #8: Keeping a Millionaire Afformations Journal can improve your life and help you get more done. Besides being one of the best ways to express yourself and your feelings, you’ll also find that you can minimize your morning distractions. Tip #9: In addition to boosting your confidence, you’ll be able to express your fears, your plans, and your dreams. Regardless of your goals, you’ll be able to achieve them a lot faster and easier when you follow my Core 4 Formula. Tip #10: Begin this new daily practice starting immediately. Start first thing tomorrow because it’s free, easy, and has many benefits. And did I mention—it’s free? Tip #11: Sounding perfect isn’t the goal—doing it is! Remember, this is just for you, which means nobody needs to see it except you. For example, here’s an actual excerpt from one of my Core 4 writing journals: 11:38 a.m. Well, it’s still morning. I spent this morning vacuuming and cleaning, and blowing leaves. I have to get some noise-canceling earphones because my ears hurt after all that blowing. I have sensitive ears anyway. Why am I enough?
Do you see what I did? I simply write about what’s going on in my life at the time, then write Afformations to continue re-wiring my brain with even more empowering beliefs. Yep, that’s all there is to it. Simple? Yes, incredibly simple. Easy? Not necessarily.
Use the following Afformations as a starting point to challenge your
unconscious assumptions about achieving your health, fitness, or weightloss; goals; strengthen your positive beliefs; and eliminate your negative
ones. Ask away!
Physical Body
Why am I so healthy?
Why do I love my body?
Why am I happy when I look in the mirror?
Why am I the perfect me?
Why is my ____________________ so healthy?
Why does my __________________ work so well?
Why is my ____________________ working perfectly?
Why did my ____________________ heal?
Why did my _________________________ get better?
Why does my ____________________ work the way it should, in
harmony with my body?
Why do I have unstoppable stamina?
Why am I so grateful that I’m so healthy?
Why am I so lucky to have the body that I have?
Why does everything in my body operate perfectly?
Why am I so strong?
Why do I have abundant energy every day?
Why do I love my beautiful, healthy body?
Why does my body treat me so well?
Why did God create perfection as me?
Why is my body a gift from God?
Emotional Health
Why do I enjoy peace of mind and fulfillment every day?
Why do I celebrate my health today?
Why am I so emotionally healthy?
Why am I so happy and comfortable in my own skin?
Why do I see only beauty when I look in the mirror?
Why do I attract emotionally healthy people?
Why did I let go of the past?
Why did I forgive ____________________ ?
Why do I let go of frustration?
Why did I let go of grief?
Why am I so happy?
Why do I have an open heart and create loving communication?
Why do I release the past?
Why am I in control of my mind, body, and spirit?
Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Why do I take responsibility for my health?
Why are healthy people magnetically drawn to me?
Why do I radiate perfect health and well-being?
Why do I eat a healthy, balanced diet?
Why do I take such good care of myself?
Why is it so easy for me to lose weight?
Why do I love to exercise?
Why do I love eating right?
Why do I accept compliments so easily?
Why do I treat my body with love?
Why do my family and friends support me in my healthy lifestyle
Why did I lose my taste for foods that aren’t good for me?
Why do I take my time when I eat and really enjoy my food?
Why do I eat a healthy balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and
Why do I make healthy choices when I prepare food for my
Why do I have fun eating right and exercising?
Why do healthy foods taste so good to me?
Why does my body respond so well when I put healthy foods into
Why does my body love eating well?
Why do I look forward to exercising every day?
Why does my body respond so well to healthy exercise?
Why do I love living a healthy, active lifestyle?
Why did I quit worrying?
Why do I treat my body like the temple it is?
Why do I let people support me in my new, healthy lifestyle?
Why am I so grateful for my beautiful, healthy body?
Why do I love living a healthy, happy life?
Why am I emotionally, physically, financially, and spiritually
healthy today and every day of my wonderful life?
Beliefs about Yourself
Why am I so confident?
Why do I love feeling so confident?
Why do I love being so confident?
Why am I so calm?
Why am I so capable?
Why am I so comfortable in my own skin?
Why did God create such beauty in and as me?
Why am I so comfortable being Who I Really Am?
Why am I enough?
Why do I attract more than enough in my life?
Why do I attract more than enough in my business?
Why do I attract more than enough in my relationships?
Why am I good enough, even though I’m not perfect?
Why am I more than capable?
Why am I perfectly equipped to do what I’m here to do?
Why am I so loving?
Why am I so loved?
Why am I exactly who I’m supposed to be?
Why is it okay to like myself?
Why is it okay to love myself?
Why is it okay to treat myself well?
Why do I have permission to succeed?
Why do people enjoy being around me?
Why do I feel confident sharing my talents with the world?
Why did God create perfection in me?
Why am I so respected by friends, family members, and
Why am I so confident putting my trust in God?
