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The Loving Mirror Principle
You have the “who, me?” response because you can’t fully perceive your own value, any more than you can see your own eyes. Most of us don’t fully comprehend our own value to the world. I call this phenomenon The
Loving Mirror Principle, and it’s the hidden cause of success that almost everyone ignores.
The answer to the question lies in the question itself. Because we have to provide VALUE to other human beings before we receive the thing called money, and most people don’t realize what their true value IS, there is
a huge GAP between their intrinsic VALUE and the VALUE they are bringing to the marketplace — which is the very reason they’re not making the money they could and should be making. That’s what I call The Value
The way a Loving Mirror helps you bridge your Value Gap, is by reflecting back to you your true value to the world and to others, in such a way that you can raise your value to the marketplace, thereby becoming more successful in your career. Loving Mirrors are people who give you unconditional support in your personal and professional life.
Bottom line: If you don’t recognize your own value, how can you express it? If you don’t express it, how can you add more value to others? And if you don’t add more value to others, how can you become more successful? The answer is, you can’t. That’s why the Loving Mirror Principle is the sine qua non of success — if you don’t do this foundational Power Habit, it will be very difficult to reach your potential, advance your career, grow your business, or fulfill your mission.
The Power Habit System
1. Just as your house and your body are made of Systems, your life and your business are also made of
interdependent Systems.
2. Your Systems must be operating properly for you to live a more abundant lifestyle.
3. Most business owners struggle because:
a. They don’t know what the Systems are.
b. They don’t know how to fix them.
c. They keep asking the wrong people for help.
4. The five Systems of Support are: People, Activities, Environment, Introspection, and Simplify.
5. If one or more of these Systems are not operating optimally, your success and peace of mind will be
quite limited.
6. Your People System is the quality of relationships you have with the people in your life. The #1
predictor of your wealth is the quality of the relationships you have.
7. Your Activities System is how you spend the hours and days of your life.
8. Do the exercises in this session to install Your People System and Your Activities System at higher
9. This will be a lifelong process, because if you want to get wealthier and live a more abundant lifestyle, you must constantly keep bringing in the right people and doing the right activities.
10. Remember that invisible sign everyone is wearing: “Please make me feel important.”
Follow the steps in this session and you’ll attract higher-quality people than you ever imagined possible… and your life will change as a result.
Top 10 Afformations
1. Why do I have so much support in my life?
2. Why are leaders so magnetized to me?
3. Why do I take responsibility for doing things that fill my tank?
4. Why do I use my energy so effectively?
5. Why do I love throwing things away that no longer fit Who I Really Am?
6. Why do I enjoy keeping my Outer Environment clean?
7. Why do I love keeping my Inner Environment clear?
8. Why do I listen to my intuition when making big decisions?
9. Why do I take responsibility for simplifying my life?
10. Why do I enjoy simplifying my life and streamlining my business?
There are four main reasons we don’t reach our goals:
1. We don’t know HOW to reach our goals.
2. We know HOW to reach our goals, but we’re stopping ourselves from doing it.
3. We’re going after something we don’t really want.
4. Our goals are impossible or outdated.
The Power Habit System
1. Many people are unknowingly holding themselves back from success because they’re trying to protect,
punish, or please someone else.
2. To stop doing this, first ask yourself, “Whom am I trying to protect by being LESS than I am?”
3. Then, ask yourself, “Whom am I trying to punish by holding myself back from success?”
4. Finally, ask yourself, “Whom am I trying to please by succeeding or not succeeding?”
5. Stop trying to protect, punish, or please others with your success by realizing the payoff you’ve received
from your behavior, and then give yourself permission to be as successful as you like.
To Remedy the above
1. Why did I stop protecting others from my success?
2. Why did I stop punishing others by not succeeding?
3. Why did I stop trying to please people by succeeding?
4. Why did I stop trying to please people by holding myself back?
5. Why am I allowed to be, do, and have exactly what I want on Earth?
6. Why am I so happy?
7. Why do I no longer fear being truly happy and really rich?
8. Why do I give myself permission to be as successful as I really want?
9. Why do I love being the truly successful person I’ve always wanted to be?
10. Why am I good enough, just the way I am?
Detect, Deflect, Reflect
Here’s a simple, three-step method I’ve taught thousands of people in my seminars: I call it the Detect, Deflect,
Reflect Method to Find Your Interpersonal No.
