Soul Braids, Walk Ins and the Lifeforce
This is the final entry of a two-part series where we look briefly at the difference between the Body, the Soul, and how things are not always what they appear to be.
Soul Braids
As noted in a previous entry, a body can share two or more Souls. These are called Soul Braids.
What is interesting is that very few people will be able to tell which Soul is which, even though they may have distinct personalities and energies.
When this type of situation is misunderstood, it can lead to real psychological problems. Medication is not going to fix it. It will simply make things worse.
(Western Medicine does not understand the connection between Body and Soul. Hence, they will never be effective healers, but that’s another topic.)
There are two solutions to deal with a Soul Braid that I am aware of.
Work together as a team, which can be extremely beneficial.
Find the additional Souls their own bodies.
If given a choice, I would always go with the first option. The second requires one to have spare bodies handy that belong to them on a Soul level.
That tends to be rare. (Though I have had success using that particular solution.)
While a Soul or entity might make use of a Soulless body, there are plenty of cases where the current occupant of the body either decides to leave (generally, because they no longer wish to be here) or is talked into leaving.
I’ve met some Walk-Ins who have bragged about how they whispered into the thoughts of the Soul that was inhabiting a body about leaving; until they finally did.
I have much distain for such beings. Most of the ones I’ve come across act like jerks.
The main benefit of using a body with a Soul appears to be that there is already an infrastructure that is in place. There is already a life, resources, friends, family and so on. This means that they can leech off the work of the Soul they replaced.
They can also access the memories stored in the brain, though there is a tendency to confuse them with their own.
Change in Personality
The point of this entry is to make people aware that we are not our bodies. So many claim to love someone, but they don’t even seem to notice when the Soul leaves, or worse, when another Soul enters.
But, if you are aware, then it’s not hard to identify exactly when this happens.
Their personality and energy tend to change. They also even look different, with subtle but noticeable shifts in their faces.
When people think someone has changed, there’s a good chance it’s because they literally have.
I cannot stress just how important this information is for this World to know.
Bodies That Leave Souls
When a body starts to age, or the Soul becomes weary, there is a tendency to leave that body. (There are other reasons this may occur, but it’s beyond the scope of these entries to go into them at this point of time.)
The body becomes mostly Soulless, with just enough of the personality still left to keep it running. Personalities can become imprinted on a body and part of its matrix.
The Soul may still jump back into the body from time to time, and it will appear that, for those who are confused or vague, some days are better than others. You will see this with dementia patients, the very sick, and the elderly.
When the body is Soulless, it becomes more vulnerable to disease, illness, and is way more likely to die.
Extra Protection
This is an important point to note because, with the current coronavirus outbreak, it is the Soulless bodies that are most likely to be affected and die.
It is the Soul’s Lifeforce energy that helps protect the body and bolsters the immune system.
It provides that extra layer of protection that lets us fight off maladies and helps us to recover.
Lifeforce energy won’t make you immune (such beings would be special cases), but it does go a long way to protect you.
This is one of the reasons why the elderly and sick are mostly succumbing to COVID-19. It may well be due to the Soul having mostly left the body, or the Lifeforce being almost depleted.
It’s not the only reason, but it does account for a good number of bodies.
If a healthy person does die, there’s a good chance it was a Soulless body.
Despite what we are taught, death is never random. It may appear to be that way but believe me when I say that it’s not.
Maybe some can take comfort in that.
Same Soul, Different Body
Another thing that people can take comfort in is that once a Soul leaves a body, it can decide to enter a new one.
That means, if someone you hold dear has passed on, you may meet them again, in this lifetime. It will just be in a new body.
As time is an illusion, and you can choose your point of entry when passing through the 4D, the Soul may choose an earlier time to incarnate, allowing it to be closer in age to their loved ones.
You will recognize them, and sometimes even remark how much they remind you of that person.
We may not remember who we were (and this is by design), but we will always have the knowing, that pull, that feeling that we have known someone all our lives, even though we have just met them.