Why am I so poised?
Why is it easy for people to get to know and like me?
Why do people want to help me reach my goals? (Perhaps because
you help them reach theirs!)
Healthy Self-Confidence Habits
Why do I believe in myself?
Why do I let others believe in me?
Why do I gratefully accept every good thing that comes my way
Why am I magnetically attracted to the best, most loving, and
wonderful people on Earth?
Why do I see only enoughness when I look in the mirror?
Why do I easily see my own worth and value?
Why do I let others see my worth and value?
Why am I respected in my work and my life?
Why do I accept compliments so graciously?
Why are leaders attracted and magnetized to me?
Why do I seek only the best in life?
Why do I see only the best in myself and in others?
Why do I walk away from people and situations that aren’t good
for me?
Why do I enjoy sharing my gifts with the world?
Why am I always in the right place at the right time doing the right
thing with the right people?
Why do I attract loving, healthy people?
Why do I let go of negative people?
Why do people value and appreciate me?
Why am I so great at seizing opportunities?
Why am I allowed to be all I really want in this life?
Why am I allowed to do all I really want in this life?
Why am I allowed to have all I really want in this life?
Why do I always come from love?
Why do I always come from more than enough?
Why do I come from a place of contributing to the lives of others?
Why do I love making people feel good about themselves today?
Why do I look for the best in others?
Why do I love catching people doing things right?
Why am I so good at seizing opportunities today?
Why am I so grateful that I’m so confident?
Why has God blessed me so much today and every day of my life?
Why am I so successful?
Why am I so confident in my work?
Why do I love my job?
Why can I get what I want?
Why is my work so satisfying to me?
Why am I so lucky to be doing the work I do?
Why do I love expressing Who I Really Am—and being
fabulously well-paid for doing it?
Why am I so valuable to people?
Why do I love what I do?
Why is my work fulfilling for me?
Why do I have the courage to do what I love and ask for the
money I’m worth?
Why do opportunities come to me so easily and so often?
Why am I fundamentally unstoppable?
Why is it okay for me to be as successful as I really want to be?
Why do I feel comfortable being very successful?
Why do I attract the right mentors and people to help me on my
career path?
Why am I validated at work and at home?
Why are my talents expressed and appreciated at work?
Why are my natural gifts recognized and well compensated?
Why are my goals coming to me as fast as I’m coming to them?
Why am I so clear about my vision for success?
Why am I so comfortable being so successful in life and business?
Why does success find me everywhere I go?
Why am I proud to be happy and successful?
Why do I thank God for my success?
Why do I let myself be as successful as I like?
Why does success come to me so quickly and so easily now?
Why does being successful equal being spiritual for me?
Healthy Work Habits
Why do I take full advantage of every opportunity that comes my
Why do I have more than enough?
Why does having what I want help others get what they want?
Why do I visualize my plan so vividly?
Why do I follow through on my plans?
Why am I at peace with success?
Why did I stop stopping myself from success?
Why is my career growing beyond my wildest dreams?
Why do I love what I do and do what I love?
Why do I always act with integrity?
Why do I give myself permission to succeed?
Why am I secure in my work?
Why do I love to win?
Why do I feel comfortable asking for the sale?
Why am I so appreciated for the work I do?
Why do I allow myself to be more successful than I ever dreamed?
Why do I let myself live the life of my dreams?
Why do I have so much success in business?
Why do I love being truly happy and successful?
Why do I love being healthy, wealthy, and wise?
Why do I love helping people and making healthy profits at the
same time?
Why does my business bring in more than it spends?
Why do successful people love being around me?
Why is it so easy for me to change when change is necessary?
Why do I help those around me to be more successful?
Why do I lead by example?
Why do I enjoy adding so much value to other people’s lives?
Why do I thank God for the successful life I now live, every day
of my blessed life?
Why am I enough?
Why am I safe?
Why did everything work out better than I thought it would?
Why am I going to be okay?
Why is God right here with me?
Why am I free from worry?
Why am I so calm?
Why am I at peace?
Why is it so easy for me to find solutions to challenges I face?
Why am I so confident?
Why am I so relaxed?
Why am I more than capable enough to handle this?
Why do I feel peace?
Why does God take great care of me?
Why am I so peaceful?
Why does peace manifest in my life?
Why am I greater than my fears?
Why is there no fear with God?
Why do people see the wonderful person I really am?
Why am I loved so easily and so much?
Why are people so friendly and helpful to me?
Why do so many great people love and support me?
Feeling Safe
Why is loneliness an illusion?
Why is every day filled with pleasure and peace?
Why do I easily and gratefully let go of past hurts?
Why do I let myself win today?
Why do I let go of irrational beliefs and let myself be happy?
Why do I allow God to fill my life with calm?
