All spiritual traditions are united, life and we humans have emerged from the all-encompassing love of the creative divine creativity. However, today we have mostly lost the memory and the living contact to this love of the creative Divine Creativity. It is the Higher Self in us who still has this contact.
The Huna practice ( us to reactivate this contact with our Higher Self and the Creative Divine Creativity.
The Higher Self is the immortal essence in us, to which all the great geniuses and teachers of history had access.
It is also the source of great inventions, works of art, magic and miracles in our lives. From this source, we get the best hints for a meaningful and happy life through intuition.
Too little contact with the Spirit and the Higher Self has caused us to forget how we can use this inner source, and this has made us dependent on external material, often egoistic, substitute satisfactions.
Here are the steps to get back into a Living and Conscious Relationship with the Creative Divine Creativity and Your Higher Self:
The first step is to believe or recognize that we have a higher self with whom we can also talk! Then we understand something better every day that this connection will improve in us if we are diligently working with it and are paying attention to the inner growth. Without these three important prerequisites - non-egoistic self-love, faith and hope, it is difficult to achieve anything in life, even on a physical level. These three qualities are required for internal growth. Thus the goal is to get regular contact with the Higher Self. Look at this goal every day and pursue this goal vigorously until success. This is best achieved through the Inner Dialogue, which you as much as possible and as desired desired, but try at least every morning and evening this as part of your mental spiritual hygiene, to you this regular contact.
We have mostly been educated to get a materialistic worldview so that the role of mind is neglected. In order to make the living contact with the spiritual realm possible, we need our whole self - that is, our consciousness, subconsciousness, and subconsciousness, as in English; Our higher self. This changed worldview is in accordance with our goal. For important activities and goals it is necessary to follow the rules and the laws of nature so that you can get the desired results. To contact your Higher Self successfully is similar. You should know the basic rules, which have a proper understanding of the spiritual reality, in order to be successful. For this reason, Huna is looking for writings and teachers that broaden your understanding of the universe and open up the fundamental area of ​​consciousness, so that you can see behind the illusion of materialistic reality and dimension.
We have mostly been educated to get a materialistic worldview so that the role of mind is neglected.
In order to make the living contact with the spiritual realm possible, we need our whole self - that is, our consciousness, subconsciousness, and subconsciousness, as in English; Our higher self. This changed worldview is in accordance with our goal.
For important activities and goals it is necessary to follow the rules and the laws of nature so that you can get the desired results. To contact your Higher Self successfully is similar. You should know the basic rules, which have a proper understanding of the spiritual reality, in order to be successful.
For this reason, Huna is looking for writings and teachers that broaden your understanding of the universe and open up the fundamental area of ​​consciousness, so that you can see behind the illusion of materialistic reality and dimension.
Take your time regularly where you are alone for yourself. A quiet place is preferred. At this time, sit quietly with no expectations. Do absolutely nothing. This may seem unfamiliar and strange at first. Do not let go (Stay with it)! You get time and space to hear your inner voice. This will happen either during the quiet time or in the events of the day. A Synchronist event will take place, someone will tell you exactly what You need to hear (you should hear), you will suddenly have a flash of thought. All the great geniuses of history have been seeking this solitude regularly. The rest for yourself. You should also do this.
In meditation, you work to control your thoughts, to move the inner speaking choir (radio) to the still, and also the useless expectation, which always fill this place. You create a pure vessel - for the Higher Self - to fill it. Follow your breath, this is a great meditation and discipline. Like when you focus on the flow of thought as a life-flow, you can let it all pass by without sticking, or you can concentrate on a candle flame. You can also imagine a golden ball of light or light that is in your solar plexus, filling your whole body with energy and healing. There are many practices that you can use and study. And there is nothing good except it does.
Write your feelings, emotions, dreams, and insights every day in a diary or even your journal. This will help you come into close contact with your sensitive depth. Here you can ask the Higher Self, and write down later whatever you get from insights and answers. If you do this regularly and it can also be only keyword and short, you will be amazed to see what an interesting diary about your inner development arises.
Begin to create an inner dialogue with your Higher Self. Decide for the next 40 days, in regular contact also during the day with your Higher Self. Ask your Higher Self again and again for a name with which it would be addressed. Tell your Higher Self: "I know you are there and I want to listen and get to know you better. Please start talking to me and lead my life. Do not worry if the dialogue is totally one-sided at the beginning. Remember, you had no contact for decades. It takes a while to sweep the spider webs away. Just keep going with this conversation, like talking to an old friend. Speak, ask questions about your ideas, show your hopes - start listening to the answers. They will come ! And to be grateful and positive towards your Higher Self. In Huna it is recommended to send Mana - light and love.
See your life as something like a secret school to which only you yourself know. Believe that your whole life, the events, situations, and people, will appear just the way to learn exactly what you need to know right now. Go to life as if everything is designed to do you good. Whenever something happens, whether good or bad, ask yourself what your lesson is. Even unfriendly people and situations have appeared consciously to help you as a challenge in growing. When you start to see life as a drama in which you play the leading role, and even the poet who writes the drama, the role of your Higher Self in your life will become clear.
Before you go to bed, stretch and bend exercises when lying in bed, pull your muscles together and release them until you are relaxed. Ask your Higher Self a question and expect an answer. When you wake up, remember your dreams as much as you can, and write them down in your journal. If you are not accustomed to remembering dreams, it takes time and emphasis. However, with patience, you will begin to remember your dreams and will receive answers from your Higher Self.
Focus your attention on living more and more in the present, now! When you eat, be aware - that you eat when you go, be aware that you are going. The only real moment is now. The past has passed forever, and the future has not yet begun. So free yourself from your thoughts, worries, illusions and expectations.
So you can quietly solve your mental upheaval which comes mostly from the past or the speculation about the future. So you create free souls space and space for important information and that with your Higher Self.
Remember, you have not spent your whole adult life with the source to be connected. That is why it takes time to learn to restore contact. Everything that is worth something takes time and practice. Be alert and practice these steps every day and you will get the answers you need.
Remember: The Higher Self wants to be in touch with you. The fact is to talk about it as if someone is separated from his Higher Self is actually contradictory. And is an expression of the separation from the real life of your inner and outer nature in this sicking civilization. But you may notice this only later if you have the connection succeeded.
The Higher Self are YOU. The real you behind all the ego games! So start to get in touch with yourself! It is the best chance to develop yourself, free yourself and become happy it is the thing for which it is really worth living.