This holds true for pets and animal companions. They can (and often do) return to you in new, healthier bodies, to continue their journey with you.
In Conclusion
Soulless bodies do make up a good proportion of the population. This is not a good thing as they can be used in destructive and negative ways.
Remember, a body is akin to a vehicle. The driver is akin to the Soul. Some bodies (like some current cars) are on automatic, giving the illusion of being occupied.
When something feels different with a person you feel you know well, it’s generally because it is.
Do not confuse the Soul with the body. They are never the same thing.
You are a Soul.
You have a body.
It allows us to experience what we normally cannot in our Lightbody.
Use it well.
Interview With a Soul Braid
Soul Braid
A Soul Braid (also known as Walk-Alongs) is where two or more Souls will share the same body. Misunderstood, it may be mistaken for a Multiple Personality Disorder. (MPD) or what is currently referred to as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). In this entry, I interview a Soul Braid about what it’s like and how they learned to cope with the situation.
When I was younger, I would often think that it would have been handy if I had someone take control of my body so I could take a day off and rest. Of course, I never imagined such a thing was possible.
If you have two or more Souls in your body and you can work together with them, then it most certainly is a possibility.
Those who have read my autobiography, I am The Phoenix, may remember that I had a similar situation where I allowed a spirit to sometimes use my body. While I never lost control, I could certainly feel her influences.
It was quite surreal.
I later discovered that this was the goddess Sophia, who was also a Phoenix. It all ended abruptly, and I found myself missing the companionship.
I do know genuine cases where two Souls are sharing the same body. Dealing with them both has been a very unique experience; I consider myself privileged and fortunate to have been exposed to such an encounter with a Soul Braid.
I thought that it might be useful to interview this person in the hope that it may help others who find themselves in a similar situation and have no clue what to do.
For the purposes of privacy for this particular Soul Braid, I have changed the names of those involved.
The Main Soul I will call River and the Walk-Along will be referred to as Mona.
Personality Disorder?
Gary: How do you know it’s not a personality disorder?
River: I was 14, 15 or something like that. So, my girlfriend at the time had a personality. It would come out every so often. Over time, her personality took over and it was not in a good way. It was very destructive. It would get her into trouble ‘cause it was stupid.
Mona was taking note, cause she could see everything and thought: Oh, this bitch be dumb. I’m not going to do any of that.
So, she made sure to hide, and she would come out every so often because she was encouraged by my girlfriend’s personality at the time. So, they would come out and wreak havoc together.
Long story short, she thought: “If my girlfriend’s personality would start coming out, then I don’t see why I can’t.“
So, she started coming out more. Forcibly coming out, and I didn’t like it.
I was like: “You’re going to get us in trouble.”
I was under the impression she was just a personality, so I said: “We can work together, or I can just get rid of you.“
She said: “Okay, fine. We’ll work together and share.”
So, that’s when she decided that pretending to be me was better and more safe. This way, we didn’t get into any trouble.
Not A Figment
So, about ‘95 is when Mona started coming “out” out. Then at the end of ’96, she decided that maybe coming out wasn’t the best idea because my girlfriend started getting in trouble because she was doing shit and she ended up having to go to a Psychiatrist.
Mona said: “Oh! Stuff this!” Because Mona’s not stupid.
Me and Mona decided that I had just created her, and that was all there was to it.
Then, tale end of junior year comes, and we hung out in this teacher’s room. And he could see shit, and I had no idea. He would stare at me sometimes and he would especially stare when Mona was out. Finally, he called me into his office and says: He wants to talk to me real quick.
Then he says: “I don’t want to talk to you, I want to talk to the other one.”
And we’re just like: “Oh, shit!”
And that was when we figured out that maybe she was not a figment. Maybe there was something more.
He said that when he was looking into my eyes, it was different when looking into hers. He said he could look deeper, and he said that there [were] two different things that he saw.
Mona tried to trick him all the time, but he could see auras so he could see the difference. He could always tell when she was out, and she would do the best job to try and trick him into thinking it was me.