Why am I strong enough in mind, body, and soul to do anything I
Why am I fundamentally unstoppable?
Why do I have the power of God within me?
Why do I forgive and let go so easily?
Why do I know everything will turn out great?
Why am I safe to _______________ (fill in with whatever you
fear: speak in public, look for a job, enjoy healthy relationships,
Why did everything work out for the highest good of all
Why am I so grateful to share my talents with the world?
Why do I love making phone calls to great people?
Why do I get to serve others through my products/services/ideas?
Why is “lack” not real?
Why am I completely protected by God?
Why do I lovingly accept my new, true self?
Why do I give myself permission to be Who I Really Am?
Why am I safe to do the things I really want to do?
Why am I safe to succeed in whatever I set my mind to?
Why do I love being and expressing Who I Really Am?
Why do I love my new, healthy habits?
Why do I let myself be Who I Really Am?
Why do I love being good at what I do?
Why am I free from the past?
Why do I love my new, confident self?
Why does F.E.A.R. now stand for Feel Everything And Relax?
Why am I so loved?
Why am I so loving?
Why do I enjoy happy, healthy, peaceful relationships?
Why is my love life so fulfilling?
Why is it easy for me to ask for the love I really want?
Why do I easily accept the love I really need?
Why do I let myself love unconditionally?
Why am I willing to give love a second chance?
Why do I let myself be open to love?
Why am I safe to love and be loved?
Why do I love purely?
Why do I have such passion?
Why do loving, happy people love being around me?
Why are my relationships so much fun?
Why am I safe to love again?
Why do I easily accept love in my life?
Why does being loved equal being spiritual for me?
Why is it so easy for me to express the love I really feel?
Why are my relationships so loving, fun, and healthy?
Why am I an expression of God’s love here on Earth?
Why is my life totally filled with love?
Why is love Who I Really Am?
Attracting the Right Partner
Why is it so easy to find the person of my dreams?
Why am I so grateful to find the perfect person for me?
Why is it so easy for me to find love again?
Why am I open to love again?
Why am I so supportive of my significant other?
Why does God want me to find true love?
Why are my relationships precious gifts from God?
Why do I forgive and let go of the past?
Why does my past not equal my future?
Why do I have the courage to love again?
Why do I easily let love in?
Why am I loved for being Who I Really Am?
Why is it so easy for me to find my soul mate?
Why did love come to me so quickly and easily now?
Why do I love being so attractive to the person I truly want to
Why is it so easy for me to be happy, loved, and loving?
Why do I create an atmosphere of love in my life?
Why do I attract happy, healthy relationships?
Healthy Love Habits
Why do I respect my significant other?
Why do I appreciate all my partner is and does?
Why is love so easy for me?
Why do I catch my significant other doing something right every
Why do I have a sense of humor in dealing with the people in my
Why do I not expect my partner to be perfect?
Why do I fall in love with my significant other every day?
Why do I love and forgive those around me?
Why do I have so much love in my life?
Why am I so grateful that I’m so loved?
Why am I so comfortable giving and receiving love and intimacy?
Why do I seek to understand my partner before I assume?
Why do I give love and allow myself to receive love?
Why do I love having healthy intimacy?
Why is it so easy for me to truly listen and be in the moment with
my partner?
Why do I live a truly loving life today and every day?
Why do I give love wisely?
Why do I receive love openly?
Why do I find so many fun and simple ways to give and receive
love today?
Why am I emotionally committed to being with my partner?
Why am I proud to be the loving person I really am?
Why do I allow myself to be as loved as I’ve always wanted?
Why do I give and receive love in just the right ways?
Why do I help those around me to feel more loved, too?
Why do I love being so loving and generous?
Why are my actions those of a truly happy, loving person?
Why do I thank God for all the love I have, today and every day of
my life?
Why am I so happy in my relationships?
Why do I have so many wonderful friends?
Why do I have so many happy, healthy relationships?
Why are the happiest people on Earth attracted to me?
Why can I count on my friends to be there when I need them?
Why am I there for my friends when they need me?
Why are people so generous with me?
Why am I so generous with others?
Why are such great people magnetically attracted to me?
Why is my family so loving?
Why am I so lucky in relationships?
Why are my relationships a reflection of God’s Love?
Why am I good enough to have so many great and healthy
Why do the people in my life recognize my strengths, talents, and
Why do I love being happy in my relationships?
Why do I attract happy, loving people?
Why am I truly happy and whole?
Why do I love being happy and whole?
Why do happy, healthy people love being around me?
Why do happy people find me everywhere I go?
Why am I proud to be happy and healthy?
Why do I let myself be as happy as I’ve always wanted?
Healthy Relationship Habits
Why do people see the wonderful person I really am?
Why do my friends tell me the truth about me?
