Orin's Spiritual Growth: Being Your Higher Self Book
Read an **excerpt **from the Spiritual Growth book. Learn to BE your higher self in your every day life. Orin offers not only his guidance, but his energy behind the words to assist you in moving into a higher state of consciousness so you can live as your higher self. These easy-to-learn processes have helped thousands accelerate their spiritual growth and live their everyday lives with more joy, harmony, peace, and love. Each section is followed by exercises and a suggested meditation to practice the principles taught in the book.
Section 1: Reaching Upward–Orin will guide you to meet, merge with and become your high self. You will learn how to create with light, connect with the Universal Mind for enhanced creativity and link with the Higher Will to know and carry out your life purpose. Becoming more aware of the inner planes, and with this awareness, move into a higher consciousness.
Section 2: Opening Inward–Orin will assist you in raising your vibration through opening your heart, increasing the love and compassion you experience for yourself and others. You can know yourself in new, more loving ways. You will explore ways to calm your emotions and open to receive your higher good. You can accelerate your spiritual growth; growing enormously in this lifetime. You will choose your reality as you look at probable futures and choose the future you want. Orin assists you in understanding and moving through the void, a time when the old is leaving but new has not yet arrived, a time that can feel like an emptiness in your life until the new has come. In Spiritual Growth, Orin gives you processes to expand and contract time, changing the way time works in your life.
Section 3: Expanding Outward–you will learn more about how to become a source of light to others and the importance of service in reaching enlightenment. You will explore how to lift the veils of illusion to see truth. Chapters include information on communicating as your higher self. You will explore how to experience more freedom as you let go of attachments. Orin offers a wonderful technique you can use to become transparent to any energy you do not want to experience. You will learn how to use these skills of non attachment, right use of will, being transparent, and communicating as your higher self to have more satisfying relationships with others.