Counselor Troi
Gary: When you were talking to her, was it like a voice coming back to you?
River: Yes. She actually sounds a lot like Counselor Troi [from Star Trek – The Next Generation]. Let’s just say that you’re in your house, and you’re in the same room; and she’s just talking to you from the other room.
Gary: What is it like having another Soul in your body?
River: I don’t know. I don’t know the difference.
Gary: Does it feel like an inbuilt companion? That you never really feel alone?
River: That’s a really good question. There were times when Mona went missing, and I didn’t like it. Didn’t like it at all.
How Everything Works
Gary: How does the swap over occur?
River: It took a while because you have to control everything. Figure out how everything works. It’s so innate that you inhabit the body that you don’t understand the intricacies of how it actually works. So, because Mona was not active all the time, or paying attention; it took her longer to understand how to move the body and how to inhabit it.
It’s kind of like waking up from a deep sleep and you have to feel where everything is, that’s how it feels for her.
Gary: So, when Mona takes over, where do you go? Are you still there?
River: There’s like this nook we go into, I guess. You know, like in the hockey they have this little box? It’s kind of like that, but more cozy.
It will be like I’ve gone to sleep, and then I’ll have full memory; as long as she gives it to me.
Gary: So, she can withhold her memory if she wants to.
River: She can. But if she does, it’s usually for a good reason.
Gary: If you wanted to, could you probe that memory to get back what is there?
River: Technically, I could override it, but I pretty much trust her.
Gary: It must be weird having memory lapses where you lose a couple of hours here and there.
River: It’s not real typical for there to be lapses because we have access to the same things.
Gary: So, it’s like a database?
River: Yes, but the database wasn’t always this complete. For her to understand that she was aware and here, it took her a while.
Gary: Can you stop her from taking over your body?
River: Yes, but she can automatically override if she wants to. It depends on the situation. If I really don’t want her to, she can’t. But, I’m lazy.
Share the Body
Gary: Can she stop you from taking back your body?
River: No.
Gary: Do others notice when you swap bodies?
River: No…. [laughs]….. Although, some people will make a comment like: How are you today? You seem a little off.
Gary: Can you share the body at the same time?
River: Yes.
Gary: What’s that like?
River: It used to be overwhelming, but now it’s a lot easier. Sometimes we’ll co-pilot; so, she’ll control and I’ll control sometimes.
Once, I controlled one side and she controlled the other. That is not happening again! It was confusing.
Pocket Reality
Gary: Can you ever see a visual representation of her?
River: Sometimes, yeah. Sometimes she’s in the nook when she’s observing; but most of the time, she’s in her little reality pocket.
Usually, most of the time, she’s talking to me from her little pocket reality.
Gary: So, it must come in handy having a backup Soul in the body.
River: It is. Especially when you’re really tired. It’s taxing on the body; but at the same time, it’s not too bad.
Gary: Do you ever find that if you want a day off work, do you get her to do the job?
River: Yeah, definitely. But, that’s mean. That’s like abusing the system.
Gary: Any advice you would give to people in the same situation?
River: In the beginning, Mona and I didn’t know that she was around and I was around. So, just establishing that you’re both around is a really big step.
Also, establish a good rapport and communication and just figure out how to work together. And it makes the biggest difference.
Gary: Thank you.
In Conclusion
I’m not suggesting for a moment that anyone try and share their body with another Soul. I don’t think it’s a wise idea and could end badly.
However, if you happen to be in a situation where you are experiencing a Soul Braid, or you feel that you have more than one personality in there that is not you; then learning to work together might be the key to a happier and productive incarnation.
In conclusion, even though this may seem like an unusual situation, I suspect it’s not as rare as we might believe.
Marilyn Harper - Adironnda
Marilyn Harper is the architect and originator of the Channeler's Method and another energy healing modality that she refers to as Holographic Healing. The Channeler's Method is an online step-by-step approach that teaches you how you can access your own divine information. Holographic Healing is a form of remote viewing that she specializes in for identifying and targeting physical ailments through intention and energy healing.