Why do I have so many Loving Mirrors? (As I teach in my
seminars and coaching programs, a Loving Mirror is someone who
sees you for Who You Really Are and supports you in living your
dreams. Visit to connect with other
Afformers and Loving Mirrors around the world.)
Why am I a Loving Mirror to my friends and family?
Why do I actively look for the good in people?
Why is it so easy for me to acknowledge the good I see in others?
Why do I find something to like in everyone I meet?
Why am I supportive of the people in my life?
Why do I support my friends unconditionally?
Why do my friends offer their support to me?
Why do I enjoy rich relationships with wonderful people?
Why do I have such a strong support network?
Why do I forgive the past?
Why do I take full responsibility for my life?
Why do I enrich the lives of everyone I meet?
Why do I recognize the greatness in each of my children and let
them know they make a difference?
Why do I lead my children by example?
Why do I support other people’s efforts to change and grow?
Why do I let myself be happier than I ever dreamed?
Why do I design a lifestyle of abundance?
Why do I let myself enjoy the relationships of my dreams?
Why do I have so much happiness in my relationships?
Why do I like the people in my life?
Why do I love having such healthy relationships?
Why do I invest my energy in people wisely?
Why do I find creative and fun ways to add value to people’s
Why do I mirror the best in others?
Why do I lead by example?
Why do I love having lots of healthy relationships?
Why do I love being so happy and generous?
Why do I love having so many great friends?
Why do I thank God for all of my happiness and joy, every day of
my beautiful life?
Beliefs about Money
Why am I so rich?
Why am I so wealthy?
Why do I love being truly wealthy?
Why am I so richly blessed?
Why do I always have enough money?
Why does money come to me so easily?
Why is money no object? (Consider this question carefully. Money
has no meaning in and of itself; it is simply an expression of
perceived value among human beings.)
Why do I have so much worth and value?
Why am I worth having a positive net worth?
Why do I have permission to be happy and wealthy?
Why can I enjoy my wonderful wealth and still be spiritually
Why am I worthy of being wealthy?
Why has God given me the power to be wealthy?
Why is money such a wonderful gift to me?
Why is money magnetically attracted to me?
Why am I a happy money magnet?
Why does money love being with me?
Why is God a God of increase, abundance, and more than enough?
Why is my life a life of increase, abundance, and more than
Why does God bless me with unprecedented favor today?
Why do I have an abundance of money?
Why do I love having so much money?
Why do I enjoy being healthy, wealthy, and wise?
Why does being rich equal being spiritual for me?
Why do I believe and live the statement, “In God we trust”?
Healthy Money Habits
Why does my income always exceed my expenses?
Why do I let myself be rich and happy, too?
Why is it okay for me to have lots of money?
Why do I use my life of abundance to enrich the lives of others?
Why am I happy to be so abundant?
Why does God bless me with such financial abundance?
Why do I invest, tithe, and spend in balance?
Why do I love being wealthy and spiritual?
Why do I no longer say things like “I’m broke” or “I can’t afford
Why do I enjoy teaching my children the real value of money?
Why do I thankfully ask and abundantly receive?
Why is it so easy for me to express my spirituality by being
financially abundant?
Why am I grateful for all that I have?
Why do I spend less than I earn?
Why do I meet my financial responsibilities?
Why do I invest my money wisely?
Why do I find opportunities everywhere I look?
Why does abundance find me everywhere I go?
Why am I proud to be wealthy and happy?
Why do I allow myself to be as wealthy as I’ve always wanted?
Why don’t I let anyone make me feel bad about being rich and
Why do I help those around me to be wealthier, too?
Why do I add so much value to other people’s lives—and why do I
allow that to add riches to my life?
Why do I love being out of debt forever?
Why do I love being so rich and generous?
Why am I so grateful for my life of abundance?
Why do I thank God for my new, abundant lifestyle?
Use the following Afformations as a starting point to challenge your
unconscious assumptions about achieving your health, fitness, or weightloss
goals; strengthen your positive beliefs; and eliminate your negative
ones. Ask away!
Why am I capable of achieving my goals?
Why do I allow love to guide me in all the actions I take?
Why is my mind open to new possibilities?
Why do I look for positivity in every situation?
Why do I have what I need to reach my goals?
Why can I handle anything that’s in my way?
Why do I have enormous courage within me all the time?
Why do I have the determination to keep moving ahead in life?
Why do I have the persistence to pursue my dreams?
Why are my goals more important than any fear that might hold
me back?
Why am I stronger than my fears?
Why do I create magic in whatever I do?
Why can I create the life that I dream of?
Why am I in control of whatever I wish to do with my life?
Why do my present circumstances not dictate my future?
Why is my reality determined by my positive energy?
Why will I manifest anything I focus on?
Why do I cherish the life I am creating every day?
Why do I seize every opportunity that flows to me?
Why do I always choose to lead by my heart and the path it makes
for my goals?
