This will work as a booster for every field, binaural beats, affirmation audios you are listening to and will increase their power, no matter the channel you choose to. We included boosting your energy sensitivity, so for example if you go to massage, reiki or something else to feel it right away.
This has a NICE side effect - all people are energy so in your daily life you will feel more what other people feel and even if you have a soulmate, your connection will get better as you will have more sensitivity. We changed most of the blocks that stop peoples results so in 2-3 days you should start to feel all these effects super strongly! ------
Maitreya Fields offers energetically programmed video clips as well as other digital and physical items with energy programming. Each video has an inbuilt energy field with a specific beneficial purpose which you can find in the description. When you view or listen to the video it transfers the information that was coded into it into your auric field. The fields are designed to affect your conscious mind, your subconscious beliefs, ancestral memories and programs as well as information coming from other lifetimes and dimensions, that is not appropriate for you now.
The field will replace all wrong beliefs with the highest understanding of the issue. You may experience effects right away, but for full and long lasting effects you may need to listen to the audio daily for several weeks. The energy programming is done by Maitreya using only the pure Divine energy of the Creator. May you be blessed abundantly and may your manifestations happen fast and for your highest good!
Your DNA contains the master plan of the Divine capabilities for your life and your purpose on Earth. With 36 Strand DNA Activation, you will be empowered to realize your highest potential as a divine being by unlocking yourself to all dimensions of the universe; with deeper levels of understanding after this activation. Light travels through every cell in your body.
The light of the 36 strand activation will bring forth irrefutable clearing of your genetic blueprint and the welcoming energies will also clear karma manifested physically through your inherited bloodline. This light will flow through your physical, psychological, emotional, and behavioral composition, re-coding and clearing the memory of your genetic characteristics straight down the ancestral line.
This activation will also remove any dysfunctional traits and your DNA is re-coded to clear the negative genetic patterning. Living cells containing DNA produce their own electromagnetic activity. Our physical body is already Light, it will now vibrate at a higher level after your 36 Strand DNA Activation. 36 Strand DNA Activation Includes: – Removal of genetic dis-ease blueprint – Removal of the genetic blueprint of dysfunction – Removal of the genetic blueprint of fears that have placed limitations on your growth and development – Removal of genetic blueprint inhibiting prosperity and abundance
Benefits of 36 Strand Activation:
• Loving and more compassionate relationships
• Accelerated growth and development
• Awakening to your true spiritual destiny
• Stronger Immune System
• Lucid dreaming
• Accelerated manifestation
• Accelerated healing, detoxification & purification
• New creativity and talents surfacing
• Expanded memory • Increased brain capacity
Some people will say that the most effective way to get the things you want is to believe you already have them. This is especially common in the Law of Attraction. But it can be difficult to pretend you have the things you want, when you don’t yet have them. This is where this field comes in to help.
With this booster, you will become hyper-vigilant and perceptive to all the results and positive things/results that you have already manifested or acquired. You will start to see all the positive effects and results of your fields, beliefs, thoughts.
By increasing your perception of all the positive things you are manifesting, you will then start to attract more of the same - this creates a domino effect of manifestation and getting faster results. This field will also increase your gratitude for all the things you already have.
By noticing all the things you have manifested/acquired, and feeling gratitude for those things, while also having the belief that everything you want is already on its way to you - you will increase the speed and results of all your fields, affirmations, thoughts, and beliefs. (This field has protection from negative thoughts)
This field is created to put you in “the flow” state and remove obstacles that don’t serve your evolution. Use this when you need some help and support from higher realms.
This audio is programmed to connect you to the fifth dimension energies. One could say this shift is like a massive update to your entire operating system. It’s like upgrading from Human Consciousness 3.0 to Galactic Consciousness 12.0. The shift bringings humanity into the Aquarian age of being one unified harmonious world working together in peace. Every individual has to change and release all their trauma, fears, etc. as they are illusional and transfer their consciousness to 5D Earth that works with love to each other.
This audio will help you exactly with that. As your consciousness get higher and you are filled with tremendous love and joy, illusions of Maya/Matrix will start to fade one by one.