Both methods are a result of Marilyn's own awakening that happened following her walk-in experience.
Now, her walk-in experience was quite dramatic. She went into the operating theater as one person and came out as someone completely different. It took several years for her to integrate this experience and then realize a divine plan was unfolding.
In 1998, she realized she had the energy-healing ability to see into people's bodies. She was able to sense areas of imbalance, and then she could align them back into balance again. In 1999, is when she began channeling Adironnda and the Council of Light, and it was through the channeling that she was able to incorporate the techniques into Holographic Healing.
This then allowed Marilyn the ability to teach others that they, too, can channel healing energy. So today, she offers both Holographic Healing and the Channeler's Method, among other programs that she and her business partner, Joeaux Robey, have developed.
Soul Braids or Walk-Alongs
Souls are individuations of the Divine Cosmic Intelligence and are therefore multidimensional. It may be hard for some to fathom that humans have counterparts that exist in other planes and realms of consciousness where there is peaceful cooperation among all beings of light. In this century, we are seeing a lot of changes on Earth, as well as in our experience as humans. One of those changes is the incoming of multidimensional aspects of our souls. These are called “soul braids” or “walk-alongs” in which the energy of an additional soul joins the Earth mission but the original personality/soul does not leave. Instead, the two souls integrate. There may be name changes as a result. There are certainly physical, emotional, and cognitive changes. Sometimes companion souls move in and out of the body as needed. One will hold the body while the other takes care of matters in another dimension or level of vibrational consciousness, and then swap places or peacefully cohabitate and collaborate on a project for which both souls are needed.
There are times when an aspect of a soul will come to aid the embodied portion of the soul by offering special skills. I experienced this when writing Shifting into Purer Consciousness ~ Integrating Spiritual Transformation with the Human Experience. I was draped by a higher aspect of my soul from the eighth or ninth dimension. I felt this energy around me for twelve consecutive days and enjoyed a time of bliss like no other I had experienced prior. Even after the “high” left, I recognized an empowerment throughout the writing, editing, and publishing process. That aspect of my soul was integrated by the time the book was published.
During times of soul braiding, a person can become very intense and focused on accomplishing their divine purpose. To help facilitate this mission, they may exhibit healing abilities, keen psychic sensitivity (empathy), strong and accurate intuition, and other spiritual gifts.
Soul braids can be formed in any number of combinations. Sometimes a soul braid is an oversoul merge in which a higher aspect of the same soul will download into the body and become part of a life experience, either temporarily or lifelong. Before I knew what a soul braid was, I referred to this experience as a changing of my spirit guides. I seem to feel, sense, and hear my guidance differently when this occurs.
An oversoul is a future self or higher frequency (think of musical or vibrational octaves) that is purer in consciousness and free of the polarity that characterizes three-dimensional life on Earth. When someone is said to be living in the third dimension, it means they are operating from the lower three chakras and have no concept of their multi-dimensional aspects.
There are cases when two or more souls may share a body, or its electromagnetic field, for a season or a lifetime. Entities, which are both detrimental and beneficial soul aspects, can attach themselves to the body or aura of an incarnated soul. When a person is abused, a soul can fragment to allow other aspects of their personality to come in and help deal with the stress. Thus, it makes sense that dissociative experiences are part of a spiritual journey rather than a mental or emotional disorder.
When two or more enlightened or evolved souls share a body or auric space, there is the kind of cooperation, peace, and harmony that we humans experience when working on a project as a team of qualified professionals. By the same token, there are cases in which we see lower aspects of a soul attached to and influencing an embodied soul. We want to avoid this and free ourselves of the potential for this to occur. When we forgive others, we heal wounds and close the portals that allow such contamination. I believe this is why Jesus’s primary teachings were about forgiveness and love. These entity attachments are the kind he “cast out” of the people to whom he ministered. Like the Christ, we raise our vibration by focusing on joy and bliss and by recognizing our oneness with God and All That Is—even these lower aspects of our souls. When we “cast them out” we are actually integrating them or putting them into their proper perspective by not allowing them to rule and reign over our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Then, the higher avatar self takes the wheel and calls the shots.