Why are my goals guided by the desires of my heart?
Why am I living a life that is aligned with my highest truth?
Why do I have immense faith in myself and seek the truth within
Why is abundant wealth and prosperity coming to me now?
Why do I attract positivity and abundance?
Why am I worthy of dreaming big?
Why am I grateful for what I already have while I keep striving to
get what I really want?
Why am I motivated and ready to take any action that pulls me
closer to achieving my goals?
Why am I open to seeking help from people who are more
knowledgeable and can facilitate my dreams?
Why do I devote my time to planning, researching, and taking
action to achieve my goals?
Why do I build a strong network of people who help me reach my
goals faster and easier than I would by working alone?
Why do I improve my communication skills every day?
Why do I only associate with positive and supportive people who
encourage me and my dreams?
Why do I have the power to unlock my full potential?
Why did I reach my most audacious goals faster than I ever
thought possible?
Why do I come up with creative ideas that help advance my goals?
Why am I a proactive human being?
Why did I stop procrastinating and choose to act in the present to
make my future better?
Why do I believe in taking daily positive action instead of just
talking about my goals?
Why do I keep track of my time and understand its importance?
Why do I start my projects early and finish on time?
Why am I aiming toward higher goals every day and striving to
achieve them before each day ends?
Why do I love these Afformations on Goal Setting and Goal
WEALTH AFFORMATIONS Why am I so rich? Why am I so wealthy? Why do I always have enough money? Why is my credit so strong and healthy? Why is money no object? Why do I have enough money? Why do I have so much worth and value? Why does money come to me so easily? Why am I worth having a positive net worth? Why does my income always exceed my expenses? Why do I allow myself to be rich and happy too? Why is it okay for me to have lots of money? Why do I use my life of abundance to enrich the lives of others? Why do I enjoy finding new and creative ways to share my abundance? Why do I allow money to flow easily to me? Why am I so happy being so rich? Why does God bless me for the work I do? Why do my investments pay off so richly now that I seek sound advice? Why do I invest, tithe, and spend in balance? Why is money magnetized to me? Why do I give myself permission to be wealthy? Why does my health grow in proportion to my wealth? Why do I enjoy the benefits I bring to others through being abundant? Why can I be wealthy and spiritual at the same time? Why am I worth being wealthy? Why am I a money magnet? Why do I happily accept being wealthy? Why is it so easy to talk to my spouse about money? Why has God given me the power to obtain great wealth? Why is my credit being repaired? Why is money such a wonderful gift to me? Why do I teach my children the fine art of giving and receiving? Why do I trust that God always provides? Why do I thankfully ask and abundantly receive? Why is abundance attracted to me? Why does money love being with me? Why is it so easy to express my spirituality by being financially abundant?
Why do I have millionaire habits?
Why do my habits support my new, rich lifestyle?
Why do I practice better habits so I can live an abundant life?
Why do I deserve to be rich, happy, and fulfilled?
Why do my actions lead to abundance and prosperity for myself
and my family?
Why am I living in limitless abundance?
Why am I thankful for the abundance and prosperity in my life?
Why do I open my heart to accept all the abundance the Universe
has for me?
Why does my cup overflow with prosperity?
Why do my actions create constant wealth?
Why do I deserve to be abundant?
Why are positive people drawn to me?
Why am I open to receiving limitless abundance?
Why do I have whatever I need to succeed?
Why do opportunities continue to come to me?
Why are all doors to prosperity open to me?
Why do I attract endless abundance through living in gratitude?
Why does everything I touch turn to gold?
Why do I embrace new avenues of income?
Why do I control my money and not allow money to control me?
Why am I grateful for the financial security that is constant in my
Why am I becoming richer and happier every day?
Why do I share my riches with joy?
Why do I make money doing what I love?
Why am I open to all the wealth life has for me?
Why do I release all negative energy about money?
Why do I spend my money wisely?
Why do I get to be financially free?
Why do I give myself permission to release toxic thoughts?
Why is my body empowered with increased energy every day?
Why do I radiate positivity?
Why am I capable of achieving my dreams?
Why do I have the ability to create absolutely anything I want?
Why are my dreams coming true now?
Why do I grow stronger and more capable of manifesting my
dreams every day?
Why do I have everything I need to create anything I desire?
Why am I attracting the right people, resources, and capital to
support all my goals?
Why do I consistently take any needed actions to increase my
Why do I have the capacity to change the lives of people around
the world?
Why am I creating opportunities that benefit people all over the
Why do I consistently attract other millionaires to network with
and learn from?
Why do I let nothing stop me from reaching my goals and
fulfilling my mission and vision?
Why do I love these Afformations on Millionaire Habits?