Signs that you’re entering the 5th Dimension:
1. Daily life will be bubbling more often with feelings of great joy, lightness, love and wonder.
2. Heavy negative issues you’re carrying will release easier and move through you more quickly.
3. You will physically experience the world as being more beautiful with your senses.
4. Time will feel fluid, eternal and illusory.
5. You’ll constantly have unexplainable synchronistic experiences and “miraculous” manifestations will happen regularly.
6. You will know and feel divinely guided by something higher than your own mind/imagination.
7. You can access the miraculous powers of your true multi-dimensional body.
This audio will be uploaded in gumroad for free, so you can download it as mp3 without to harm quality. Also there will be x3 times boosted: You can use headphones and speakers. We recommend speakers so it can affect your whole body /subconsciousness mind/.
Stop overthinking—and start living “Because we feel vulnerable about the future, we keep trying to solve problems in our head.” We charged this video with a lot of unconditional love from the Creator so you can feel first of all that you are loved and in a safe place.
All repeatable thoughts most of the time are not even ours, but they come from other people in our surroundings as bad through forms that attach to our energy body/aura. When you have "bad thoughts" it just means that you are out of alignment with your true self. Don't judge yourself, don't attach to these thoughts.
You are way more than that and all throughs can be changed! You can use headphones and speakers.
We recommend speakers so it can affect your whole body /subconsciousness mind/. 2-3 times listening per day should be enough. You can listen it again when you feel the need.
CBD is an extremely versatile compound The list of its health benefits seems to have no end, and scientists continue to prove that every month with new studies pointing out to CBD as a potential aid in a variety of health problems. Cannabidiol has taken the world of wellness by storm.
Even if you don’t know a jack about cannabis, you’ve probably come across different CBD products in places like food stores, fitness studios, organic markets, and vape shops. Natural compounds called cannabinoids found in the hemp plant such as CBD stimulate the body’s endocannabinoid system, a complex network of cannabis-like chemicals and receptors that regulates activity such as sleep, appetite, pain and mood.
Sometimes though, the body doesn’t produce enough of its own endocannabinoids and this inner harmony is lost. Plant cannabinoids naturally found in hemp can support the endocannabinoid system and be a useful addition to your wellness routine.
CBD oil can help with anxiety and PTSD, sleep and depression, feeling relaxed after hard day, give pain relief sense
This audio is programmed to change your aura for around 24 hours like you are wearing a magical cloak. People will see in you, THEIR BEST perception of beauty in your body, mind and soul. Your aura will help them to extract and see all good qualities for themselves and see you as an amazing and beautiful person.
This will help with attraction to many people around you. They will want your attention, make you compliments, etc.. :)
This audio is programmed for womens. It will create magnificent radiation that others will feel around you. It affects your inner world and also the outer world - your auric field.Others will "smell" your magnificent radiation as this field is filled with confidence, unconditional love and magnetism.
People will love to be around you, to talk with you, and will watch you with eyes of love.This will be reflected from your inner world as it affects your mood and well-being. 2-3 times listening per day should be enough.
This field will remove all subconscious sabotaging beliefs that are hindering you from success in all areas of your life. Self esteem, self love, self confidence, work, friendship, love life and many other will fall away as they are not serving you anymore. You will start to feel limitless (which is true 100%) and act in life with pure consciousness and authenticity. Listen with speakers 2-3 times a day.
Most of the people know what they want, but they are afraid of taking full responsibility and making actions… so they never try to catch their dreams. This field will remove the fear from responsibility and will boost your system to take actions constantly. It will work to make you free from your insecurities and overthinking.
Many people do manifestations, wishes, rituals and all other stuff, but the truth is that when your chance comes – you have to take action. This is the last piece of the puzzle so you can make physical changes in your reality.
Seriers are made in a way you can change inside and then outside income will come naturally. Field removes energy blocks and subconsciousness beliefs that are sabotaging you.
Beware: If you have any problems with the nervous system or you are empathic and can't handle other people's emotions / or situations in your life/ - don't use that it will make your life harder. You need to have a stable emotional and mental state to develop these abilities without harming yourself.
The term “clairvoyance” is French in origin and comes from the combination of two ancient terms meaning “clear” and “seeing” or “vision.” While it’s usually a case of someone knowing the future, clairvoyance can also mean a person who has the ability to gain information about a subject, location, or even an object.