In the new world level of consciousness, the personality (ego or duality) and all the holographic aspects of the soul are reunited, and all chakras are blended into one unified field or column of light. This is known as the zero-point field or the trinity form.
Body and Soul: The Soulless
What are Soulless bodies?
For those who are long time readers of this blog, they will know that I’ve dealt with a few that have either been forced into human bodies or are sharing a human body.
Our bodies and our Soul are two very different things. Most just don’t realize it.
This is a subject that I feel needs closer attention, as it affects everyone on this Earth.
It’s important because, in spite what most seem to believe, we are not our body.
This is Part One of a two-part series where we look briefly into what this means.
Hard To Tell Between The Two
The body is a vehicle that contains us. It’s a masterpiece of evolution, and at times, some genetic manipulation.
On that point, both Creationists and Evolutionists are right, though both parties only have part of the story. (Wouldn’t it be amazing if they worked together instead of insisting their way must be the only way?)
The problem here is that the Body and Soul are so well integrated that it makes it very hard to tell which is which. It’s very difficult to tell when one starts and the other ends.
You Are A Soul
This leads to the situation where people talk about having a Soul, as though it’s a possession that they carry around with them.
They don’t have a Soul. They are a Soul.
That is, of course, assuming they believe in Souls in the first place.
Because the body contains the Soul (or more accurately, the Soul envelops the body, as technically, there is really only one Soul), people will tend to confuse which one is which.
This is like confusing a car with the driver.
When the body dies, and people grieve for it, it’s like mourning the car.
Of course, there are those who treat their car like a family member, but you hopefully get the point.
There are several scenarios that should be noted here.
A body may be Soulless.
This means that it literally has no Soul. It may act as though it does, but it may either be pre-programmed responses, which is how Omen used to control his bodies, (especially when he was away from them) or part of a hive mind.
A hive mind means that there is an overarching entity that any body under its control responds to.
The entity might be a spirit, a Soul in the Astral Levels, or maybe even a controlling group or council.
All that are part of a hive mind will act in a similar manner. They will have similar looks, agendas and even personality traits.
You can easily tell if a body is Soulless by the empty look in its eyes. If they seem like black pits, or have no energy so to speak; then you are in all probability looking at a Soulless body.
It is our Soul’s Lifeforce energy that gives us that spark that others see when they look into our eyes.
Our eyes truly are the window to the Soul. People can see us looking out from there.
From what I can tell, about one third of the bodies on the planet right now are Soulless.
You might be asking, what would be the point? Why would a body have no Soul?
The Reasons
The answer is deceptively simple; though also hard to believe for many.
Bodies are considered commodities.
They have many uses for those in the Astral.
For example, a Spirit or Soul can walk into a body when there is a job that needs to be done. It may be something as simple as sending an email to someone (which Omen would show examples of from time to time), or as complex as helping a person to get through a difficult period in their life.
There are as many reasons to use a body as there are Soulless bodies on this World. Some will be beneficial to us, and some will be quite malevolent. (Such as the ones being used for mass shootings.)
For those who may be wondering, I am not a Walk-In. I am quite firmly entrenched into this current body!
The Silver Cord
On that point, if you have been born into a body, you will also own the “Soul Rights” to it. That means no one can take it over or remove you from it without your permission.
It’s also why some have a spiritual umbilical cord (or silver cord) and some don’t.
That’s the bind that ties you to your body, and also gives you a way back to it should you ever get lost in the Astral levels. (Easier to do than you might think!)
A Walk-In does not have that cord.
If you are prone to sudden and spontaneous out of body experiences, it may well be due to the lack of such a cord.
The exception is Transmigration, where you shift one earthly body for another. The silver cord is cut and then reconnected in the new body.
In Part two, we will look at Soul Braids, Walk-Ins and why some bodies become Soulless.