What is Clairsentience? What is this Psychic Power? Clairsentience is the psychic gift of clear feeling. For those who have been wondering about "What is Clairsentience", it is not always totally plain to you immediately that you have this gift
Those who are strongly intuitive may also be clairsentient, as the gift has many similar attributes. Both are psychic abilities and both have links to the sacral chakra. Psychometry is when you actually touch something and sense it, while clairsentience is generally when you "feel" vibrations within you. When you work to develop your intuition you may also find that there is an elevation in your overall psychic gifts. Often you feel this in your stomach and so it is similar in nature to intuition. Each individual will be aware of how they usually react to the world, and those who are emotionally sensitive may find that they have the gift of clairsentience. This gift often becomes stronger after you have started some sort of spiritual development or healing work. By participating in any sort of psychic development classes, you may become more aware of how you "feel" about a certain thing.
As your spirit guides begin to contact you, sometimes you will feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. There is often a strong feeling within you that there is a need to pay attention.
Sometimes when your guides contact you, you will feel a prickling of your skin or a feeling like when hair is lightly brushed over your skin. It can be unnerving at the beginning, but stay with it. Once you put your awareness onto what you are feeling, you will know that you are receiving some type of psychic communication, via your feelings, from the spiritual realm.
· Works by using an object to allow the reader to dip into the quantum soup and pull out information.
· Works best with something well used or well worn to allow maximum energetic infusion!
· Cleanse anything that you wear or use a lot when you do this
· Place objects in the left hand to receive information, in the right hand to input manifestations, cosmic orders and affirmations.
Psychometry is a psychic ability in which a person can sense or "read" the history of an object by touching it. Such a person can receive impressions from an object by holding it in his/her hands or, perhaps, touching it to the forehead. Such impressions can be perceived as images, sounds, smells, tastes - even emotions.
Psychometry is a form of scrying - a psychic way of "seeing" something that is not ordinarily seeable. Some people can scry using a crystal ball, black glass or even the surface of water. With psychometry, this extraordinary vision is available through touch. For example, a person who has psychometric abilities - a psychometrist - can hold an antique glove and be able to tell something about the history of that glove, about the person who owned it, about the experiences that person had while in the possession of that glove. The psychic may be able to sense what the person was like, what they did and even how they died. Perhaps most important, the psychic can sense how the person felt - the emotions of the person at a particular time. Emotions especially, it seems, are most strongly "recorded" in the object. The psychic may not be able to do this with all objects at all times and, as with all psychic abilities, accuracy can vary, but the ability is available to the psychic.
Psychometry - How to See the Past in Objects
How to do Psychometry part 1.01
Psychometry A Fun Way To Increase Your Clairsentience Is To Practice Psychometry. Psychometry is learning about objects through touch by reading the energy on them. It’s a great way (and was my favourite way) to learn how to develop psychic abilities.
Follow these simple steps: 1. Ask someone to bring you a few small objects that you can practice with. 2. It’s good in the beginning if the objects are small enough to fit in your hands. Jewellry and keys are great, as metal holds energy well. A piece of jewellry that has been worn a lot (such as a wedding ring) will have more energy on it than something that is rarely used. In some of the criminal investigations I’ve worked on, we’ve also used clothing that was unwashed. Honestly though, especially if you are just starting out learning how to develop psychic abilities, a small metal object will be best. 3. Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths. Rub your hands together a few times to get the energy moving. You may feel a tingling sensation in your hands. 4. Take the object in your hands and close your eyes. Continue to relax and start to take note of how your body feels. Do you feel anything? See or hear anything? If not, it’s OK, there’s no right or wrong here. If you feel stuck, try asking yourself some questions such as: · Does this object belong to a man or a woman? · Is the owner of this object happy or sad? · Does this person have any children? · What kind of work does this person do? 5. Write down everything you see, hear, feel, even if it seems silly. Don’t filter anything. The point of this exercise is to get you used to receiving energetic impressions. If you are working with a partner, share your impressions with him or her. 6. When you are done, ask the person who gave you the object for feedback. Ask if they can validate the things you felt, saw, or heard.
DEVELOP YOUR POWERS OF PSYCHOMETRY You want a clean energetic slate or acquire anything that has previously belonged to someone else. Use salt water for washing or expose to moonlight. Keep a diary to chart your progress and note words, images, colours or sensations you receive. Psychometry is a psychic skill that enables someone to pick up information from an inanimate object. People doing psychometry readings can accurately describe someone’s characteristics, physical appearance or things that have happened to them just by holding something along the lines of a well-worn watch or favourite necklace of theirs.
The use of psychometry goes back as far as the use of any psychic skill, but more recently a greater understanding of the nature of the universe revealed by quantum physics has given us a better way of explaining exactly what’s at work. Psychometry is possible because everything in the universe is composed of atoms that don’t stay put. Every single particle in the universe is constantly on the move. It might sound very new age but it’s actually a scientific observation to say that the energy in anything is constantly mingling with everything else. That means that if you wear something every day, it becomes infused with you and explains why you might find keeping something worn by a loved one close when they’re away so comforting!
It’s that infusion of an individual into a well used or worn item that would be soaked up by a reader during a psychometry reading. Holding an object can also set an intention or act as a magical ritual, enabling us to sift and sort information about the owner from the vast web of universal energy. Any object can be used in psychometry but you’ll most commonly see people reading from very personal items of jewellery, such as watches or necklaces. These become infused with a lot of energy because they tend to be worn a great deal. Stones with rings are also really good to use because the stones amplify the energetic signals – especially crystals. Interestingly, many watches are kept accurate by crystal technology, making quartz crystal watches great for psychometry!
When choosing an object for psychometry, it’s more important to choose something based on wear or use rather than actual ownership as the notion of belonging is an idea of ours that isn’t recognised by atom exchange. That’s why it’s also best to thoroughly cleanse the energetic slate of anything you feel needs refreshing for any reason or that is second hand to remove any unwanted energy. You can do this either by washing it in salt water bath or, if that’s impractical, leaving it where it can be exposed to moonlight.
Like any other psychic skill, psychometry can be developed. When you’re doing a reading, hold the object in your left hand and see what impressions you can pick up. You might get words, names, images, sensations or colours. Developing an extensive symbolic vocabulary can be really useful. For example, you might pick up the colour yellow, which can signify a person who lacks spontaneity and might nurture secret prejudices about anyone who appears different to the norm.
When you start out, you can begin by working with something that you own and keep a diary of your impressions and what you notice about your corresponding emotional states before you start practicing on others. When you’re feeling more confident, you can throw a psychometry party where you get together with a few friends and each bring an object belonging to someone else. Swap objects and see how many pieces of accurate information each person can jot down.
Perhaps the most important thing to understand about psychometry is that as it’s essentially based on an exchange of information. That exchange is two way and can be used to your advantage. It means that you can take something of your own, cleanse it and then, holding it in your right hand, work with any affirmations, cosmic orders or manifestation visualisations you are using. This will charge the object up with whatever it is you most want to attract into your life!
Further resources http://www.micheleknight.com/articles/psychic/psychic-ability/develop-your-powers-of-psychometry/ http://astateofmind.eu/2010/04/02/5-steps-to-read-an-object-with-psychometry/