There is usually no logical explanation for such special insight except the theory of extrasensory perception. The theory maintains that one who has a special power of “clear-sightedness” can see persons or events that are “distant”, perhaps in time (past or present) or even in space. Practicing clarivoyance is not limited to predicting the future. Those who have the gift may be able to see the future, also called precognition, or in retrocognition, which is seeing the past, They can also be able to remote-view, which is the perception of locations, circumpstances and/or events happening outside the ordinary realm of perception through the five senses.
The brain and the mind are two separate things. The brain is a biological organ, part of the human body, whereas the mind is a psychic organ, connected to the human soul. The soul and mind are connected to the Creator and the heavenly realms. The mind, which is an expression of the human soul, has an enormous influence on the brain, the nervous system, the body, and all other organs and glands.
The mind creates cognition and the feeling that you exist. The physical and energy bodies are so closely connected that they cannot function when separated from each other, although some people believe that it is possible to separate them from each other under certain circumstances (or, to be more specific, under altered states of consciousness; I.E. sleep, hypnosis, during astral travel).
The cerebrum, which is the largest part of the brain, plays the largest part in psychic ability (and, very possibly, is the only part of the brain that is used for ESP), and is located directly below the top of the skull. The surface area of the cerebrum is known as the cerebral cortex or neo-cortex, and contains billions of neurons in it. The crown chakra – one of the seven main chakras, or energy centres – is positioned over the top of the head and above the cerebrum. It is through this crown chakra that we connect to the Divine Intelligence and the higher realms. This energy, known as chi or God force, flows through the crown chakra and into the top of the head. A spiritually awakened or enlightened person can work with this energy. By using mediation and other techniques, such as tai chi or dancing, the individual can feel the energy on the top of the head. (It is described as a “warm, pleasant feeling”.)
This means that the crown chakra has opened up and that chi is flowing downward. As the energy travels downward into the brain itself, tingling sensations can be felt all over and inside the head. This is an indication that the energy has stimulated the neo-cortex, causing many neurons to “fire.” These firing neurons send electrical energy to other parts of the brain – in particular, the rest of the cerebrum.
This audio is programmed to: -
Install beliefs in the subconsciousness that it is possible to use clairvoyance, knowledge how to use it and recognition of using it (this will help a lot and shorten the time you need for practicing this skill (Yes, you need to practice it. :) -
Stimulate the neocortex and pineal gland and fill it with lots neutral energy and unconditional love -
Make your amygdala and your nervous system more sensitive
This audio is working like the previous language series. It will install the whole physics knowledge in your subconscious mind so you will start to know intuitively the answers and also you can learn it x100 times faster.
This will help a lot also with all spiritual stuff and techniques as you will feel/know better the universal laws. Enjoy!
“As you think, you vibrate. As you vibrate, you attract. Abraham-Hicks You have heard time and again that whatever you offer out into the world will return back to you, as dictated by the Law of Attraction. Like attracts like. This law of the universe says that you are responsible for your life, and can manifest change according to how you direct your thoughts and emotions. “Everything in life is vibration.” –Albert Einstein Everything in the universe is made up of molecules vibrating at different speeds.
This includes trees, bodies, rocks, animals, thoughts, and emotions. Human vibrations are composed of everything from physical matter to the way you communicate the thoughts you think. In simple terms, some molecules vibrate faster and some vibrate slower; there are higher vibrations and lower vibrations.
When you are vibrating at a higher level, you feel lighter, happier, and more at ease, whereas lower vibrations feel heavy, dark, and confused. Almost all spiritual traditions point the way toward higher realms of consciousness, and scientific studies (like that of consciousness research and spirituality author Dr. David Hawkins) have even quantified the vibrations of different states of being to create a scale of consciousness.
Added: Gratefulness, love, compassion, appreciation, beliefs for good manifestation, unconditional love, and increasing of your current vibrational state
This audio will balance your Nervous System. It's an awesome field for people who have a lot of stress and emotions they can't handle, for people who listen to a lot of fields and energy audios, for people who have diseases related to the nervous system. This field will make you chill, calm and peaceful at first listen.
