Here's another great way to broaden your abilities, that you can practice with one, or several people. Telepathy means that you’re “feeling at a distance”, and is the transfer of thoughts, feelings, or images directly from one person’s mind to another’s. In general, it’s easier to send and receive emotions than it is thoughts. Emotions are the most direct experience people have with you don’t have in-person communication. When someone loves you, for example. you can feel the force of his or her emotion from across the room or across the country. Picking up the energy of emotions is familiar to everyone. When practicing telepathy, two things will make it more effective. First, link the thought you want to send with both an image and a strong emotion. Second, make an energy-link with the person you’re connecting with before you send the communication. As with any skill, practice makes perfect. Practicing with a friend or group of friends on a regular basis will dramatically improve your ability. When working with groups of people, remember to keep energy filters in place so that you don’t inadvertently take on someone's thought forms or projections.
The Celtic Cross meditation is an excellent filter for this type of work. The more focused your mind is when you practice, the more your abilities will improve, but try to avoid using willpower to send your message. The force of will can be perceived by the other person’s body as aggression and cause him or her to subconsciously block your connection. It’s best to connect with love and send your information along the energy between you. You can perform this exercise with others in the same room or set it up so that everyone tunes in and meditates together at the same time from different locations. You can also try to send a message on and off throughout the day, then check in with each other in the evening to see if and when it was picked up. It’s easiest to by sending simple things like a basic shape or a primary color, or a basic playing card (or zener card like we use in our group). Using energy activation to focus your intent creates a safe connection and helps your practice.
Decide who is sending and who is receiving.
Ground, centre, and protect, and establish your boundaries.
Establish any additional protection you may want, such as The Celtic Cross meditation.
Open The Mystic Triangle meditation and activate a triangle in your third eye. (This is my all time favourite meditation, it’s very powerful.)
Imagine a bridge of light flowing from your third eye to your partner’s third eye. Feel the emotion of your connection.
If you’re sending, build the image/thought in your mind’s eye and invest it with as much emotion as you can generate. If you’re receiving, allow the bridge of light to join with your third eye and open to receive the image/message. Pay attention to what you see, feel and hear. Look for shapes, colors, and impressions.
When the communication feels ready, imagine it flying along the energy bridge you created. Say the message out loud, and imagine the sound traveling with the image along the bridge.
When the message reaches the triangle in the other person’s third eye, imagine it waiting patiently outside to be received.
Try not to force any part of this. Just focus your mind, feel the connection, and let the image be shared as part of the connection you feel.
When you feel the natural link begin to dissipate, let the bridge dissolve and write down what you experienced.
Close the activations.
Ground, centre, and establish your boundaries.