This audio will restore your etheric body and close all aura gaps. It will make your aura super strong. With that the field will find all projections from others in you and will remove them. The “empty space” from removing the projections will be filled with unconditional love and after that you can choose what to feel and think by yourself, not by other people's thoughts and emotions. After this clearing you will know for sure what is Yours and what is a projection from others. Field will create an energetic shield for other people's emotions and negative energy. Use this with speakers or phone. 2-3 times a day is enough,
Dopamine Receptor / Pathway Repair (Unisex) / Energetically Programmed Audio This production will heal your dopamine receptors that was damaged due to your addictions though the years. Will fully repair and upregulating the receptors involved in the dopamine reward pathway. As an added effect this field will safely boost your dopamine levels to the optimal desired level for a great healthy lifestyle.
* This field will upregulate all dopamine receptors, specifically involved in the reward, decision making and motivation pathway including prefrontal cortex, substantia nigra, nucleus accumbens and striatum. * Increasing the density and sensitivity of all DRs (from D1 to D5) to maximize dopaminergic transmission and neural growth, helping to beat any harmful addiction.
In lucid dreams, the dreamer realizes they are dreaming even as they remain asleep. Lucid dreamers are aware of the state they are in and can deliberately perform actions and control events in their dreams. Brain areas that are usually switched off during deep sleep are active in lucid dreamers.
Activated parts of the brain: dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the bilateral frontopolar prefrontal cortex, the precuneus, the inferior parietal lobules, and the supramarginal gyrus These are all brain areas related to higher cognitive functions, including attention, working memory, planning, and self-consciousness. People that are low in certain vitamins tend to have poor dream recall and not have lucid dreams at all.
This audio is programmed to restore all brain chemicals to their natural state. It can help with many conditions like ptsd , depression, obsessive–compulsive disorder addictions to alcohol, tobacco, etc. This audio is so strong that can help with constant listening even heroic addictions and to people who can't stop to take some substance!
You can use headphones and speakers. We recommend speakers so it can affect your whole body /subconsciousness mind/. You can listen it again when you feel the need.
Grounding & Earthing (balance, align, connect with the energy of the earth) - Release excess energy (resolve any energy overload, from too many fields or too much energetic sensitivity. release excess energy that is causing overload) - Integrate & Center (easily integrate all fields and energies, center yourself) - Correcting energy flow, and making energy flow downward (read more for info)
This article has to do with a peculiar quality of human beings. It is that a healthy body has an electrical charge between the head and the feet. If the charge is diminished or reversed for some reason, a person will be much less healthy. This electrical charge is due to a flow of subtle energy, or ether, or vital force that moves through extremely tiny channels that run vertically throughout the body from the head to the feet. Enhancing the downward flow of subtle energy through the body is the most powerful single method we know of to heal and develop the body.
The direction is from the head to the feet. It is the same if one is standing, sitting or lying down. For convenience, we call this direction the ‘down’ direction. The improper direction of flow (from the feet to the head) we call the ‘up’ direction.
Attract Wealth - Fast Manifestation / Energetically Programmed Audio and Activation Check out the audio with 1000 Installed Subconsciousness Beliefs and Feelings FOR ABUNDANCE AND WEALTH here:
This Energetically Programmed Audio activated the Abundance Energy into yourself through the Creator of all That Is. With a theta brainwaves included in the audio you can relax and feel the abundance energy in first minute of the audio. We have encoded the energy of some numbers, crystals and planets positive effects. Also we tap into your subconsciousness mind are remove negative beliefs that you learned about money, manifestation and abundance. You are creator and you deserve the best into your life, thats why we also programmed the audio to release some fears and feelings like guilty and shame, that stop you from getting what you want effortlessly and fast.
To raise your vibrational state we put much Uncondtinal Love from the Creator, so you can feel and see that you are loved and deserving everything for your highest and best. EXPECT MIRACLES AND FAST MANIFESTATION FAST IN 1-2 DAYS AND THINK ONLY POSITIVE THOUGHTS ABOUT YOUR WEALTH AND ABUNDANCE!
You can use headphones and speakers. We recommend speakers so it can affect your whole body /subconsciousness mind/. You can LOOP this video - Right Click on Video and then click Loop. Feel free to listen in as many times you want. Drink plenty of water for better results.
Increase Creativity and Productivity / Energy Programmed Audio The “AHA” moment is our favorite! When lightening blast your head and you know exactly what you need to do. That moment when great ideas are born and you are super happy and awakened! With this video we change your brainwaves to the brain and also the energy in your sacral chakra to boost you creativity. Also we blast you solar plexus and throat chakra so you can feel “the power” and blast your productivity! We are also removing bad beliefs like “I am not creative, I don’t have any ideas, I don’t know what to do, etc.” and change them in your subconsciousness mind with positive ones. The beliefs changed with this videos are around 30, so make sure you drink a lot of water (better before listening).
Anyone can be creative. If you just dabble in painting, you’re no less creative than the person who makes it her entire career. While creativity was pushed aside because of the Industrial Revolution, it’s making a comeback amongst millenials in the information age. You can use headphones and speakers. We recommend speakers so it can affect your whole body /subconsciousness mind/. 2-3 times listening per day should be enough. You can listen it again when you feel the need.