Set healthy boundaries
Speak up against unfairness
Be more successful in their careers
Feel more comfortable meeting new people
Believe in themselves enough to pursue their dreams
Have the inner strength to take risks
Listen to the opinions of others without being defensive
Take the actions necessary to achieve their goals
Why am I stronger than I know?
Why do I find the positive in any situation?
Why can I handle whatever the day has in store?
Why is today going to be a great day?
Why am I great at setting healthy boundaries?
Why do I love my body?
Why do I have the ability to dream as big and as far as I want?
Why do I know it’s okay to take care of myself?
Why do I know it’s healthy to take personal time for myself and
my mental health?
Why am I responsible, capable, and motivated?
Why am I worthy of love and happiness?
Why am I happy to be alive and to be myself?
Why do I get to live life to the fullest?
Why do I build supportive and healthy relationships?
Why am I enthusiastic and full of energy?
Why am I so good at finding the best in others and in myself too?
Why are my experiences and the lessons I’ve learned important
and valuable?
Why do I enjoy working toward my goals?
Why do I have a deep respect for myself?
Why does my work bring me enjoyment and help me become the
person I want to be?
Why is my self-confidence growing every day?
Why is it true that no one and nothing can hold me back?
Why do I feel joy and peace in this very moment?
Why am I ready for anything?
Why am I surrounded by loving and supportive people?
Why am I strong and smart enough to make it through this
challenge and learn from it?
Why do I deserve good things, just like anyone else?
Why do I deeply and completely love and accept myself now?
Why am I easy to love?
Why do I deserve to be happy too?
Why do I radiate self-love and confidence?
Why am I worthy and deserving of love?
Why am I peaceful, happy, healthy, and free to be me?
Why am I safe to be who I really am?
Why do I choose to be kind to myself today?
Why is now my time to shine?
Why do I get to live the life of my dreams?
Why do I believe in the person I am becoming?
Why am I always enough?
Why am I exactly who I need to be in this moment?
Why am I worthy of love, peace, and joy?
Why do I love who I am in this moment?
Why do I love these Afformations on Self-Confidence?
Why do I wake up every morning with a strong connection to my
life purpose?
Why do I stay true to myself?
Why am I conscious of my time and my life?
Why do I matter?
Why am I fearless in the pursuit of my life purpose?
Why is my life purpose waiting for me with open arms?
Why do I have something special to offer this world?
Why are my talents needed?
Why am I just as important as anyone else?
Why does what I do with my life matter?
Why is my life purpose becoming more and more clear to me
every day?
Why am I grateful for the divine guidance and inspiration I’m
receiving now?
Why do I receive divine guidance with gratitude?
Why am I open to trying new things?
Why am I meant to live a life of meaning, purpose, joy, and
Why do I have the energy and resources I need to pursue and
fulfill my higher purpose?
Why am I capable of achieving anything I set my mind to?
Why do I trust my inner voice and intuition?
Why do I honor my truth?
Why do I have the power to create a deeply meaningful and
purposeful life for myself?
Why am I brave and committed to the fulfillment of my higher
Why am I motivated to achieve my life purpose?
Why can I do whatever I set my mind to?
Why do I walk confidently in the direction of my life purpose?
Why do I take steps every day to fulfill my life purpose?
Why do I deserve to live a life of passion, magic, and miracles?
Why do I release perfectionism?
Why do I know what my life purpose is?
Why am I attuned to the callings and longings of my soul?
Why am I walking in alignment with my higher purpose every
Why am I succeeding in my life purpose?
Why do I succeed by attracting the right people who help me
fulfill my life purpose?
Why am I full of vitality, zest, and joy?
Why am I happy with who I am?
Why am I capable of living my life purpose?
Why do I attract the right people at the right time?
Why do I let go of old, negative beliefs that no longer serve me?
Why am I now open to limitless possibilities?
Why am I capable of attracting abundance every day?
Why do my actions create constant wealth, prosperity, and
abundance for me and those I love?
Why am I worthy enough to follow my dreams and manifest my
Why do I choose to embrace my life purpose today?
Why do I love these Afformations on Purpose?
Why do I love my life?
Why do I love my work?
Why do I have a wonderful work-life balance?
Why do I balance my work and life now?
Why do I make time to relax?
Why am I so productive at work?
Why do I make time for my friends and family?
Why do I have faith in myself?
Why do I easily manage all aspects of my life and work?
Why do I enjoy my balanced life?
Why do I make sure that I give quality time to my family?
Why do I balance my work and life effortlessly?
Why do I say no when it serves my larger purpose?
Why do I say yes to things that serve my highest good?
Why do I give my equal contribution to both work and life?
Why do I pay equal attention to both work and life?
Why do I take regular breaks from work?
Why am I fully present when I am with family and friends outside
of work?
Why do I enjoy the perfect balance of work, play, and rest?
Why do I arrange my physical, emotional, spiritual, and
professional lives perfectly?