Step 1: Detect. Becoming Aware. The first step in developing this Power Habit is to Detect. That means simply becoming aware that someone is asking you to do something. Let’s say you get an email from someone asking for your help on a particular project. This is what’s called a REQUEST. The word REQUEST comes from a Latin word meaning “to seek again.” When someone makes a request of you, the person is SEEKING something from you. So the first step is to simply Become Aware that someone is seeking something from you.
Step 2: The next step is to Deflect. What does that mean? The basic idea is to break down the person’s request into exactly what he or she wants from you. “What is it exactly that you are asking me to do?” Picture somebody standing in front of you asking you to do something. The first thing you do is Detect; you SEE the request coming at you, like an arrow shooting toward you. Then, you Deflect the arrow. Imagine that arrow making a U-turn right in front of you. It doesn’t hit you, but it turns around and goes right back to the other
How to Deflect the Arrow
There are many ways you can Deflect the arrow. You can Deflect by asking that person something like this:
“Tell me more about what you’re asking. Help me understand exactly what you’re looking for.” In this step, you become like Detective Columbo — that famous TV detective who solved every mystery by asking lots of
questions that everyone else thought were too unimportant or dumb to ask. When you ask the questions that no one else is asking, you Deflect the arrow by uncovering what’s beneath the person’s request.
Bottom line: Highly successful people ask questions that most people are afraid to ask!
Once you’ve turned the arrow around in the Deflect step…
Step 3: The final step in the trilogy is to Reflect. This is where you go beneath the person’s request and discover what’s really going on.
Reflect: The Synergy Habit.
When you say no when you mean no, instead of saying yes when you mean no, you’re not only doing yourself a favor, you’re also doing the other person a favor. Why? Because you will not only have protected your time,
your most precious resource, you’ve also protected your relationship with that other person. Have you ever said yes when you meant no and ended up resenting the other person?
Remember the Four Modes of Human Communication I taught you in
chapter 3? Here’s where you’re going to put them into daily practice, using
my Core 4 Formula.
You’re going to commit to spending one minute reading your new,
empowering Afformations every morning. Starting immediately, every
morning, you’re going to pick up this book and read for one minute.
After you’ve read this book (or one of my other books in this series) for
one minute, next you’re going to spend one minute writing your new,
empowering Afformations following the process I taught you in chapter 3.
After the Writing Phase, you’re going to speak your new Afformations
out loud for one minute. Yes, you’re actually going to say your new
Afformations out loud following the same process I taught you.
The final phase of my Core 4 Formula is to spend one minute listening to
your new Afformations. To get started, get my free 60-Second Stress Buster
iAfform® Audio at www.iAfform.com.
Whether you’ve had a specialized morning routine for a while or this is
something new for you, there are many benefits of doing my Core 4
Formula. These benefits include:
Reduced stress
Increased creativity
Getting in touch with your intuition
Becoming a better communicator
Releasing negative thoughts
Accessing your inner wisdom
So how do you start doing this if you’ve never done anything like it
before? Here are eleven additional tips to help you get started!
Tip #1: The process of doing my Core 4 Formula is as simple as it
sounds. You’re simply going to commit to yourself and the Universe that
you’re going to do all four phases of my Core 4 Formula every morning.
Why do we have to do them in the morning? Here are five reasons why:
Reason #1: When you’re reading, writing, speaking, and listening in the
morning, your brain is fresh and ready for new ideas.
Reason #2: Following this process in the morning is the best way to free
your mind of negative thoughts before they have a chance to take root.
Reason #3: You will be able to act on your ideas much more effectively
before the crush of daily events pushes your ideas out of your head.
Reason #4: Unlike the rest of the day, mornings are an easier time to
think clearly and put your thoughts on the written page.
Reason #5: During this private time, you won’t be interrupted, so you’re
free to read, write, speak, and listen to whatever you want.