Field also will help with regeneration of nerve damage and create better nerve connections in brain and spinal cord. Fatigue and inflammation will be removed if you have so if you are feeling pain, this will help instantly. Listen with speakers 2-3 times a day.
UNCONDITIONAL LOVE / Energetically Programmed Audio This video will help with any spiritual clearing, hard time, dark night of the soul and so on... Unconditional love is different from people’s perception for “real love”. We have many conditions and rules to love, but our Creator knows everything for anyone and still loves it unconditionally and that is why you are alive. Every moving being in the Universe is alive, because of the Creator’s love. You are LOVED! We are all small individual parts from a larger whole with the illusion of the Earth "programming" that we are separated from each other. This doesn't matter when you see the bigger picture.
Because you are AWAKE, the whole Universe is now working and breathing for YOU! Sun is shining for us, threes produce oxygen, crystals transfer energy through whole Earth so we can have this blessed day and to be ALIVE, to feel, to be happy, to love each other, to experience this miracle called life. Think about that and feel how much the Universe and our Creator loves you, every cell of your body, every through, every emotion… everything in you. You are WHOLE... AND LOVED, remember it.
You can use headphones and speakers. We recommend speakers so it can affect your whole body /subconsciousness mind/. You can listen it again when you feel the need.
With this video you will balance your root chakra and have better and more pleasurable life without fear and other insecurity emotions. You can read down in the description about this chakra blockages. You can use headphones and speakers. We recommend speakers so it can affect your whole body /subconsciousness mind/. 2-3 times listening per day should be enough. You can listen it again when you feel the need. Located at the base of your spine, the root chakra or muladhara is the first of your seven chakras. The Sanskrit name translates to “root support” or “base”. As the root of your being, this chakra establishes your foundation as well as your sense of security and stability.
The energy of your first chakra extends from the base of the spine downward like a root through the legs and feet. This forms your deepest connections between your physical body, environment, and Mother Earth. The root chakra embodies your relationship with the physical world. This includes your body, aspects of self, sense of security and survival, and your connection to the environment. The root chakra is related to your basic needs – your survival center.
This chakra manifests your primal and ancestral instincts, like your flight-or-fight response. As the foundation of the chakra system, the root chakra function is to respond to any issues concerning your survival such as eating, sleeping, exercising, housing, financial security, sense of safety, and stability. Providing the foundation you need to build upon, your first chakra is where you ground yourself and anchor your energy. When balanced, the root chakra allows you to harness courage, and resourcefulness, and to expand upon our ancestral instincts while keeping you grounded.
This field clears all traumas and incidents, resulting in the removal of limiting beliefs, negative subconsciousness beliefs and fears, and results in a higher, more clear awareness level, and higher level of consciousness. Clear all traumas and incidents resulting from: - physical violence against the body, severe accidents, illness - emotional trauma (harassment, embarrassment, humiliation, deprivation) - social traumas (slander, ex-communication, divorce, poverty) - spiritual/religious traumas - any form of unconsciousness (including surgery) - prenatal development incidents (incidents before birth) - ancestral line content (incidents passed on from ancestors) - witnessing (observing or experiencing murder, rape, robbery, fighting, natural disasters, terrorist attacks, etc) - picked up from other people (this is common with empaths)
For every trauma and incident, clear:
- thoughts and decisions (what decisions/postulates you made because of the incident)
- emotions and feelings (what you felt during the incident or because of the incident)
- actions and impulses to move, and your body language (during the incident)
- bodily sensations (what you physically felt during the incident, or feel after the incident as somatics)
This field has been created to neutralize heavy metals, toxins and other harmful substances in your body. It will charge and stimulate your kidneys, liver, lymphatic system and other elimination pathways to safely eliminate the toxins from your body.
No, You Are Not Going Crazy. It's Part of Ascension and The Shift. Ascension involves the acceleration of vibrational energy and the expansion of awareness which creates a shift in consciousness. When a particular life system raises its vibrational state from one energetic state of being/realm of existence to another higher one, it is ascending. This field it's not made to stop or block the symptoms you got, but to make your system more comfortable with the new energies and relief some of the "hard symptoms".
Stomach and digestive issues, IBS, gasto-intestial problems;
loss of appetite; periods of unexplained nausea.