Why do I let go of work pressure?
Why do I let go of mental stress?
Why do I keep my work at my workplace?
Why do I keep my family issues at home?
Why do I know how to balance work and life?
Why am I making my life harmonious?
Why do I have the work and not let the work have me anymore?
Why do I make time for work and time for me as well?
Why am I more capable of balancing my work and life every day?
Why do I forgive myself and others?
Why is everything working out for my highest good?
Why do I say yes to life and life says yes to me?
Why are all areas of my life harmonious and balanced?
Why do I make the time to work on my most important goals
every day?
Why do I achieve a greater balance between my thoughts and
actions every day?
Why is every area of my life in perfect balance now?
Why are my life goals in perfect balance?
Why are all aspects of my life in perfect alignment?
Why am I creating my ideal future with every thought?
Why do I choose to let go of hurt and resentment now?
Why do I set myself free?
Why am I divinely guided and always protected?
Why do I love these Afformations on Work-Life Balance?
FOCUS AFFORMATIONS FOR FOCUS Why is my focus growing stronger every day? Why is focus a natural part of me? Why do I focus on any task easily? Why is focusing becoming more effortless for me? Why do I choose to focus on all the good that happens in my life every day? Why do I focus on my blessings today? Why do I focus on my priorities before anything else? Why do I have more mental clarity now? Why do I love being alert and present? Why does being in the present make me feel alive and well? Why does doing my Afformations every day help me focus? Why do I ignore distractions and concentrate on the task at hand? Why do I remove all the thoughts and things in my life that don’t serve me well? Why do I gain clarity as I put my intention toward what I want? Why do I realize my priorities? Why am I clear about what is most important in my life? Why am I clear about my priorities and values? Why am I able to make better decisions now that I’m more focused? Why do I know deep inside when to step forward and when to step back? Why do I let go of unnecessary arguments and needless debates? Why am I clear that my time and energy are precious and need to be invested in something purposeful every day? Why do I invest my time and energy wisely toward more meaningful things? Why do I give myself the gift of focus? Why do I choose to be a person of vision and value? Why is my life directed by my vision and priorities? Why am I able to focus more strongly with each passing day? Why am I in control of how I use my time? Why do I operate with the spirit of excellence? Why do I make good choices on a daily basis? Why am I so good at creating results? Why am I highly organized and mentally disciplined? Why am I in control of my thoughts, words, and actions? Why do I have a strong and disciplined mind? Why do I trust myself? Why am I capable enough to complete my tasks today? Why do I approach my goals with positivity, grit, and determination? Why do I get a lot done in a day? Why do I realize that time is the most precious resource I have? Why do I love these Afformations on Focus?
Beliefs about Life and Happiness
Why am I so happy?
Why am I more than good enough?
Why do I attract all good things today?
Why do I know why I’m here on Earth?
Why do I know my life purpose?
Why do I love knowing my life purpose?
Why am I living my life purpose?
Why do I know Who I Really Am?
Why am I so comfortable in my own skin?
Why did God create the perfect me?
Why am I so confident being Who I Really Am?
Why do I attract only good things when I live my life purpose?
Why do I attract all good things as I express Who I Really Am?
Why am I perfectly capable of living the life I really want?
Why am I perfectly capable of living my life purpose?
Why has God given me the ability to live my life purpose?
Why am I exactly who I’m supposed to be?
Why is it okay to like myself?
Why is it okay to love myself?
Why am I safe to be Who I Really Am?
Why do the right people come to me so quickly now?
Why do opportunities come to me so quickly and easily now?
Why do highly successful people value and appreciate me?
Why did God create perfection in Who I Really Am?
Why am I truly appreciated by my friends, family members, and
Why am I allowed to be Who I Really Am?
Why do I have more than enough time, money, and energy to do
all I want with my life?
Why am I so lucky?
Why am I so blessed?
Why am I so grateful to be me?
Healthy Lifestyle Habits
Why do I accept Who I Really Am?
Why do others accept Who I Really Am?
Why did I stop trying to hide Who I Really Am?
Why do I only see the best in myself and others?
Why do I see and accept my own worth and value?
Why do I accept myself?
Why does God bless me today?
Why do I forgive myself?
Why do I enjoy balance and harmony in my life?
Why do I easily let go of the past?
Why do I accept the people in my life just as they are?
Why is it more important for me to be happy than to be right?
Why do I leave a legacy of love?
Why are wonderful people so attracted to me?
Why do I attract so many Loving Mirrors?
Why did I stop trying to change people?
Why am I so grateful for my life?
Why am I so grateful for all that I am and all that I have today?
Why am I strong enough to say, “I was wrong”?
Why do I thank God, every day, for the gifts of my life?
Why do I explore and discover great new opportunities?
Why is my life today the best I have ever known?