This audio is boosted 10x more times than super saiyan. It will increase tremendously your energy levels in all bodies, but this won’t happen from one time like a bomb in your energy system, but gently, by accumulation.The audio is also programmed to extract energy from your environment (when it is good) and if you are in a place with bad vibes to block it (shielding around you that is activated only when the environment is bad). Cells and mitochondria will extract better energy in them and also we programmed the audio to send unconditional love from the Creator.
We have also included the fields of the three treasures, which in themselves are very strong and will charge every cell of the body with energy. So you have 3 sources that will recharge you for 24 to 48 hours: 1. Environment (when it's good) 2. Neutral Creator's energy - Unconditional Love 3. Three treasures - Jing (essence) - Qi (energy) - Shen (spirit)
This will work as a booster for every field, binaural beats, affirmation audios you are listening to and will increase their power, no matter the channel you choose to. We included boosting your energy sensitivity, so for example if you go to massage, reiki or something else to feel it right away. This has a NICE side effect - all people are energy so in your daily life you will feel more what other people feel and even if you have a soulmate, your connection will get better as you will have more sensitivity. We changed most of the blocks that stop peoples results so in 2-3 days you should start to feel all these effects super strongly!
This field will increase your focus and concentration tremendously - like x500 boost. The field also includes brain synchronization which will help you a lot with using more capacity of brain and increase IQ, be more creative, get faster and smarter solutions (problem solving etc.)
Super Intelligence - Increase IQ / Energetically Programmed Audio DRD2 (learning, working memory capacity, creativity, problem solving/reasoning, general memory, attention and executive function, cognitive flexibility), people with this gene have significantly better problem-solving/creative abilities. KIBRA gene (working memory, learning, overall cognitive ability), it’s found that people with this particular genome are 24% better at learning a list of words in comparison to others that don’t, and can remember 20% more of the words. COMT GENE breaks down neurotransmitters, the sole reason this improves general fluid intelligence (long term memory, processing speed, cognitive control, non-verbal intelligence) is due to an increase in dopamine, in a study with 92 Israeli children, they found that children who had this gene variant had a 14% higher iq.
Benefits: Improved fluid intelligence (working memory capacity, information processing, reasoning abilities, creativity, pattern recognition, and general memory (long-term and short-term), Long term memory: exceptional memory recall ability, so you can easily remember content for a test, or short term memory for day to day tasks. Working memory (not really memory) is a cognitive system with a limited capacity that can hold information temporarily, so basically the ram of our brain, and is one of the most fundamental cognitive abilities (highly correlated to intelligence). Having higher working memory would mean that you are just a lot smarter. Information processing is how fast our brain responds to new or existing stimuli, this is a fundamental on how we learn new information and process that to remember it better in our long term memory, children with ADHD or Autism may experience low processing speed and hence stunt their learning potential and function in day to day tasks.
Creativity: Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others. A study showed that college students who were taught to learn creatively, ended up with better test scores, plus geniuses such as Nikola Tesla were thought to have profound levels of creativity, what use in knowledge for human advancement, if you can’t use it to create something new. Reasoning abilities: The term Thinking and Reasoning Skills is used to denote not only the well established critical thinking skills of analysis, evaluation and synthesis but also a far wider and more extensive range of thinking skills including ,problem solving , information processing and creative thinking. Without these skills you wouldn’t be able to solve hard maths problems, or using logic to derive an answer from something.
Pattern recognition: In psychology and cognitive neuroscience, pattern recognition describes cognitive, process that matches information from a stimulus with information retrieved from memory. Let’s say a few days prior to your final maths exam, and you do a practice test, then a question similar arises in the exam, you need to be able to recognise that you have already done this problem before, and how you did it. Pattern recognition is said to have the highest correlation with the so-called general intelligence factor (Kurzweil, 2012).
Cognitive flexibility: Cognitive flexibility has been described as the mental ability to switch between thinking about two different concepts, and to think about multiple concepts simultaneously. This ability to quickly adapt to new situations increases one’s brain function and resilience to stress. Listen with speakers.
This field has been created to open the Gate of Abundance in your life and fill you with energies that draw to you everything you need. Abundance is an inner state which draws everything to you effortlessly -- abundance of love, abundance of joy, happiness and compassion, abundance of finance and wealth, etc.
The field also removes subcounscious blocks that sabotage the flow of abundance and dissolved the inner resistance to wealth. It also drops the Bomb of Love to raise your vibrational state so you can create a new abundant reality with ease.
This field will make a connection between you and the crystals you have in your home. This energetical bound will transfer all the time the crystal's energy and benefits to your auric field without the need to carry them with yourself all the time. The audio effect is around 24 hours. Your sensitivity of Crystal's Kingdom can be increased tremendously and even you have a chance with this field to make a great connection with your crystals and their consciousness.
Included booster: The field will choose the crystals whose effects can be increased depending on what you need and your energy capacity at this moment. Individually it can increase X times the effects. Keep the crystals in a range of the sound of this field. You can get a mandala from the store which you can print and put near your crystals, so it won't be necessary every time to play this audio.
Vitamin B12 deficiency can result when the following occur: · People do not consume enough vitamin B12. · The body does not absorb or store enough of the vitamin. It will regenerate the small intestine absorption ability thus increasing the B12 levels in the body. Listen 2-3 times a day / speakers are better.