Tip #2: Create a routine around this practice so you can avoid distractions
the abundance of the Universe.
No matter what you do, don’t be discouraged; you’ll be happier and more
productive when you have a consistent Core 4 practice. And it will improve
your mental health as well.
Tip #3: The process of reading, writing, speaking, and listening every
day will enable you to tap into your inner wisdom, which will help you to
find creative solutions to your problems. It’s also a wonderful way to start
the day because it allows you to express yourself and learn about what you
want that you may have buried deep inside.
Tip #4: Adopting the Core 4 Formula is also an excellent way to get out
of a rut and feel refreshed. For instance, if you’re feeling stuck or unsure
about anything in your life, it’s one of the easiest ways to unblock, and it’s
an enjoyable practice to keep up with.
Tip #5: The Core 4 Formula is a fast and easy way to clear your mind.
Whether you think you’re creative or not, this time will allow you to focus
on your creative side and release any stress you may be carrying.
It’s a perfect way to relax, unwind, and start your day. The best thing to
do is find the time to do these four simple things. You’ll be surprised at how
much you’ll achieve by committing and doing this every day.
As you commit to doing your own Core 4 practice, you’ll be surprised to
see how it begins to change your life. You’ll discover new insights and feel
more alive!
Whether you think you’re creative or not, this time will allow you to focus
on your creative side and release any stress you may be carrying.
It’s a perfect way to relax, unwind, and start your day. The best thing to
do is find the time to do these four simple things. You’ll be surprised at how
much you’ll achieve by committing and doing this every day.
As you commit to doing your own Core 4 practice, you’ll be surprised to
see how it begins to change your life. You’ll discover new insights and feel
more alive!
Whether you think you’re creative or not, following your Core 4 practice
will quickly improve your overall well-being. You’ll be amazed at how
much you can accomplish.
Tip #6: It’s important to have a consistent schedule and stick with it. As
simple as it sounds, doing your Core 4 will become one of your favorite
new daily habits—one you won’t want to live without!
Tip #7: Remember that you’re not doing this to impress anyone else. The
intention is to read, write, speak, and listen so you clear your mind and
access the abundance of the Universe.
No matter what you do, don’t be discouraged; you’ll be happier and more
productive when you have a consistent Core 4 practice. And it will improve your mental health as well.
Tip #8: Keeping a MillionaireTip #8: Keeping a Millionaire Afformations Journal can improve your
life and help you get more done. Besides being one of the best ways to
express yourself and your feelings, you’ll also find that you can minimize
your morning distractions.
Tip #9: In addition to boosting your confidence, you’ll be able to express
your fears, your plans, and your dreams. Regardless of your goals, you’ll be
able to achieve them a lot faster and easier when you follow my Core 4
Tip #10: Begin this new daily practice starting immediately. Start first
thing tomorrow because it’s free, easy, and has many benefits. And did I
mention—it’s free?
Tip #11: Sounding perfect isn’t the goal—doing it is! Remember, this is
just for you, which means nobody needs to see it except you. For example,
here’s an actual excerpt from one of my Core 4 writing journals:
11:38 a.m. Well, it’s still morning. I spent this morning vacuuming and
cleaning, and blowing leaves. I have to get some noise-canceling earphones
because my ears hurt after all that blowing. I have sensitive ears anyway.
Why am I enough?
Do you see what I did? I simply write about what’s going on in my life at
the time, then write Afformations to continue re-wiring my brain with even
more empowering beliefs.
Yep, that’s all there is to it. Simple? Yes, incredibly simple. Easy? Not necessarily.
FREE pocaste off Amazon
Noah St. John’s Money Mindset and Marketing Mastery
Noah St. John, How To Get Rid Of Your Head Trash PODCAST
I recommend when listening to this track above to sneak in some of your own Afformations, like:-
Why am I so very wealthy; Why I am so extremly healthy and fit; Why does good gluck and abundance flow to consistently every day; Why do I always attract loving relationships; Why is my spiritual growth snowballing
Just make up your own with what YOU want to manifest whilst in this relaxed medative state