Why do I embrace my past, appreciate my present, and step into a
better future?
Why do I immediately take new actions to get the results I want?
Why do I enjoy living a truly abundant lifestyle?
Beliefs about God
Why is God right where I am?
Why am I One with God?
Why is God as close as my next breath?
Why is it okay for me to be, do, and have anything I want?
Why am I so grateful to be who I am?
Why does love manifest as my life now?
Why is happiness Who I Really Am?
Why is God so happy with me?
Why is life so fulfilling for me?
Why am I so enchanting? (A seven-year-old student from
Alabama taught me that Afformation!)
Why do I live by the Golden Rule?
Why do I choose to be a good steward today?
Why do I bask in God’s Love today?
Why is my life filled with light and love?
Why am I connected to God?
Why does God take perfect care of me?
Why is my life such a gift?
Why do I get to enjoy all of God’s gifts today?
Why do I have so many gifts to share with the world?
Why do miracles happen for me today?
Why is my life a miracle?
Why do I have so much to give?
Why am I always taken care of?
Why does God provide everything I need?
Why am I abundantly provided for?
Why am I right where I should be in life?
Why has God given me everything I need to succeed?
Why do I find comfort knowing God is right here for me?
Healthy Spiritual Habits
Why am I always in the right place at the right time, being the
right person and doing the right things?
Why do I confidently ask for miracles?
Why do I let miracles happen for me today?
Why do I give and receive in joyful abundance?
Why do I have such a strong spiritual center?
Why do I enjoy true abundance today?
Why do I ask the right questions to manifest what I really want?
Why do I thank God for my life?
Why does my trust in God grow every day?
Why am I a successful person living a successful life?
Why do I enjoy the value I bring to others by expressing Who I
Really Am?
Why can I enjoy doing what I want and be a blessing to others at
the same time?
Why do I let myself succeed naturally?
Why do I happily accept my oneness with God?
Why do I live each day in God’s grace?
Why do I easily step into my natural success?
Why do I enjoy the perfect level of success?
Why do I enjoy showing others the way to natural success?
Why do I trust myself?
Why am I worthy of trust?
Why do I have unstoppable faith?
Why does my soul rejoice today?
Why do I have unshakable belief?
Why is it so easy for me to be and express Who I Really Am?
Why do I express Who I Really Am by giving myself permission
to succeed?
Why do I let my true light shine through in everything I say and
Why do I thank God for the gift of my life, today and every day?
Beliefs about Yourself
Why am I safe to be Who I Really Am?
Why is it okay to like myself?
Why is it okay to love myself?
Why am I so happy being free?
Why am I in control of my life?
Why do I easily let go of things that I don’t really need?
Why do I let myself be loved?
Why do I live my life in harmony?
Why do I love being healthy and happy?
Why am I the master of my own emotions?
Why am I enough?
Why is it so easy for me to be at peace?
Why is God right where I am?
Why am I truly filled with peace?
Why is it okay for me to be happy and peaceful?
Why do I give myself permission to enjoy true peace of mind?
Why did I allow peace of mind to manifest so quickly and easily?
Why is it okay for me to be incredibly productive?
Why is it okay for me to have happy, healthy relationships?
Why can I help more people when I am peaceful and happy?
Why did I start being a truly relaxed, happy, and confident person?
Why did God bless me with unprecedented favor today?
Making Better Choices
Why is it so easy for me to quit _____________________ (fill in
the self-destructive behavior you want to stop doing:
procrastinating, overeating, smoking, drinking, doing drugs,
overspending, physically or emotionally abusing myself or others,
misusing sex, compulsive hoarding, nail biting, and so on)?
Why was it so easy for me to stop _____________________?
Why do I let people support me in stopping
Why am I free at last?
Why am I clean and sober?
Why do I love having a clutter-free home?
Why did I stop trying to be perfect?
Why do I feed my body properly?
Why do I treat my body as the temple it is?
Why do I have control of my emotions?
Why do I go to my friends and God for love, instead of turning to
something that hurts me?
Why do I love eating right and exercising?
Why am I so fulfilled?
Why do I do what I need to do when it needs to get done?
Why do I turn to God for my strength?
Why do I always focus on what I have?
Why do I always focus on what’s good in my life?
Why did I let go of my need to control everything?
Why do I live in the present?
Why do I enjoy relaxing and being at peace?
Why do I invest my energy in the right things?
Why do I let myself be as happy as I’ve always wanted to be?
Why do I thank God for the peace and joy I have today?
Why do I choose to be happy today?
Why am I organized when scheduling my time?
Why do I love being free?
Why am I living a life filled with peace and joy?
Why are all of my decisions so healthy now?
Why are my actions those of a happy, healthy, and whole person?
Why do I get to live the life I want?
Why do I thank God for the abundance in my life today?