Sudden changes in body temperatures; increased sensitivity or intolerance to heat or cold; abnormal heat and/or cold in certain body parts.
Cold or Flu-like symptoms that appear and then disappear just as suddenly without escalating.
Frequent headaches; head pressure or other unusual sensations in the crown area; warmth, tingling, pinpricks, pulsating energy.
Increase in sensitivity of smell; strange smells from time to time that seem to come out of nowhere;
Sinus and allergy issues.
Changes in vision and perception;
catching glimpses of shadows, mist or smoke, flashes of light, sparkles, colors, and swirling forms of energy.
Changes in hearing or sensitivity to sound; hearing strange sounds, tones, and frequencies in your ears; whooshing, buzzing, or ear popping/pressure.
Periods where you feel extremely cold for long periods of time or have a chill in your body, cold hands, or feet; circulation issues.
Changes in diet, appetite, and eating habits; Sudden cravings for or aversions to certain foods; Unexplainable weight gain or loss.
Can have more symptoms like those that are related to higher vibrations your bodies you are receiving.
Remember that not all of these symptoms may be due to the ascension process. Please follow your own inner guidance and consult a health care professional as needed.
This field is created to make heal and make synchronicity in the energies inside yourself. First, it will clear all the inner child traumas and dissolve the emotions from the past (you will remember it, but it won't affect you anymore in such a way). Then it will fusion the divine masculine and divine feminine inside yourself. It will boost this part of yourself which is more lethargic, so they can become in perfect balance. When all the three energies are healed and working together you can start to live better and with more power and confidence in your life. Duality is broken and you are free.
The field will make perfect balance coherence between spirit, emotions, thoughts, and your sacred body. After one-two weeks of listening you will start to feel strange, but very nice inner power in yourself that you never felt before.
The feeling is that you have the whole power and you can conquer anything you want. All this with the deepest and sweetest calmness you ever felt.
Etheric Spells and Curses Clearing - Destroy the Effects / Energetically Programmed Audio This works to destroy all the effects of (only) negative spells that don’t serve you anymore. Programming was made to clear this life and also past lifes and whole etheric body. As those spells are cleared from your energy field, if you have some bad entities in you, they will leave, cause they don’t have more with you as you don’t hold this energy anymore. You can use headphones and speakers. We recommend speakers so it can affect your whole body /subconsciousness mind/. 2-3 times listening per day should be enough. You can listen it again when you feel the need.
Emotional perfection: Emotional flaws are the unconscious driving force that holds a person down from every single aspect of life even if he is not consciously aware of it. It can impact a person more than he could even think of. It can shape one's belief system and bend one's reality. If not properly handled it can be a huge block between his success and prosperity. But what if it was possible to erase every single mental flaw imaginable? This field is for that purpose only.
This has many fields to deal with these situations perfectly. Cortisol removal: cortisol is the main element that produces anxiety. People who have higher amounts of cortisol suffer from anxiety everyday.
This field will prevent the high production of it. Neural hormone balance : Balances all hormones automatically so that you will never feel down due to hormone imbalance. Our hormone plays the main factor in our mood balancing. It balances the production of serotonin, oxytocin, GABA, Dopamine and Endorphins. As a result being depressed would be impossible since depression is simply the lack of “feel good” chemicals and since they will be balanced in all manner you can live a stress-free life.
Subconscious blockage removal: Removes all subconscious blockage which holds you back emotionally and in all other ways of your life. Fear removal and alpha mindset: Remove any unconscious fear or phobias that you are not even aware of. That could be from childhood trauma, past life and anything that is related to an event that causes fear in your mind. Also gives you strength to face them… Brainwashing:
It programs your subconscious mind in a manner that it will automatically balance all these hormones when they are out of balance even if you are not using the audio since it will program your subconscious beliefs and system in such a balanced manner.
Simply completely rewrites your ego and thought pattern. You will keep feeling good even if you do nothing…cuz one doesn’t need to do anything special to feel that way…it’s everyone’s birthright.
Showering vinegar on certain weeds will kill them yet won't infiltrate profound into the roots, applying the vinegar with a splash on a dry day is ideal. Salt will likewise go a https://weedrepublic.com/ viable approach to killing weeds however can likewise harm the dirt, forestalling development of different plants from here on out.